Chapter 48

Twenty years ago, Wu Mingyuan had just left university. During his graduation trip, he met a young and beautiful girl by chance. As a result, the two fell in love quickly.

After the trip, a pair of lovers who were inseparable from each other returned to Jingxian together.

At that time, the two talked almost everything, but whenever Wu Mingyuan asked about the girl's life experience, she would only perfunctorily say that she was an orphan, but avoided talking about anything else.

Wu Mingyuan thought that the girl had something to hide, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Half a year later, the two who could no longer be separated from each other held a grand wedding with everyone's blessing.

After marriage, the young couple lived happily ever after.Not long after, the girl became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Wu Mingyuan was even more joyful, smiling every day.

However, it didn't take long for such a day, and suddenly one day several mysterious people arrogantly broke into Wu's house, claiming to be the girl's family.

And it wasn't until then that Wu Mingyuan knew that the girl's true identity was Chen Mengyao, the third lady of the Chen family of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect.

The Ancient Martial Arts Sect is the birthplace of modern warriors, and it has been jointly controlled by the five great families since its inception.And these five great families are the most famous and powerful families in the whole of China, existences that even the country is unwilling to provoke easily.

As one of the five major families, the Chen family certainly would not allow their children to ruin the family's reputation.So when those members of the Chen family saw that Chen Mengyao, who was the direct descendant of the Chen family, had rebelliously ordered his life for life without the family's permission, and gave birth to a child, they were furious.

He was about to kill Wu Mingyuan who seduced his young lady on the spot, but fortunately, Chen Mengyao forced him to stop with death.

Afterwards, the Chen family took Chen Mengyao away, and Wu Mingyuan has never seen her since then.

And in order to get back his lover, and at the same time prove to the Chen family that he has the ability to be worthy of their Third Miss.Wu Mingyuan began to work hard, and with his genius business acumen, he soon established Wu's Group from scratch.

However, in the eyes of the Chen family, this achievement is not worth mentioning at all.Every time Wu Mingyuan went to Chen's house in the capital, he was turned away when he wanted to see Chen Mengyao, and was even beaten and insulted repeatedly.

But despite this, Wu Mingyuan never gave up hope, but worked harder in his career.No matter how intimidating the Chen family is, they have always insisted on their determination to take back their wife.

Until that day...

Wu Mingyuan was about to leave Jingxian again and go to the Chen family in Kyoto to look for Chen Mengyao, but encountered a car accident on the way.

He was seriously injured and died soon after being admitted to the hospital.

At this time, the baby boy Chen Mengyao gave birth to was already six years old.

"This pendant was given to me in the hospital when your father was seriously injured. It is said to be the only token left by your mother when she was taken away. As long as you bring it to the Chen family when you grow up, mother and child will recognize each other naturally. .”

When Duan Shuping said this, he immediately remembered the tragic scene back then, and the corners of his eyes instantly became moist.

He listened to Duan Shuping's narration trembling all over.

Wu You suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly, and an earth-shattering momentum erupted.The entire main hall trembled, and countless tables and chairs were shattered.

At this time, his indifferent expression has long since disappeared, replaced by a ferocious face!
For the first time in his long life, he felt so angry.Even if he had his limbs broken and thrown into a deep valley in his previous life, he didn't have such an unforgettable hatred now.

"The Chen family!"

Wu You yelled loudly, and waved one hand, an extremely powerful force suddenly slashed forward, and the place it passed was instantly turned into dust, and the huge main hall was split into two from the middle in an instant!
"Yu'er, calm down first."

Seeing this, Duan Shuping couldn't help being horrified, but he couldn't bear to see him so hysterical.

After a long time, Wu You took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the monstrous anger in his heart.

Then he closed his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and asked in a cold voice, "Grandpa Duan, what did my father say when he was dying?"

Duan Shuping was silent for a moment and said: "Your father told me that when you grow up, if you are unable to fight against the Chen family, then destroy this pendant and never tell you the truth.

Because he doesn't want you to follow in his footsteps and spend your life in endless hatred and helplessness. "

Hearing this, Wu You was silent.

He could feel how helpless and desperate his father was at that time, the only thing he could do was to let his son live well.

"Thank you, Grandpa Duan."

Wu You bowed deeply to Duan Shuping, then got up indifferently, and walked out of the main hall.

Duan Shuping looked at Wu You's desolate back, two tears flowed from his eyes.

Then he looked towards the center of the main hall, the terrifying and hideous gully on the roof wall.

"Mingyuan, you know, you will definitely feel very relieved. Sooner or later, You'er will step down the entire Chen family and reunite with his mother."


The sun was shining brightly, and it was already noon.

On the wide road, Wu You paced forward silently.

Tao Xiaomeng obediently followed behind him, as if she could see that he was not in a good mood, so she kept silent.

After an unknown amount of time, Wu You suddenly stopped.

"Brother, you, what's wrong with you?"

Tao Xiaomeng hurriedly asked nervously.

"Xiaomeng, are you hungry?"

Wu You said indifferently.

Hearing this, Tao Xiaomeng was taken aback for a moment, and then found that her stomach was making gurgling noises. She blushed immediately, but shook her head and said:
"Brother, I'm not hungry."

"I'm hungry, let's go and get something to eat."

As Wu You said, he walked towards the small noodle shop by the side of the road, and Tao Xiaomeng quickly chased after him.

In the noodle restaurant, under Tao Xiaomeng's surprised gaze, Wu You ordered five bowls of beef noodles in a row, and even ate them all in one go.

"Brother, eat slowly."

Tao Xiaomeng said worriedly.

"My father often took me to this small noodle shop to eat noodles when I was a child. I didn't expect it to be open now. I really miss it."

Wu You seemed to be recalling something, and shouted unsatisfactorily: "Boss, three more bowls."


After a while, a simple and honest middle-aged man came to Wu You with three bowls of beef noodles.

When he saw the five empty bowls on the table, he couldn't help showing surprise.

"Little brother, did you eat it all by yourself? It's amazing. I've been running this noodle restaurant for so many years, and it's the first time I've seen something so edible. I really appreciate it. I'll give you a [-]% discount on this meal."

The honest man laughed and put three bowls of beef noodles on the dining table.

"Uncle, do you remember me?"

Wu You raised his head and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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