Chapter 522
And just as Qian Jiaxin was complacent and gloating in his misfortune, Hans' awe-inspiring voice came from the headset.

"Speed ​​up the progress of the event, Miss Betty is leaving, and now the drug sale session will begin."

Hearing the sound, Qian Jiaxin suddenly looked towards the VIP seats.I saw that sexy and indifferent blonde beauty, the blue eyes really showed impatience.

Seeing this, Qian Jiaxin didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly raised the microphone and said loudly:

"Okay, I believe that after our miraculous verification, all the friends at the scene can't wait for our company's magic medicine.

So now I announce that the final charity drug sales link of this Nuori Pharmaceuticals Thanksgiving event has officially started!
Please line up in an orderly manner, show your ID card and diagnosis certificate, and follow the instructions of the staff to buy medicines. Thank you for your cooperation. "

After finishing speaking, Qian Jiaxin put down the microphone, turned around and whispered to the medical staff beside him:
"The experiment has been successfully completed, and the injection can be stopped. Such an expensive drug cannot be wasted."

Hearing this, the two middle-aged nurses couldn't help but look at each other. They saw that there was only one-third of the Gulliver left in the bottle. Even if the injection was stopped now, the remaining medicine would be useless. Wouldn't that be more wasteful? ?
However, I am just a part-time worker, so I can do whatever my boss arranges.

Immediately, two middle-aged female nurses turned around and walked towards the field.

The next moment, Qian Jiaxin looked at the little girl lying on the chair, with a cruel smile on his lips.

Then he turned his head and glanced at the tall and thin boy not far from the stage.

Ghost, ghost, cherish the last month or two between you and this little girl.

Hmph, this is what happened to your master for offending me, Qian Jiaxin!

At this time, Meng Qingnan saw that on the rostrum, the medical staff had already stopped the injection for her sister and was about to remove the equipment, so she really felt at ease.

It seems that my worry is indeed a bit unnecessary.

Even if Qian Jiaxin really recognized him, he would never dare to do harm to his sister in public.

Thinking of this, Meng Qingnan wanted to go forward to meet his brave sister.

However, at the next moment, an unbelievable exclamation suddenly came from the surrounding crowd.

"Oh my god, am I dazzled? Why did the value on the screen suddenly become higher again?!"

Hearing the sound, the patients and family members who were queuing up to buy the magic medicine all looked up in surprise.

On the large screens on both sides of the rostrum, the value that was originally fixed at 19.00% suddenly began to rise rapidly!
Percentage of Peripheral Blood Cancer Cells:











Staring blankly at the constantly beating values, the entire audience instantly erupted into an uproar!
"What, what's going on here? Why did the cancer cell content in the little girl's body suddenly increase?"

"That's right, it's already over 40.00%, which is even higher than when I didn't inject Grieva just now!"

"My God, the Gliva injection is not fake, is it? Or is the testing equipment broken?"

In an instant, everyone in the audience couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and they didn't even bother to buy the magic medicine that they had been waiting for for a long time...

And at this moment, Meng Qingru, who was lying on the medical chair, her originally pale skin began to turn red slowly, her slightly closed eyes gradually blurred, and she moaned weakly:

"Okay, it's hot, it's hot... Brother, I feel so uncomfortable..."

Then, the white mask that was always on his face was suddenly dyed red.

Obviously bleeding!

"This, how is this possible? Isn't she going to wait a month or two before she enters the rapid change period?

Why is this little girl dying as soon as the injection is stopped?
Could it be, isn't she a chronic blood cancer, but an accelerated phase on the verge of blast phase! "

Thinking of this, Qian Jiaxin's face turned pale in shock, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

He was not worried about the little girl's life or death, but worried that this medical accident would have a bad impact on the company's reputation.

But at the next moment, Qian Jiaxin suddenly only felt a pain in his abdomen, and then his whole body flew backwards in an instant.


With a muffled sound, he fell heavily to the ground.

"Damn beast! What did you do to my sister, I'm going to kill you!"

Hearing the sound, Qian Jiaxin, who was seriously injured, turned his head to look in pain.

But it was the boy named Menggui who kicked him away!

But at the next moment, seeing the ferocious ghost rushing towards him with a ferocious face, Qian Jiaxin suddenly lost his soul and was terrified.


Suddenly, with a loud shout, a muscular middle-aged white man rushed onto the stage at top speed and stood in front of Meng Qingnan.

But it was Hans the Skeleton King!

"Meng boy, calm down and listen to me..."

"Go away! I'm going to kill this beast!"

Meng Qingnan sternly interrupted Hans' words, staring at the trembling Qian Jiaxin with blood-red pupils, wanting to tear him into pieces!
Looking at the young man who had completely fallen into rage and madness in front of him, Hans shook his head unbearably, then sighed:

"Boy Meng, after our company investigates this medical accident, I will definitely give you an explanation.

But if you want to kill someone on the spot, sorry, I have to stop you! "

After that, Hans assumed a confrontational posture, staring at the boy in front of him with piercing eyes.

Seeing this, Qian Jiaxin, who collapsed to the ground, breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Hans, the Skeleton King, is around, his life will be saved.

Then he stared viciously at the boy who seriously injured himself, and made up his mind.After this matter is over, it is necessary to find someone to torture him to death without paying any price, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart!

"If you don't get out, I'll kill you first!"

Meng Qingnan roared frantically.

However, Hans remained motionless, looking at him with a sinking face.

"Huh, when you encounter problems, you will only solve them violently. What a childish brat!"

Suddenly, a cold voice resounded in the field.

Looking along the sound, it turned out to be the young foreign woman named Betty Adams.

I saw this blonde beauty with a sexy figure and full of aura, at this moment, with her straight black silk legs, she stepped onto the rostrum without fear.

With a pair of quiet blue eyes, he looked coldly at the Huaxia youth who had fallen into madness, and ordered in a cold voice while walking:

"Hans subdued this guy who hurt people for no reason and handed it over to the Huaxia police.

If you dare to hurt our partners under Nori, we will investigate to the end and punish you severely! "

After all, Betty Adams, who was expressionless, suddenly shot a cold light in his eyes, which was extremely cold.

(End of this chapter)

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