Chapter 390
"Boom bang bang..."

But at the time when everyone in the Qianlong group was shocked and stunned.

Zhu Yan already satiated his stomach with contentment, stepped back to Wu You's side, and said respectfully:

"Master, the hateful guy who slandered me just now has been dealt with cleanly."

Saying that, Zhu Yan patted his belly triumphantly.Immediately, he glanced at the corpses of foreigners on the ground, and then he groaned angrily:
"That shameless old bastard left me with this soulless food, it's disgusting!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Yan seemed to have discovered something again, and immediately looked at the petite and lovely little girl in the field.

"Huh? Isn't this the half-demon in Xianwuling? Master, why did she appear here?"

Zhu Yan asked suspiciously.

"Yes, she is Yingning."

Wu You nodded, then looked at the little girl in front of him, and said calmly:

"As for why she appeared here, I can only ask herself."

Hearing this, the pretty and pleasant little girl in the field was startled.Then he looked at Wu You coldly, and said in a dark tone:

"Do you know the owner of my new body?"

"Well, I know, and I also like that little girl who desperately worships her mother."

Wu You said calmly, but her tone became colder and colder.

But when he finished speaking, he saw a trace of struggle in the little girl's pure eyes, which was fleeting.

"Oh? That's such a coincidence. This body with special spiritual power is the one I've been most satisfied with for a long time. I didn't expect you to know it. It's really interesting."

The little girl possessed by Ellis laughed playfully.

However, at the next moment, Ellis felt the temperature around him drop suddenly, and a frightening chill hit his heart!
"Now I give you ten seconds to get out of her immediately, or you will bear the consequences."

Immediately, an extremely indifferent voice seemed to be frozen, and suddenly sounded in the field.

Hearing the sound, Alice shivered involuntarily, and trembled uncontrollably all over.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Wu You has already started the countdown.

And at the next moment, Ellis, who had no way out, said coldly with all his might:

"If you have the ability, you can kill me now, but I have to tell you in advance.

As long as I die, the original owner of this body will also die!
But if you will spare my life today, I swear to the Wizard God.I will never hurt her a single bit, and I will return it to you intact in the end, how about it? "

However, Wu You turned a deaf ear to his words, still counting down the seconds.

"Seven, six, five..."

Seeing this, Ellis suddenly lost his soul.

Only now did he realize that he had no room to bargain when facing a cruel person who didn't play cards according to common sense and didn't take any threats in his eyes at all.

It is very possible that this Mr. Wu in front of him will really let that brown giant ape kill himself and this little girl together!
Thinking of this, Alice was terrified.

"Four, three, two..."

And just when Wu You was about to count to one hour.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, a gray-black skeleton phantom suddenly rose above the head of the little girl in the field!
Then it turned into a gray light, and flew out desperately, desperately trying to escape from this place.

"Where to run!"

Zhu Yan suddenly let out a roar, and then reached out to grab the gray light.

However, that tiny blurred light actually shuttled through Zhu Yan's huge palm and went straight into the sky!
And at this moment, a proud voice suddenly came out of the gray light:

"Hahaha, that stinky monkey with all its brute strength still wants to catch the president, it's really overestimated!"

Immediately, that gray light has come to the sky.

Suddenly, it turned into a thin phantom like a skeleton!
Two balls of green and creepy will-o'-the-wisps in their eyes looked down on the field angrily, and the so-called Mr. Wu said extremely coldly:
"Today, the president admits to being defeated, but don't be complacent, I will repay today's revenge double!
Huaxia kid, we will meet again later! "

After all, Alice grinned grinningly in the sky, and then wanted to fly away.

And at this moment, purple awns suddenly burst out from under Ellis!
In an instant, the whole world seemed to be dyed purple.


A sword cry, like an ancient dragon, suddenly resounded through the world.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Alice couldn't help being extremely shocked, and then looked down dumbfounded.

But I saw a supreme sword shadow shining with deep purple light, like a dragon coming from the east with purple energy, sweeping across the void with majestic momentum.

Finally, it stopped in front of Mr. Wu and turned into a huge purple sword!
At this moment, it's not just Alice in the sky.

Everyone in the ruins of the villa was also awed by the sudden and deep purple giant sword, and everyone had incredible expressions on their faces.

"Then, is that a sword? How can it still fly?"

Zhang Hai immediately opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"Yeah, that sword is amazing."

Looking at the amazing purple giant sword, Sun Ying couldn't help agreeing.

"Could it be, is this the magic weapon used by the ancient warriors in the legend? It's really incredible!"

Xing Weizhou was stunned and exclaimed.

At this time, Alice looked down at the purple giant sword, his eyes filled with unprecedented horror.

At the next moment, I saw that purple giant sword suddenly soaring into the sky!

With a monstrous momentum, he slashed towards him fiercely!

Seeing this, Ellis was frightened out of his wits.

Then it turned into a gray light again, desperately trying to escape from this place.

However, its speed is not as fast as that purple giant sword.

And just when Ellis was desperate.

But he saw that the huge purple sword that was approaching could barely pass by him and went straight into the sky.

Seeing this, Alice couldn't help but startled, and then was overjoyed.

It seems that this purple giant swordsman has a false appearance, but he is not accurate enough to touch himself at all.

Thinking of this, Ellis breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at the next moment, a beam of light suddenly descended from the sky!

It just happened to shine on Alice's blurred spirit body.


Suddenly, Alice let out a miserable howl.

Immediately, he dodged forward reflexively, avoiding that beam of light.

"This, how is this possible? It's cloudy now, how can there be sunshine?"

Alice looked up at the sky in horror.

But what happened next was something he would never forget!
(End of this chapter)

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