I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 400 Zhao Weigang

Chapter 400 Zhao Weigang

Hearing these abrupt words, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, and then turned their heads to look.

The person who spoke was the tall, square-faced young man who had remained silent all this time.

For a moment, Si Jinyan and the others in the field showed astonishment.

No one expected that Zhao Weigang, who was usually honest and friendly in the academy, would step forward at this moment, it was really unexpected.

"Little bastard, who the hell are you letting go!"

The masked man at the head immediately asked angrily.

"Let you bastards go!"

Zhao Weigang said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, all the masked people in the audience immediately opened their eyes wide and became furious!
"Boy, who the hell are you calling trash? Believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

"You self-righteous guy, don't think that you can do whatever you want when you grow up big. I can crush you to death with one finger!"

"Today is really unlucky, why do we keep meeting such a self-confident guy. The brat in the afternoon was not enough, and now there is another one..."

For a while, the sound of shouting and cursing in the field was endless.

"Zhao Weigang, are you crazy? Hurry up and apologize to all the bosses!"

Jia Zhiming, who was lying on the ground trembling with fear, saw that those vicious masked men were about to leave.But at this time, "Cheng Yaojin" suddenly appeared.

What if I really annoyed those evil spirits and hurt myself?
As the son of the district mayor and the chairman of the student union, he has a bright future ahead.How could he be in such a ghostly place with these ordinary people!

Thinking of this, Jia Zhiming suddenly felt an unknown fire in his chest.

Immediately, he quickly stood up in embarrassment, and desperately said to the masked people around him:
"Everyone, calm down, I have nothing to do with them, I am really innocent.

You can take away that surnamed Si, I have no objection. "

Hearing this, Lin Shuwen raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes.

She really didn't expect Jia Zhiming, who usually looks like a gentleman, to be such a selfish guy, it's really disgusting!
Fortunately, I still deliberately set up a bridge between him and Si Jinyan, now that I think about it, I am really blind!
But at this moment, the masked man in the lead ignored Jia Zhiming at all.A pair of extremely cold eyes stared at the square-faced young man in the field.

Then he sneered mockingly and said: "Boy, it seems that you want to be a hero to save the beauty. It's a pity that this is reality, not acting in a movie. Now you have to pay for your stupidity!"
Come on, let me abolish him! "

Hearing this, many masked people who were already in a state of desperation rushed forward eagerly, and they were about to lie on the bed for the rest of their lives!
Seeing this, Si Jinyan and the others turned pale with shock.

On the other hand, Jia Zhiming in the field had a faint sneer of contempt.

Humph, muscular, simple-minded guy, he really deserved what he did!
In an instant, the living room was filled with a sense of evil.

And just when many masked people had come to Zhao Weigang, ready to strike.

But I saw the square-faced young man in the field, and said indifferently:

"Since that's the case, there's nothing I can do. You forced me to do this, so I won't be polite.

Copper skin, open! "

With a loud shout, Zhao Weigang's skin all over his body suddenly tightened, and a moment later, a metallic luster flashed faintly.

But at this moment, the fierce offensive of many masked men was close at hand.

"Boom bang bang..."

Immediately, a terrifying sound of punching and kicking resounded throughout the venue!

Seeing this, Si Jinyan and the others couldn't bear to look any longer, and turned their heads away with sad expressions.

Jia Zhiming, on the other hand, was just the opposite, looking at the besieged Zhao Weigang, he couldn't help sneering secretly.

"Hmph, this is what happens when you fight against me!"

The masked man at the head snorted coldly.

However, at the next moment, Zhao Weigang, who was being beaten by many people, suddenly shouted angrily:
"Damn guys, get out of here!

Iron bone, go! "

With an angry shout, under the disbelieving eyes of Si Jinyan and others.

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

The masked men of Xiong Jian, who are burly and burly, suddenly flew out with blank faces at this moment!

"Boom bang bang..."

Immediately, all the masked people fell heavily to the ground, moaning in pain...

On the other hand, Zhao Weigang in the field, after suffering so many attacks, was unscathed, which is really unbelievable!
"My God, this, how is this possible? Is he a martial arts master?"

Lin Shuwen opened her eyes wide, covered her mouth and said in disbelief.

"Yeah, that classmate is really amazing. He was able to defeat so many bad guys, it's like making a movie..."

The middle-aged woman couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"This, how is this possible? He, he is so strong?"

At this time, Jia Zhiming, seeing this unimaginable scene, was shocked beyond words.

He really didn't expect that the slave coolie who was forcefully dragged by him would be a powerful martial arts master!

And when he thought of himself all this time, he was intimidated and threatened.Jia Zhiming's heart shuddered suddenly, and he couldn't help being terrified.

Cold sweat instantly soaked his clothes...

At this moment, only the masked man who was the leader was left in the audience, who hadn't fallen down yet.

Seeing that all his subordinates were beaten to the ground, unable to move, the masked man was horrified.

Then he looked into the arena, and the figure seemed to be taller than before, a square-faced youth who seemed to be full of explosive power.

Shocked, he asked:
"You, you are also a dark warrior?"

Hearing this, Zhao Weigang nodded first, then shook his head, and said indifferently:

"Yes, I am Anjin, but I am not ordinary Anjin, so you are not my opponent.

I still say the same thing, the person who brought you, hurry up, or you will bear the consequences! "

Hearing this, the masked man's heart shuddered immediately, and his expression suddenly became dignified.

It never occurred to him that he would be able to meet a master martial artist here, which is really unlucky.

However, he scoffed at what the kid just said.

Dark energy is dark energy, there is nothing ordinary or extraordinary.

Thinking of this, the masked man suddenly sank, and stared at Zhao Weigang very coldly.

Today's task was personally assigned by the chief hall master, and he must complete it himself, and take Na Si Jinyan back.

Anyone who dares to stand in his way will have to pay the price!

"Hmph, brat who speaks so much, let's see how I treat you!"

The masked man let out an angry snort, then flew forward at top speed, and clawed at the square-faced young man viciously!

But in the face of this extremely sharp blow, Zhao Weigang did not dodge or dodge.


Immediately, there was a light sound like metal, which resounded through the audience.


All of a sudden, the masked man screamed, clutched his palm, and flew upside down...

(End of this chapter)

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