I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 521 Magical Medicine

Chapter 521 Magical Medicine
"Okay, then let us witness with our own eyes how miraculous this targeted drug from Nori's company is in fighting blood cancer cells!"

Qian Jiaxin said arrogantly.Then he looked at the little girl lying on the medical chair with her eyes slightly closed.A gleam of coldness flashed across his eyes, and it was fleeting.

Then he nodded to the medical staff on the side, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"It's time to start."

It was said that a middle-aged female nurse in a white coat and a mask had already prepared, and inserted an injection needle into the vein on Meng Qingru's right arm.

Immediately, a bottle of medicinal liquid containing Gulliver began to slowly flow into her body.

"Although intravenous injection is much faster than oral administration, it still takes some time.

During this period, let us once again invite Liuzhou Nuorui distribution company, general manager of Qian Group, Mr. Qian Hongye to speak on stage, everyone applauds. "

After Qian Jiaxin finished speaking, he looked at the little girl who was receiving the injection and sneered, then turned around and stepped off the stage gracefully.

Under the sparse applause from the audience, the middle-aged man in a neat suit and thinning hair walked onto the stage again with a smile on his face.

Immediately, under the helpless eyes of everyone, this mad speaker started his special skills again...

And when everyone in the audience was drowsy.

Meng Qingnan looked at her sister who was lying alone on the chair, covered with sensors, and felt very distressed.

And at this moment, a bald man with his head bowed deeply, walked quickly behind him, and whispered eagerly:

"Brother Meng, why are you still here? Let's go, then Qian Jiaxin is not a good guy.

If he finds us, it will be bad luck! "

Hearing this, Meng Qingnan immediately turned around and frowned at Jia Huaqiang in front of him.Temporarily holding back the grief in his heart, he asked suspiciously:

"Qian Jiaxin? You mean the young man who spoke on stage just now? I don't know him, why should I be afraid of him?"

Last night in the underground boxing arena, Meng Qingnan in the arena didn't pay much attention to Qian Jiaxin in the stands from the beginning to the end, so he didn't have any impression of him at all.

Seeing this, Jia Huaqiang was speechless.Then he hurriedly explained to the fool in front of him how Wu You offended the young master of the Qian family the night before.

"...Because of this, Brother Meng, you are a master disciple of Master Wu, if Qian Jiaxin finds out about you, he will definitely not let it go!
So let's go now. "

Jia Huaqiang said earnestly.

Meng Qingnan was shocked when he heard this!
Then he looked in horror at Meng Qingru who was receiving the injection on Li's podium.

not good!

If it was that Qian Jiaxin just now.Has recognized himself and wants revenge.

Then now my sister is like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!
Thinking of this, Meng Qingnan immediately wanted to save Meng Qingru desperately.

And at this moment, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Look, the value has really started to drop!"

"Oh, it's true, it's simply amazing."

"My God, this is the first time I have seen with my own eyes the scene of the disease being overcome, it is so touching..."

Amid the bursts of exclamation from the surrounding people, Meng Qingnan couldn't help being startled, and then looked at the big screen on the rostrum in amazement.

I saw that the proportion of cancer cells that had been hovering between 30.00% and 30.00% had started to decline slowly at this moment!










It wasn't until it dropped to 19.00% that the value finally stopped beating.

It is unbelievable that it fell below the 20.00% mark!
It is necessary to know that the leukemia cells are higher than [-]% before the diagnosis of leukemia can be made.

And now the proportion of cancer cells in that little girl's body has actually dropped to 19.00%.

This, this is simply a miracle!

In an instant, everyone in the audience was extremely excited.Although they also knew that this Gulliver only suppressed the disease temporarily, and the cancer cells would slowly rise again soon.

But they can see with their own eyes that the disease that tortured them was knocked down by the magic medicine, and everyone couldn't help but feel extremely gratified.

I feel that the targeted drug that I bought at a sky-high price is worth the money.

Seeing that her sister didn't seem to be abnormal, but her condition had improved, Meng Qingnan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Qian Jiaxin probably didn't recognize him, which is really lucky.

At this time, the potbellied Qian Hongye finished his speech and walked off the stage contentedly.

Qian Jiaxin followed suit, and when he reached the center of the rostrum, he immediately stretched out his finger and proudly pointed to the data on the big screen, holding up the microphone and laughing loudly:

"I believe that both the guests at the scene and the patients on the Internet have already seen the miraculous effect of our Gulliver with their own eyes.

So now I just want to ask one question, do you think this targeted drug from our Nori company is a miracle drug? "

As soon as the words fell, everyone at the scene, who was a little excited, immediately shouted in unison:
"Forget it! This is the real magic medicine!"

"Magic medicine!"

"Divine medicine..."

Seeing the excited looks of everyone in the audience, Qian Jiaxin felt extremely elated.

Then he glanced again, and the little girl who was still receiving the injection unconsciously showed a cruel smile.

In order to achieve the expected publicity effect in this event, the Gliva used was a high-concentration injection that exceeded the standard.

The injection of this high-strength anticancer drug can inhibit cancer cells in a short period of time, and no problems will be seen in the short term.

But if the injection of this high-dose liquid medicine is stopped in the future, the cancer cells will intensify their counterattack!
Even if you continue to use small doses of oral Gliva, it will not help.I can only watch helplessly as I enter the rapid change period, waiting to die in pain...

Hmph, stupid guys, do you really think our company is for charity?
It's really ridiculous that you want us to supply Gulliver for free for a year!

What shit validators, lucky one.

After injecting this liquid medicine, he can't live for more than two months, and it's gameover, so there's no life left to continue to receive the medicine.

Thinking of this, Qian Jiaxin couldn't help but have a smug smile on his face.This kind of business that does not lose money is what he is most willing to do.

Then he looked at the little girl who was lying on the chair and was still injecting high-strength Grieva, a cruel grin appeared on her face.

Xiao Nizi, if you want to blame it, you can blame your bad luck, but it happens to be the family of the young master's enemy. It is really not a pity to die.

When the time comes, I will die in Huangquan, so I will settle the score with that surnamed Wu, hahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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