Chapter 47

For a while, there was a moment of silence in the main hall.

"That General Chu, where did you just say?"

Wu You turned his head suddenly, ignoring Han Jiangang's unfriendly gaze.

Chu Yuntian coughed slightly in embarrassment, and then said respectfully: "I would like to invite Mr. Wu to join our army's training Qianlong team. Of course, you will not let your efforts be in vain. The country will give you what you deserve."

"I have to think about this matter, and I will give you an answer then, and now you can go back first."

After Wu You finished speaking, he closed his eyes and ignored everyone.

Of course Chu Yuntian knew that this matter should not be rushed. In ancient times, Liu Bei would pay attention to the thatched cottage, so of course he was patient.

At this point, he didn't dare to disturb Wu You anymore, and said goodbye respectfully, leaving Tao Xiaomeng behind.Chu Yuntian left the main hall with the strange looking Han Jiangang.

"Brother, why didn't you agree to Grandpa Chu?"

Tao Xiaomeng asked suspiciously.

"Because I still have a lot of things to do now, so I'm not in a hurry."

Wu You opened his mouth slowly, then opened his eyes, looked at Tao Xiaomeng who was covered in yellow gauze with a smile, and asked, "It's you, why are you covering your face? Are you learning from a superhero?"

Tao Xiaomeng quickly shook her head, "No, because since I practiced the exercises given by my brother, my face has become strange for some reason. When I go to the street, everyone looks at me, making me feel hairy , so I can only cover my face.

And my myopia is also cured, you don’t need to wear glasses anymore, my brother’s exercises are amazing. "

Duan Shuping, who was beside him, also nodded in praise and said, "Yes, You'er, your exercises are really wonderful. After I practiced, I felt that I was much younger, and my body was getting stronger and stronger. Some old people's diseases before were all gone. Disappeared."

Wu You shook his head, smiled and said, "What kind of magic are these? If I tell you that you will live forever if you practice this exercise to a certain extent, do you believe it?"

"Really? I believe it."

Tao Xiaomeng said with surprise.

Duan Shuping shook his head and said, "You'er, you're talking nonsense again."

"We'll see."

Wu You chuckled lightly and said nothing more.

"Well, that brother, can my mother learn this exercise of yours?"

Tao Xiaomeng suddenly put away her smile, lowered her head and said sadly: "Ever since my father passed away, my mother has been busy with her own work, raising me with painstaking efforts. Now there are many problems with my body, and I lie down every day. The bed was so painful that I couldn't sleep, I really didn't want to see her in pain.

So brother, please, can you let my mother also practice this exercise? "

Looking at Tao Xiaomeng's moist eye circles, Wu You changed his previous gentle appearance, and suddenly said coldly: "Do you think anyone who wants to learn this exercise can learn it!

The number of people practicing this exercise is limited, if you want your mother to learn it, then give her your place.It's just that from now on, you will lose the qualification to practice exercises forever, you have to think clearly! "

"Brother, I've made it clear. I would rather lose this qualification for the rest of my life than repay my mother."

Without the slightest hesitation, Tao Xiaomeng said firmly.My mother worked so hard to raise me up, this is my only chance to repay her, how could I give up so easily.

Duan Shuping at the side was also moved when he saw this.After gaining such amazing power, he can still maintain his heart so firmly, what a pure-hearted child.

"Okay, I'm here to help you, take back all the spiritual energy in your body now, and come over to me!"

Wu You shouted in a deep voice.

Tao Xiaomeng came to Wu You without hesitation, and slowly closed her eyes.

Wu You stretched out his palm decisively, and pressed it on the top of Tao Xiaomeng's head.

"This seat will give you another chance, do you really want to give up the chance of immortality?"

Tao Xiaomeng nodded without complaint and said, "I give up."

"Hmph, then this seat will fulfill you!"

Wu You snorted coldly, a golden light suddenly flowed faintly in the palm of his hand, and penetrated into the top of Tao Xiaomeng's head in an instant.

Tao Xiaomeng, who had already accepted her fate with her eyes closed, suddenly felt a golden light penetrate into her body, turning into a ball of golden light, floating in her mind.

"The golden ball is the practice method. Go back and transfer it into your mother's mind, so she can practice based on it."

Wu You withdrew his palm and said lightly.

Tao Xiaomeng opened her eyes when she heard the words, looked at Wu You suspiciously, and reminded: "Brother, the exercises on my body haven't been recovered yet."

"no need."

Wu You suddenly smiled and said: "Just now I just tested you, but you passed it so easily, I really don't think it's interesting."

"So that means mom and I can practice this exercise?"

Tao Xiaomeng asked excitedly.


Wu You nodded.

After getting an affirmative answer, Tao Xiaomeng burst into cheers.

With a faint smile, Wu You looked at the innocent girl in front of him, and muttered to himself:

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. The son wants to be filial but not to be loved. Cherish this relationship. Don't be like me who lost his parents when he was young. He wants to be filial, but he will never have the chance..."

Hearing Wu You's words, Duan Shuping's eyes suddenly revealed a look of sadness, as if immersed in memories.

"Mingyuan, You'er has grown up, it's time to tell him some of the past."

After a long time, Duan Shuping seemed to have made a certain decision, and suddenly said to Wu You seriously:

"Yu'er, I have something to tell you."

Wu You looked at Duan Shuping, saw that his expression was different, turned to Tao Xiaomeng and said, "Xiaomeng, you go out first."


Hearing this, Tao Xiaomeng nodded, obediently exited the main hall, and closed the door.

For a while, only Wu You and Duan Shuping were left in the empty main hall.

"Grandpa Duan, what do you want to say?"

Wu You asked curiously.

"You'er, I've actually wanted to tell you about this for a long time, but because of your father's behest, I kept it secret until now."

As he spoke, Duan Shuping took out a drop-shaped black pendant from his inner pocket, and handed it to Wu You.

"This is something your father entrusted to me for safekeeping when he was dying. He said that when you grow up, if you have enough strength, you will return it to you, otherwise, this pendant will be destroyed."

Wu You took the black pendant in Duan Shuping's hand suspiciously, only feeling that it was neither gold nor jade, and there was a warm feeling in his hands.

If ordinary people were here, they would definitely not know what it was, but to Wu You, who was once an immortal emperor, this thing was nothing rare, it was just a pregnancy stone.

"You'er, now that you have grown up and possessed peerless martial arts, I believe you will be able to fulfill your father's last wish."

Duan Shuping looked at Wu You deeply, and said solemnly for a long time:

"You'er, do you know that your biological mother didn't abandon you back then, but chose to leave when she had to."

(End of this chapter)

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