I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 39 The dark tide is surging

Chapter 39 The dark tide is surging
Everyone in the field heard the words, and their eyes were all focused on the past.

I saw a young man in casual clothes walking out of the crowd with his hands behind his back, but it was Wu You.

"You'er, you don't have to show up, just watch the show behind. Grandpa Duan is here, I'll see who dares to touch you."

Duan Shuping looked at Wu You beside him, his eyes were full of love.

Seeing his grandfather protecting Wu You so much, Duan Shengchao couldn't help feeling resentful.As the grandson of Duan's parents, no matter how hard he works, he is still inferior to an outsider in Duan Shuping's eyes.

And this troublemaker surnamed Wu, not only did not bring any benefits to the Duan family, but even brought so much trouble to the Duan family, but Duan Shuping still loved him very much.

All this really chilled Duan Shengchao, and at the same time hated Wu You even more.

"Grandpa Duan, don't worry, I really don't pay attention to these guys."

Wu You smiled lightly, then turned to look at the warriors in the courtyard, and said lightly, "What do you want?"

"Are you that Wu You?"

Qi Hongxun narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked through gritted teeth.

"it's me."

Wu You nodded.

"Dad, it's him, this bastard who suddenly attacked us at Lan Yue Xuan yesterday for no reason, and then ran away.

Dad, all the seniors must be the masters for us! "

Qi Tingting pointed at Wu You in the distance, tears streaming down her face.But I was secretly proud of myself, aren't you awesome, I see how you can pretend to be cold after your bones and tendons are broken!
"This kid is too despicable and shameless. He dare not face the challenge head-on. He only uses some tricks."

"Isn't it? Otherwise, how could we be hurt by him, seniors must severely punish this kind of martial arts scum!"

"Yeah, let the seniors be the masters for us..."

The young warriors who surrounded and beat Wu You last night, but were hanged and beaten, covered their bloated faces one by one, and spoke out to condemn Wu You.But no one dared to stand up and challenge Wu You.

Seeing that Wu You became the target of public criticism, Wu Xian couldn't help gloating.With so many warrior families present, I think you are doomed today. This is what you will end up fighting with me for the young master of the Wu family!
At this time, Wu Jing saw that the situation had developed to such an uncontrollable point that it seemed that even the Patriarch of the Duan family could hardly restrain the anger of those warriors.

Wu Jing looked at Wu You with a look of despair.

"Okay, okay, you finally dare to show your face."

Qi Hongxun stared at Wu You coldly with an exasperated smile, and said cruelly at the corner of his mouth: "As an elder, I will not bully you, now kneel on the ground and apologize to the warriors behind me who were hurt by you.

As much as you slapped them yesterday, you will slap yourself back ten times today.If they feel dispirited, I will have a lot of adults waiting, and I will forgive you this time, otherwise you will be prepared to lie in bed for the rest of your life! "

The light warriors who were beaten all showed smug smiles when they heard the words, pointing at Wu You and ridiculing them one by one.

"Kneel down, you scum!"

"Hey, if we're in a good mood, maybe we can save a few slaps."

"This is the fate of offending me, Jingxian Warrior World..."

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Wu family present was glad that they didn't hurt themselves, and couldn't help but sweat for Wu You.

Although he is no longer from the Wu family, at any rate, he had some relationship with him before, so it would be pitiful if he was beaten and disabled like this.

Standing behind Wu You, Wu Mingming persuaded in a low voice: "Tolerating a moment of calm is better than being unable to get out of bed for a lifetime. You are still young, don't be too hard on yourself, just let them go."

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on Wu You, waiting for his answer.

"What if I refuse."

Wu You said calmly.


Qi Hongxun snorted coldly, and said ferociously, "Then I will smash your bones and tendons right now, and then let those warriors who have been humiliated by you personally fan them until they are satisfied!"


Duan Shuping, who couldn't bear it anymore, flew into a rage and said:

"You fucking dare to try. Believe it or not, a phone call from me will make you, a family of bullshit warriors, have no place in Jingxian forever!"

Hearing this, all the warriors in the audience were shocked and frightened.No one would doubt whether the former No. [-] Jing Xian had this ability.

"Duan Shuping, don't bully people too much!"

Qi Hongxun immediately became angry, and then said in a cold voice: "Do you think that Jing Xian is still the world of you alone? Don't forget that now the Liu family is the real overlord of Jing Xian. And you are already old!"

At this moment, Lin Shihong, the big steward of the Liu family, stood outside the crowd and watched coldly.Suddenly he stepped into the arena and stood beside Qi Hongxun side by side.

He didn't say anything, just stroked his little glasses, and looked at Duan Shuping proudly.

Seeing this, there is no reason why everyone doesn't understand.By doing this, Lin Shihong publicly expressed the Liu family's attitude and would stand on the side of the warrior family.

Seeing this, all the warriors immediately became elated, and looked at Wu You with colder eyes, let's see who can save you this time!
Qi Hongxun nodded gratefully to Lin Shihong beside him, and then looked at Duan Shuping triumphantly.With the support of the Liu family, who cares about your Duan family!
Seeing this, Duan Jianliang who was behind Duan Shuping said in a low voice: "Father, this matter is of great importance, and it needs a long-term plan."

"That's right, Grandpa, we can't make enemies with so many people just because of that kid..."

"Shut up for me!"

Duan Shuping, who angrily interrupted Duan Shengchao's words, looked coldly at Qi Hongxun and the others, and the aura of the superiors for a long time suddenly broke out.

"A group of mobs dare to act presumptuously in front of this old man, and they don't want to see if they are qualified!"

Everyone present was shocked by his power for a moment, and they didn't dare to say another word.

Seeing that Duan Shuping was determined to protect Wu You, even at the expense of making enemies with so many wealthy families, some warriors also retreated.

In the final analysis, this matter is not trivial, and I also learned the truth of what happened last night from my own children.The reason why he still came to the Wu family today was partly because he wanted to extort some money from the Wu family, and partly because he wanted to give Qi Hongxun face.

But now Wu You is no longer from the Wu family, so even beating him up won't do any good.Moreover, Qi Hongxun's face was not so great that it caused all the warrior families to fall into the battle situation.

Thinking of this, the warriors all hesitated.

But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the gate of the Wu family.

"Boss Duan is so courageous, they don't have the qualifications, so do I?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked back.

I saw a mighty middle-aged man in a military uniform striding towards the door.

Behind him, a young man in a wheelchair was pushed and followed.

But it was Xu Junchen!

(End of this chapter)

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