I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 40 Ancient Martial Arts Sect

Chapter 40 Ancient Martial Arts Sect
"Xu Yaohui?"

Seeing the person coming, Duan Shuping's eyes flashed brightly, and his face showed a trace of prudence.

This Xu Yaohui is a big boss in the Jingxian Military Region, holding a lot of power, and his own strength should not be underestimated.

If Duan Shuping was in power back then, he would not have taken him seriously.But now that he is old and retired, even though he still had a huge network back then, if Xu Yaohui intervened forcefully, there would probably be a lot of resistance.

Qi Hongxun, who was already helpless in the arena, was overjoyed when he saw Xu Yaohui coming, and rushed to meet him.

"Brother Xu, you came at the right time. You have to make decisions for us common people. This passage is really bullying."

As he spoke, he pointed to his daughter behind him and said, "Look at how Tingting is injured, and all the young talents in my Jingxian warrior world were plotted against by that Wu You, you have to give us Do justice."

Listening to Qi Hongxun's complaints and looking at Qi Tingting who was sobbing beside him, Xu Yaohui couldn't help frowning.

This is his future in-laws, it's really disgusting to be bullied by outsiders like this.Xu Yaohui, who was already full of anger, became even more furious.

"I know all this. I just brought Junchen here from the hospital."

As he spoke, he looked up at Duan Shuping and others in front of the main hall, and said in a deep voice pointingly: "No matter who is present today, you must give me an explanation!"

Seeing Xu Yaohui's attitude, the martial masters who originally wanted to back down knew that today's matter was already a difficult one.They simply stopped being entangled, and stepped forward to say hello to Xu.

Seeing Xu Yaohui surrounded by martial artists, everyone in front of the main hall immediately felt that Wu You was really doomed this time.

No matter how much Duan Shuping defended him, he might not be able to do what he wanted in the face of the triple pressure from the aristocratic family, wealthy family and the military.

"Old Duan, don't come here unharmed."

Xu Yaohui came close and stopped, and cupped his hands towards Duan Shuping.

"Stop talking nonsense, Xu Yaohui, are you here to stand out for these guys?"

Duan Shuping said coldly with no expression.

"Mr. Duan speaks with joy. To be honest, I am here today not only for them, but also for my son to seek an explanation."

After Xu Yaohui finished speaking, he pointed to Xu Junchen, who was sitting in a wheelchair behind him with a pale face, and said righteously: "Last night, Junchen invited that kid surnamed Wu to the banquet with good intentions, but I never expected that kid to attack maliciously during the banquet. My son was seriously injured.

Today, I come here as a father to seek justice from the Wu family for my son.But see how Mr. Duan defends this son, so please give me an explanation today, otherwise I will never give up on this matter! "

After listening to Xu Yaohui's words filled with righteous indignation, everyone looked at the indifferent Wu You in the field, and couldn't help feeling that this child's character was really unbearable.

"You're talking nonsense! You'er was raised by this old man, so I don't know what kind of person he is?
Even if he really hurt your son, it's your son's fault! "

Duan Shuping said dismissively.

"Okay, okay, you have to blame yourself!"

Xu Yaohui sneered all of a sudden, and turned into anger from embarrassment: "Duan Shuping, you can ignore me, but now Junchen is an outer disciple of the ancient Martial Dao Sect.

Even if I don't pursue this matter, the Ancient Martial Arts Sect will not easily let this villain who bullied his disciples go easily! "

Hearing the words "Ancient Martial Daozong", the audience was in an uproar, and everyone showed awe.

Ancient Martial Dao Sect, the oldest mysterious sect in China, is rumored to be the birthplace of modern ancient warriors, and has a pivotal position in the entire China.

His disciples are spread all over the north and south of the river, and their strengths are at the peak. Most of them are big figures with all-hands-eyes, and they are in charge of one side.

But to show respect, secular people dare not call him by his name directly, and generally use "that place" to allude to the ancient martial arts sect.Only his disciples or people of great status would call him by his first name.

"Ancient Martial Dao Sect."

Even Duan Shuping was startled when he heard the name, and his face became serious for the first time.

The more prestigious a person like him is, the more he understands the horror of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, which is a huge force hidden behind the entire China.Anyone who dares to provoke him will suffer his crazy revenge.

"Grandpa Duan, take a break first, let me handle this trivial matter by myself."

Wu You beside Duan Shuping smiled lightly, and asked Xu Yaohui calmly: "I am Wu You who injured your son, how do you want to ask for an explanation?"

Hearing this, Xu Yaohui's blood surged immediately, he resisted the urge to strike, and said coldly: "Okay, one person does things and one person is responsible, you can stand up for yourself, I am not the kind of person who will not forgive others.

You kicked me yesterday, so today I will pay you back, and the matter will be canceled from now on, it's as simple as that. "

Seeing that Xu Yaohui said it easily, but the warriors present were secretly shocked.

This Xu Yaohui was born as a martial artist, and he is a real powerhouse.Is his kick just for fun, it is very likely that Wu You will be kicked to death!
Xu Junchen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, stared at Wu You, with a sinister smile on his pale face.The dog dared to hurt me, and even wanted to rob my brother's woman, I want to see how you die today!
Qi Tingting, who was by Xu Junchen's side, also showed a smile of relief on her bruised cheeks.When Uncle Xu gets rid of Han Shuangyue's boyfriend, I really want to see what kind of expression that girl of heaven will have. It must be very exciting.

Qi Hongxun stared coldly at Wu You in the field, thinking of his tragic ending later, the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up slowly.This is what happens when you offend me, Jingxian Warrior World, even Duan Shuping can't protect you!

Seeing the warriors in the courtyard, they looked at Wu You as if they were dead.The people in front of the main hall didn't understand, what Xu Yaohui said was easy, but he was already hiding murderous intentions.

Everyone in the Wu family looked at the young man in the field with pity. It seemed that there was no room for change this time, and Wu You was completely in a desperate situation.

"Wu You don't promise him."

Seeing this, Wu Jing was so anxious that she turned around and asked Duan Shuping, "Grandpa Duan, please save Wu You."

Duan Shuping looked at Wu You, and said in a deep voice: "You'er, you don't have to pay attention to him, with Grandpa Duan here, he only dares to show his tongue."

"Don't worry, Grandpa Duan, he's not worthy of my attention."

Saying that, Wu You walked forward calmly, smiled at Xu Yaohui and said, "I promise you, but I have agreed in advance that I will not be responsible for any consequences."

Seeing that Wu You agreed to himself so happily, Xu Yaohui laughed, and said with a hint of cruelty at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, if you have courage, then I will help you!"

After all, under the horrified eyes of everyone.

Xu Yaohui stomped his foot on the ground, and with an afterimage, he rushed towards Wu You at full speed!

(End of this chapter)

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