Chapter 399

Seeing that Si Jinyan became emotional again, the three people who were about to leave in the living room stopped again.

"Jin Yan, don't be sad, Xiao Ning will be fine."

Lin Shuwen hurried forward to comfort her best friend who had played with her since she was a child.

"Yes, Jinyan, don't be sad, we will definitely help you find that little girl."

Jia Zhiming also stepped forward and said earnestly.

At this time, Zhao Weigang, who had been arrested by Jia Zhiming for several days, finally said impatiently:

"I have something to do and I'll go first."

Then he walked straight to the door.

Seeing this, Jia Zhiming's eyes flashed a cold look.

There are poor ghosts who have no one to support them, so shameless!
Let's wait and see, let's see how you, a fellow from the orphanage, will live in the academy without scholarship next month!
Thinking of this, the corners of Jia Zhiming's mouth could not help but curl up into a contemptuous sneer, which was fleeting.

And just after Zhao Weigang opened the door.




Four black Hummers with their license plates covered suddenly galloped out of the rain.




At the next moment, four Hummers lined up and stopped in front of the two-story building.

Immediately, more than a dozen strong men in black suits and hoods filed down from the car.

With an overwhelming evil spirit, he walked towards the small building in front of him in a mighty manner.

Seeing this battle, Jia Zhiming and Lin Shuwen who were standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows couldn't help being shocked and extremely suspicious.

Even Si Jinyan, who was in grief, was taken aback when she saw this.On the haggard face, there was a hint of incomprehension.


Seeing this group of masked guys, it seems that the visitors are not good.Zhao Wei just knocked on the door and locked it.

"Then, who are those people? What are they doing at our house in the rain?"

The middle-aged woman in the living room panicked.

And right now.

"Boom bang bang..."

A loud knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Open the door, open the door! We are from the Qianlong team, open the door quickly!"

Hearing this arrogant shout, everyone in the living room couldn't help being stunned.

Qianlong group?How did they come here?

"It's so late, what do you want to do? Do you have any documents?"

Lin Shuwen asked hesitantly through the door.

"What the hell is talking so much nonsense, if you don't open the door again, don't blame us for being rude!"

An impatient scolding suddenly sounded outside the door.

Hearing this, everyone in the venue was startled and felt even more uneasy.

Immediately, Si Jinyan temporarily put away her sadness, and said in a cold voice:
"You are not from Qianlong team at all, leave my house now, or I will call the police!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden silence outside the door.

And just when Si Jinyan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.


With a loud noise, the door of the small building was kicked open!

Immediately, more than a dozen fierce masked men rushed in.

Seeing this, everyone in the living room was terrified and retreated reflexively.

"You, who are you guys? How dare you break into a private house, is there any law for you!"

Jia Zhiming shouted sternly.

"Wang Fa? My mother is Wang Fa!"

Immediately, a leading masked man stepped forward proudly and glanced at everyone in the field.

Then he looked at the beautiful woman in the field, and said coldly without any doubt:

"You are Miss Si, right? Someone wants to see you, come with me!"

Hearing this, Jia Zhiming and others were shocked.

Unexpectedly, this group of arrogant and domineering masked people came to look for Si Jinyan.

"You, why are you looking for my daughter? I warn you to leave my house quickly. I have already called the police, and the police will be here soon!"

The middle-aged woman stood in front of Si Jinyan suddenly, and said tremblingly.

Hearing this, the masked man in the lead suddenly snorted coldly.Then he lifted his foot and kicked it on the wooden sofa next to him.


With a crisp sound, the sofa made of solid wood suddenly broke, and sawdust flew!
Seeing this scene, Jia Zhiming and others couldn't help but gasp.

This, this person has great strength!

"Dark force warrior?"

Standing aside, Zhao Weigang's eyes froze for a moment, and Fang Zheng's face suddenly showed a look of vigilance.

"Whoever dares to talk nonsense again, this is his fate!"

The masked man shouted angrily, then glared at Si Jinyan, and threatened in a cold voice:
"You'd better follow us honestly now, don't force me to do it!"

As soon as these words came out, Si Jinyan and the others in the living room couldn't help but feel palpitations, as if falling into an ice cave.

Seeing that this is a great opportunity for the hero to save the beauty, Jia Zhiming immediately swallowed his saliva and boldly said:

"I, my dad is the mayor of the DC District of LZ City. I advise you to leave here quickly, otherwise, otherwise, there will be no good end!"

Hearing these words, the masked people in the field couldn't help but frown, as if they were a little scrupulous.

Seeing this, Jia Zhiming's eyes lit up immediately.It seems that my family background can really shock these guys!

Immediately, he became more courageous, looked up and said proudly:

"As long as you leave now, I guarantee that the past will not be blamed..."

However, before he finished speaking, a piece of broken wood suddenly flew towards him!


With a muffled sound, Jia Zhiming, who was hit on the bridge of the nose, immediately fell on his head.

Two nosebleeds spurted out suddenly...

"Ah! Killing, killing, help..."

All of a sudden, Jia Zhiming covered his nose and cried out in pain on the ground.

"Little bastard, don't you understand what I just said, let your mother talk more!"

The masked man who kicked out the block suddenly gave a cold snort of disdain.

Seeing this scene, Si Jinyan and the others became even more uneasy and turned pale.

Unexpectedly, these guys are so vicious, it is really terrifying.

And at the next moment, the leading masked man ordered coldly:
"Don't waste time, let me resist that little girl. Whoever dares to stand in the way, let him go!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of masked men around responded to the sound, and rushed towards Si Jinyan and the others with a savage aura.

Seeing this, everyone in the field was horrified.

"Wait a minute, I'll just go with you, don't hurt others!"

Si Jinyan stepped out suddenly.

"Jin Yan, come back soon!"

"Don't go, they are not good people!"

The middle-aged woman and Lin Shuwen exclaimed immediately.

However, Si Jinyan turned a deaf ear and walked forward without hesitation.

"Hehe, it's still Miss Si who knows the current affairs, so please."

The leading masked man turned sideways and smiled playfully.

The other masked people around also sneered at this moment.

The task this time is too simple, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

And just when everyone thought that Si Jinyan was doomed.

A deep voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Before I get angry, you guys, get out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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