Chapter 612
"Mr. Wu calm down, please don't be as knowledgeable as these short-sighted guys.

After this incident, I will definitely give you an explanation. "

Chu Yuntian immediately bowed deeply to the handsome young man on the judging panel.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Weizhou, Long Zhenhua, Su Fanglie, Shi Hongsen and other military members in the field all suddenly bowed down to Mr. Wu, begging in unison with great solemnity:
"I also ask Mr. Wu to calm down."

And seeing all the military personnel in the field, they all sincerely pleaded with Mr. Wu.

For a moment, all the fighters in the audience, including the nine powerful old men and the [-] contestants, were inexplicably shocked.

Originally, they thought that Mr. Wu was always so arrogant and domineering because the military was behind him, but now it seems that the situation is exactly the opposite.

It's not that Mr. Wu is relying on the military, but the military is trying its best to get close to Mr. Wu...

This unimaginable scene couldn't help but shocked all the warriors, and then the awe of Mr. Wu grew even higher.

And at this moment, Wu You on the judging panel looked at Chu Yuntian and others who were bowing down to pray to him.A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said playfully:
"You seem to have misunderstood. I am not angry, but I think today is very interesting."

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian was startled for a moment, then raised his head in doubt, and asked cautiously:
"Mr. Wu, you, you mean forget about the past? Do you continue to serve as the chief instructor of these Qianlong team members?"

However, Wu You shook his head and said with a light smile:
"I don't want to be the chief instructor, but I want to select some of these potential dragon team members as disciples."

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian was startled, and then his heart was filled with joy, his brows brimming with joy.

It never occurred to him that Mr. Wu not only did not abolish the original agreement to pass on the skills because of those guys' stupid actions.

On the contrary, it is unbelievable that they want to accept these Qianlong team members as disciples now!
If you want to know the teaching level of the instructor and the master, there is a big difference.

If he can become Mr. Wu's disciple, his strength will increase greatly, and the future is limitless!

And by that time, the fighting power of the Liuzhou Qianlong Team will be doubled several times in a row!
Let those foreign forces who are doing all kinds of evil in Liuzhou pay the painful price they deserve!

And after hearing Mr. Wu's words, thousands of members of the Qianlong team were also in high spirits, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Not only was Mr. Wu not angry with people like himself, but he even accepted them as disciples. This happiness came too suddenly.

And thinking of Mr. Wu's formidable female disciples, all the Qianlong team members were even more excited beyond description.

Many people began to fantasize that they, too, could become Gang Jin masters in a short period of time.Even, even stepped into the ancient martial arts road!

In an instant, all the members of Qianlong team couldn't help being ecstatic, their faces were full of excitement.

And the many martial artists present also showed a look of incomparable envy at this moment.

After so many unbelievable scenes, everyone felt incomparably longing for the superb Mr. Wu.

And this kind of longing has even surpassed that of Ancient Martial Daozong!

At this moment, there were [-] young warriors who originally wanted to compete for the places in the Gu Wu Dao Sect's apprenticeship trial, but came to participate in the martial arts competition.

At this time, he was also less interested in the twenty trial quotas.

After all, even the chief teacher of the outer sect of the ancient martial arts sect has become Mr. Wu's servant.

Even if they really joined the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, so what?

And if he can join the disciple of the amazing Mr. Wu, the future is bright!

Therefore, in their eyes, being a disciple of Mr. Wu is more attractive than joining the ancient martial arts sect!
And just when all the Qianlong team members were beaming with joy.

Wu You, who was sitting on the judges' seat, had a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"You guys, don't be too happy, this seat is very strict in selecting disciples.

And you are just one of many candidates, and you will not receive any special care. "

Hearing these words, thousands of Qianlong team members were startled, and everyone showed puzzled expressions.

And at the next moment, I saw this young man who looked like a celestial being flick his sleeves and stood up suddenly.

Immediately, he raised his head and swept across the audience of nearly 3 people, announcing calmly and loudly:

"I am going to establish a sect in Liuzhou today and recruit more disciples.

At that time, there will be no distinction between teaching and learning. No matter who you are, as long as you have the confidence, you can pass the apprenticeship test set up by this seat.

Then you will be able to become my disciple and obtain the true cultivation method of this seat! "

As soon as these words came out, the entire huge central venue was silent at first, and then an unprecedented roar erupted suddenly!
No one thought that the disciples that Mr. Wu wanted to recruit were not just those from the military, but anyone would have a chance!
This, this is simply incredible!
In an instant, there were nearly 3 people in the audience, no matter warriors or ordinary people, they were beyond excited.

If I am really lucky enough to pass the apprenticeship test and become Mr. Wu's disciple, then the future must be extremely brilliant!

And at this moment, when Chu Yuntian finished listening to Wu You's words, he was also inexplicably shocked.

He never thought that Mr. Wu, who has always disappeared without a trace, would actually develop his power in Liuzhou with great fanfare, which is really unbelievable.

But at this moment, Mr. Wu's treatment of those members of the Qianlong team as equals should be regarded as a punishment.

After all, the members of the Qianlong team had the opportunity to directly accept his teachings.But now, like everyone else, what kind of apprenticeship trials must be passed to achieve the original goal, which is really embarrassing.

But this can't be blamed on other people, who let them stupid guys dare to provoke this Mr. Wu who must take revenge.

Chu Yuntian sighed secretly.

But at the next moment, a thought suddenly appeared in his heart, and he was so excited that he couldn't get any more.

Since Mr. Wu wants to establish a sect and establish a sect, there is no discrimination in recruiting disciples.

Doesn't that mean that not only the members of the Qian Qianlong team at the scene, but also the nearly 20 people in the entire Liuzhou military, have the opportunity to join in and learn Mr. Wu's incomparably powerful and mysterious cultivation skills? !
Thinking of this, Chu Yuntian was extremely excited and excited.

Immediately, the supreme commander of the Liuzhou military once again bowed in reverence to the young man who looked like a real immortal:
"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, if you want to establish a sect, the Liuzhou military will definitely support it at all costs!"

(End of this chapter)

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