I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 44 Suppression

Chapter 44 Suppression
Seeing Wu You's eyes sweeping over him, most of the audience could not help but tremble.

Especially those warriors in the courtyard who came to trouble Wu You felt the biting chill all over their bodies, which penetrated to the marrow of their bones.

They originally thought that it was just a trivial matter to come to Wu Jiaxing to ask the teacher today.Beat and humiliate Wu Youhang, and then ask the Wu family to compensate for some losses, and the matter is over.

But never expected to end up in such a situation now, not only Qi Hongxun, who is a big brother in Jingxian's martial arts world, knelt down, but even Xu Yaohui, who had a high position and weight, was finished.

Now they are left as small trash fish, who can only be manipulated by others...

And the culprit of all this was because they provoked someone they couldn't afford.

If they had known earlier, the boy would have known the masked girl, such a formidable martial artist.Or knowing that Chu Yuntian, the leader of the Liuzhou military, respects this young man very much.

Then even if they were given 1 guts, they wouldn't dare to trouble Wu You, instead they would come to make amends...

Xu Junchen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, saw his father slumped on the ground decadently, thus ruining his official career forever. His face, which was originally pale, became even more pale as paper.

It wasn't until then that he realized how terrifying that young man he had always looked down upon was.

Qi Tingting next to her was as if she had fallen into an ice cave.Staring blankly at his proud father, he knelt on the ground and kept slapping himself.

That crisp sound made her extremely sad and regretful, and at the same time, it also let her know how discerning Han Shuangyue is, and she was really envious of others to find such a talented boyfriend.

At this moment, Xu Yaohui, who was sprawled on the ground, looked at the young man whom Chu Yuntian respected so much, and couldn't help feeling ashamed.Thinking about how I wanted to abolish this son just now, I shuddered all over my body.

At this moment, Qi Hongxun only hated himself for being too thick-skinned, why he couldn't be slapped for such a long time.In case that senior Martial Saint who was hiding in the dark was dissatisfied and crushed himself to death, he would be wronged.

Looking stealthily at the young man whom Chu Yuntian respectfully referred to as Mr. Wu, Qi Hongxun felt chills and regretted his mistakes.Blame only myself for being too unlucky, how could I provoke someone with such a terrifying background so desperately?

All the warriors in the courtyard looked at Wu You tremblingly, waiting for their final fate.

Following Wu You's gaze, Chu Yuntian looked at the warriors in the courtyard, his expression darkened instantly.

Han Jiangang on the side was shocked when he saw this.He understood very well how much Chu Yuntian valued that young man named Wu You.These short-sighted guys in the field dared to come to the door to make trouble for them, it was really a hit.

Han Jiangang, the leader of the Qianlong team who governs the order of the entire Jingxian warrior world, didn't want the matter to become too big, so he hurriedly reprimanded: "Did you guys come to trouble Mr. Wu? Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Wu." !"

Seeing that Han Jiangang, the only half-step master in the world of Jingxian warriors, said so.Of course, all the warriors were not stupid, and they all bowed and cupped their fists to apologize sincerely to Wu You.

"Mr. Wu, I'm really sorry. I'm the one who doesn't know Mount Tai. Please forgive me."

"Hey, it's all my fault for being lax in discipline and being negligent for a while, blinding the eyes of those rebellious sons last night, and coming here to offend Mr. He really deserves death."

"Isn't it? You bastards don't kowtow to Mr. Wu to admit your mistakes!"

"Yeah, why are you still standing there, kneel down!"

More than a dozen patriarchs in the warrior world rushed to ask Wu You for forgiveness.Then he reprimanded loudly behind him the young disciples who were injured by Wu You last night.

Seeing this, nearly twenty young warriors who had completely lost their backing knelt on the ground helplessly covering their swollen faces, begging Wu You for forgiveness.

"Mr. Wu is really sorry, we were the ones who were rude last night and fought desperately. Fortunately, you woke me up in time, and then I realized what it means to be beyond others. At this moment, I really want to thank Mr. for rebuilding Grace."

"Oh, it's all because we listened to the bewitching of Xu Junchen and Qi Tingting, these two bastards, and made a big mistake. We really deserve to be beaten."

"Yeah, it's all because of those two trash. Mr. Wu, we know we were wrong now. Your lord has a lot, so let us go..."

Xu Junchen, who was in the wheelchair, looked at those guys who used to call him brothers and sisters, but now turned their faces faster than turning the pages of books, and couldn't help feeling sad.

At this time, Qi Tingting had already ran to the distance with tears streaming down her face, and helped Qi Hongxun up who was covered in blood.

Qi Hongxun, who finally completed the "task", bowed to Wu You tremblingly and said, "Wu, Mr. Wu. This time it's all my fault. Please forgive us this time, my lord.

In the future, we will come to the door with a heavy gift to make amends, so as to compensate for the loss of the husband. "

After finishing speaking, Qi Tingting slapped Qi Tingting beside her with a "slap", "Nizi! Hurry up and kneel down to apologize to Mr. Wu!"

Qi Tingting, who was beaten in a daze, took a moment to react. Her legs bent and she knelt on the ground, and she said to Wu You with tears in her eyes: "Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, I won't dare again in the future, please forgive me."

For a moment, all the martial artists in the audience either bowed or knelt down, apologizing and begging for mercy.

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you go this time, and if you're going to kill me next time, get out!"

After finishing speaking, Wu You waved his hands casually, not paying attention to this group of people at all.

Hearing this, all the warriors expressed their thanks as if they had received an amnesty, and stood up one after another, leaving this place that seemed like a nightmare to them.

"And that scum in the army, take me back and wait for the court-martial trial!"

"Yes, Chief."

Hearing Chu Yuntian's order, the dozen or so young soldiers who had been displeased with Xu Yaohui's actions all saluted the old hero in their hearts.

Then he dragged Xu Yaohui, who was in a daze, and walked out. Xu Junchen, who was already sluggish in the wheelchair, was also pushed to follow.

But just as everyone was about to walk out of the Wu family gate, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Stop! That dog from the Liu family, did I let you go!"

Everyone didn't dare to take another step when they heard the words, they all turned around and looked at Wu You suspiciously.

But at this moment, a thin figure suddenly exerted all his strength and ran out of the door as if fleeing for his life.

"Xiaomeng, bring him back to me!"

When Tao Xiaomeng heard the words, without any hesitation, she rushed towards the gate with an afterimage.

After a while, Tao Xiaomeng came back swaggeringly, carrying a man in a long gown and a pair of small glasses as if he was carrying a little chicken.

Everyone looked around immediately, only to see the person in her hand.

But it was Lin Shihong, the head of the Liu family.

(End of this chapter)

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