Chapter 46

Hearing this, all the Wu family's eyes froze and their hearts trembled.

Although Wu Jing is also from the Wu family, and he is still a direct descendant.But no matter what, she is just a girl, if a woman is the head of the house, wouldn't she be laughed out of the mouth by outsiders?
The person involved, Wu Jing, was also shocked, and quickly shook her head and said, "No, no, I don't have the ability."

"No? Well then, remember to pay after three days."

As Wu You said, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, wait."

Wu Mingming, who was so anxious, stepped forward and said to Wu Jing: "Jing'er, just agree to Wu You's nephew's request, we all support you."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced eagerly at everyone in the Wu family, and the latter didn't care too much, and tried to persuade them one after another.

"Yes, yes, Jing'er is the most capable of the entire Wu family except You'er, and she will definitely be qualified to be the head of the family."

"That's natural. Jing'er graduated from a prestigious university with outstanding abilities. It is her duty to become the Patriarch of the Wu family."

"Yes, yes, we will definitely assist Jing'er in the future, so that the Wu family can prosper..."

Amidst the endless praises from the Wu family, Wu Xian, who has completely convinced Wu You, also persuaded:
"Sister, just promise me Brother Wu You, you don't want to see uncle's painstaking efforts ruined."

Under everyone's persuasion, Wu Jing, who was hesitant, finally said to Wu You reluctantly: "Well, I promise you, I will take care of the Wu Group for you for the time being.

And promise that all future income of the company will be transferred to your account according to the shares. "

Everyone in the Wu family was shocked when they heard the words, and they all gasped.They never expected that Wu Jing would give Wu You more than half of the entire Wu Group's income, which is an astronomical sum.

But at this moment, although they were unwilling, there was nothing they could do.This is better than the company going bankrupt and everyone having nothing to eat.

"Then it's settled."

As Wu You said, he turned to look at Chu Yuntian and the others, and said with a calm smile, "Mr. Chu, I've finished dealing with my affairs, and we can go into the room to talk now."

After all, he turned and walked into the main hall.

Chu Yuntian hurriedly followed in respectfully, and Duan Shuping and Tao Xiaomeng also stepped forward.

"You all step back, no one is allowed to take a step closer to the main hall!"

Han Jiangang glanced coldly at the crowd, and after they all left as promised, he entered the main hall without looking back, and slammed the door shut.

For a moment, only Wu You, Chu Yuntian, Duan Shuping, Tao Xiaomeng and Han Jiangang were left in the huge main hall.

When the five of them were seated, Wu You asked with a faint smile, "Old Chu, did you just say you have something to ask of me?"

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian hurriedly said respectfully: "Mr. Wu, to be honest, I came to Jingxian this time for one thing.

And because of this incident, I have traveled all over Liuzhou.When I was about to be disheartened, I ran into Xiaomeng by chance. After learning about my husband, I was finally relieved. "

"Oh? What can I do?"

Wu Xian aroused a little interest and smiled lightly.

Hearing this, a look of grief flashed across Chu Yuntian's eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said solemnly: "Sir, I don't know that there are many outsiders in Liudi, and it can be said that there is a mixed bag of good and bad people.

And just in these years, some young people gradually entered Liudi and became very rampant.

And these people are martial artists with unique skills, and ordinary people are no match for them at all.

Therefore, the responsibility to deal with them fell on Qianlong. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yuntian paused for a moment, then turned to look at Han Jiangang who was at the side.

Han Jiangang then stood up and said respectfully to Wu You: "Mr. Wu, hello, I am Jingxian Qianlong Han Jiangang, and I am responsible for the order of warriors in the local area and surrounding areas."


Wu You nodded, but didn't speak.Continue to look at Chu Yuntian, waiting for his follow-up.

After Han Jiang just sat down, Chu Yuntian continued: "The members of Qianlongli are mostly warrior masters like Xiao Han, who can easily subdue most warriors.

However, those young people are all martial arts masters.

As a result, every time Qianlong fights against it, there will be huge losses. "

When Chu Yuntian said this, his face was full of pain.

"In order to stop the evil deeds of these foreign warriors, Qianlong members attacked again and again without hesitation.

But the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, Qianlong is always passive, and the loss is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, I searched everywhere this time, except to go to the major warrior families to replenish powerful fresh blood for Qianlong.

The most important thing is to find a famous warrior teacher, so that the overall strength of Qianlong members can be improved. "

As he said that, Chu Yuntian looked at Wu You with bright eyes, and respectfully said: "And Mr. Wu can make an ordinary child like Xiaomeng reach the level of Huajin Warrior in only two days. This is simply a miracle." trace!
You must know that those who are strong in Huajin are the heights that others may not necessarily reach after decades of hard work. "

Duan Shuping was listening to all this, his eyes couldn't help but widen.Looking at the masked girl in a blink of an eye, I really didn't expect that the woman who shocked everyone before was an ordinary person two days ago.

This is really unbelievable, and then suddenly thought of something, Duan Shuping was shocked.Could it be, could it be because of the magical exercise that Yu'er passed on to him yesterday?

But I have also cultivated according to the words and pictures in my mind. Although my physique has been greatly improved, it is nothing compared to the masked girl.

But at this moment, Chu Yuntian stood up suddenly, solemnly bowed to Wu You and said, "I implore Mr. Wu to join us to guide and train Qianlong, so as to eradicate those villains as soon as possible."

"Wait a minute, yes, I taught Xiaomeng the exercises."

Wu You didn't hide anything, but then shook his head and said indifferently: "But Xiaomeng was able to reach such a level in a short period of time because of her own natural talent.

And most people don't even think about it, it's not bad to be able to reach what you call a master of dark energy in a month. "

"Ordinary people have a dark energy for a month!"

Although Han Jiangang next to him was prepared, he still took a breath and murmured: "Even the most talented Han Shuangyue in Jingxian Qianlong, it took ten years to step into the secret strength. One month ,My goodness……"

"Han Shuangyue? When she was at my house last night, I taught her the exercises myself."

Wu You said casually.

"She's at your house?"

Han Jiangang was taken aback when he heard the words.

Wu You said helplessly: "That's right, you can't drive me away even if you chase her away. If you insist on pestering me, I wonder if she has taken a fancy to me. You have to discipline yourself."

"I'm her father."

Han Jiangang said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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