Chapter 45
"Brother, I brought him back."

Tao Xiaomeng seemed to throw Lin Shihong in front of Wu You in order to claim credit.

"Thank you, Xiaomeng."

Wu You patted Tao Xiaomeng's head and smiled.

Lin Shihong, who fell on the ground, quickly got up, bowed his hands to Wu You, forced a smile and said, "Wu, Mr. Wu, do you still have anything to ask me?"

Wu You turned to look at Lin Shihong, squinted his eyes slightly and said: "Go back and send a letter to your second young master, saying that I will visit Liu's house in a few days, and tell him not to run around, and stay at home and wait for me!"

Lin Shihong was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes yes yes, I will definitely bring Mr. Wu's words with me, definitely."

"Okay, you can go now."

"Go away!"

After all, Wu You kicked Lin Shihong away like kicking a dog.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, Lin Shihong just rolled out of the gate of Wu's house like a football and fell on the street.But he was seriously injured and passed out, so he could only be dragged into the car by his driver and drove away.

Seeing that Wu You treated the head of the Liu family like this without regard for the face of the Liu family, everyone was terrified.

The warriors even quickened their pace, scrambling to get out of the gate of the Wu family.

At this time, all the members of the Wu family in front of the main hall watched the scene in front of them from beginning to end.The eyes couldn't help but get bigger and bigger, the heartbeat couldn't help getting faster and faster, and the breathing became short of breath.

Until the end, the Wu family felt their faces were hot, as if someone had slapped them hard.

Who would have thought that this good-for-nothing young master, whom they regarded as a scourge and could not avoid, possessed such great energy.

Not only can the masked girl who shocked the audience surrender, but also Chu Yuntian, who shocked the entire Liuzhou Province, and General Chu pay him admiration, all this is simply too unimaginable.

"Did we really do something wrong this time?"

This voice is echoing in every Wu family's heart at this moment, and it will last for a long time.

And Wu Mingzhi was dumbfounded at this time, recalling what Wu You said in the main hall when he announced that he was leaving the Wu family.

Only now did Wu Mingming finally believe that the position of Patriarch of the Wu family was really not worth mentioning in Wu You's eyes.Everything is just wishful thinking.

Wu Xian, who had already been stunned by the shock, swallowed hard, the chills kept attacking his nerves, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

He thought that he had finally won, that Wu You, who had dominated him since he was a child, won the throne of the young master of the Wu family.

But at this time he realized how stupid he was, like a frog in a well, he only saw a small piece of the world, and he was already complacent.

But Wu You has already been born as a real dragon, soaring above the vast sky, looking down on all directions.

"Is this the real you?"

Looking at Wu You's proud back, Wu Jing couldn't help muttering to herself.As if in an instant, I saw the tall figure that I had always admired since I was a child.

"Uncle, Wu You did not disappoint you, he has really grown up."

When everyone in the Wu family was having mixed feelings, Duan Jianliang at the side looked at his father Duan Shuping with great admiration, and couldn't help but be deeply impressed by his vicious eyes.

No wonder the father didn't hesitate to be an enemy of everyone, but also to protect that boy.Because he has already seen Wu You's unparalleled potential, and sooner or later he will transform into a dragon and ascend to heaven!
It seems that I am still too immature, and I tried to stop my father from doing stupid things several times. Now that I think the real stupid person is me, Duan Jianliang couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

And when he thought of his daughter, who was also engaged to Wu You, Duan Shuping's eyes lit up and his brows brightened.I can't help but think about whether to let Gu Rou come back from Kyoto now, and according to Duan Shuping's intention, make an appointment with Wu You...

Seeing Duan Jianliang's expression, Duan Shengchao knew what his father was thinking.But at this moment, although he still has some prejudice against Wu You, he is not as resistant as before.

If his brother-in-law was a strong man with his own strength, instead of the waste who relied on the Duan family, then he would naturally not have much opinion.

After a long time, only Wu You and the others were left in the huge courtyard.

At this time, Shuping said: "You'er, everything here is settled, let's go back to the hall with General Chu and take our seats."

However, Wu You shook his head, and said calmly: "Grandpa Duan, there is still one thing that has not been dealt with, just wait a moment."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the members of the Wu family in front of the main hall.

Seeing Wu You walking alone, all the Wu family members showed deep regret in their eyes.

The young man in front of him was originally a real dragon who finally appeared in their Wu family, but now they forced him to quit the family.

"Nephew Wu You, the second uncle was really wrong this time. I apologize to you. If you quit the Wu family earlier, just take it as a joke.

I hereby declare that you are now the Patriarch of my Wu Family!Whichever Wu family dares to have an opinion, I will never end with anyone! "

Wu Mingming persuaded Wu You with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we all admit that Yu'er is the Patriarch of my Wu family, and we don't have any objections."

"Hey, we were really blind before, Yu'er, just think that what we just said is bullshit."

"You'er, as your elders, we couldn't bear it when we heard you say you were leaving the family earlier..."

Everyone in the Wu family tried to persuade each other, only hoping that Wu You could change his mind.

If the Wu family can have such a strong backing, then the whole family might be able to really rise.

People like them can also follow the popular ones, drink spicy ones, and enjoy the glory...

"Shut up for me!"

Wu You came to the front of the main hall, and said in a deep voice with no expression on his face: "You are limited to three days, and all my father's shares in the Wu Group will be discounted and transferred to my account, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Wu family was startled, and it took a long time to react.Not only did Wu You not have the slightest desire to return to the Wu family, but instead wanted to get back all the assets belonging to his father.

But Wu You's father, Wu Mingyuan, is the founder of the Wu Group and owns more than half of the group's shares.

If it is all discounted, I am afraid that the entire Wu Group will file for bankruptcy, and people like myself will have to drink Northwest Wind.

"Nephew Wu You, listen to me..."

"Shut up, I only give you three days, you can figure it out yourself."

Wu You ruthlessly interrupted Wu Mingzhi's words, and sneered and was about to walk into the main hall.

"Wu You, wait a moment."

At this moment, Wu Jing, who had been silent all this time, finally said: "The Wu Group is a company that my uncle worked hard to establish during his lifetime. I don't want to see it go bankrupt and disappear like this. Can you think about it again?"

Hearing this, Wu You turned his head and took a deep look at Wu Jing with a firm expression.

After a long time, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, and he smiled and said:
"If you want me to take back my life, it's okay, then let Sister Jing be the head of the Wu family."

(End of this chapter)

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