I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 613 Low-level Elixir

Chapter 613 Low-level Elixir
At this time, not only Chu Yuntian, but also nearly 3 people in the audience were extremely excited.

Immediately, everyone resolutely decided that after Mr. Wu established a sect, he must go to participate in the apprenticeship trial of his sect.

If I am lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by him, then I will definitely be prosperous in the future!
At this moment, Wu You gently waved his sleeves, and said with a calm smile:

"General Chu please get up."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Yuntian was lifted up by a gentle energy.

"Thank you Mr. Wu."

The flattered Chu Yuntian quickly thanked him.

But at this moment, Wu You changed the topic and said with a slight smile:

"General Chu, have you prepared all the herbs I asked you to prepare?"

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian was startled, then nodded repeatedly, and said respectfully:

"Back to Mr. Wu, we spent a long time and energy on the medicinal materials you asked for, and finally got them all ready yesterday and shipped them back to the provincial capital.

And the reason why I came to the martial arts competition so late today is to personally escort those very rare medicinal materials and prepare to present them to Mr. Wu. "

"Is that so, General Chu has really bothered you, so let's bring those medicinal materials here now."

Wu You smiled lightly.

Chu Yuntian was taken aback when he heard the sound, but he didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Then he ordered people to go and bring all the various herbs that had been prepared.

Immediately, within a short while, exquisite and transparent glass medicine boxes were continuously transported to the venue.

And after a long time, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded.

I saw that the glass medicine box full of medicinal materials had piled up in the field to the size of three containers!
Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help but be amazed. They didn't understand why Mr. Wu prepared so many herbs.

And at the next moment, Chu Yuntian said respectfully:
"Back to Mr. Wu, all the medicinal materials you requested at the beginning are now listed in front of you.

According to your request, the age of these medicinal materials is at least five years, and some even claim to be a hundred years old.

Please also take a look. "

"Don't worry about it, although these herbs are not very spiritual, but I use the Qi of Absolute Beginning to refine some low-level elixir, but it is more than enough."

Wu You smiled lightly, and then waved his sleeves lightly.

Next, under the amazed eyes of everyone in the audience.

Among the thousands of glass medicine boxes that fit perfectly together, more than a dozen were suddenly opened.

Immediately, all kinds of medicinal herbs among them suddenly flew towards Mr. Wu.

And at the next moment, a gray ball of light suddenly appeared in Wu You's hand!
The flying herb plants were suddenly sucked into the gray light ball one by one as if they had encountered a black hole.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded and astonished.

And just a moment later, when the last medicinal material was swallowed by the gray light ball.

Suddenly, a monstrous flame burst out from the gray light ball in Wu You's hand!

Captured by this extremely dazzling light, everyone immediately turned their heads away, not daring to look directly.

After a long time, the light in Wu You's hand gradually subsided.

But before everyone in the audience turned their heads to watch.

Bursts of refreshing medicinal fragrance first permeated the entire venue!
After inhaling this unprecedented medicinal fragrance, almost everyone felt refreshed and clear-headed.

Immediately, everyone in the audience involuntarily looked at the handsome young man who looked like a fairy.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the gray ball of light in his hand had disappeared!
Instead, it was a golden elixir the size of a longan, full of radiance!

I saw circles of golden halos continuously spreading out from above the elixir, which made people feel confused.

And at the next moment, everyone in the audience felt that the fragrance of the medicine around them was getting stronger and stronger.

Every time I take a sip of that aroma, I feel extremely relaxed, as if soaking in a hot spring, extremely refreshed and full of energy.

Just smelling the fragrance of the medicine has such a miraculous effect.

This golden elixir is simply a legendary elixir!

In an instant, everyone in the audience showed unprecedented shock.

"Hey, what kind of elixir is this? Why does it feel stronger than that Ximai Pill?!"

Ye Wushuang exclaimed in disbelief.

She had seen in the chaotic space before, Mr. Wu bestowed on Hu Yu the Mai Mai Pill.

At that time, she called the silver elixir the strongest magic medicine in the world.

However, at this moment, the golden pill in Mr. Wu's hand is many times more powerful than the Ximai Pill.

This can't help but make Ye Wushuang extremely shocked.

But at this time, when Chu Yuntian saw the golden medicine in Wu You's hand, he was shocked for no reason.

Immediately blurted out in disbelief:
"Well, is this elixir the same as the Peiyuan elixir that Mr. Wu gave to Mr. Duan at Jingxian's Duan's house?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect General Chu's memory to be really good.

Yes, this elixir is indeed Peiyuan elixir, and it is the best elixir that I can refine now.

Although it is only a low-level elixir, it is also among the top few existences in the same level. "

Wu You smiled lightly.

But at the next moment, with a wave of his hand, the countless precious medicinal materials, which were almost the size of three containers, disappeared without a trace!

Seeing this, Chu Yuntian was shocked immediately.

Aren't those medicinal materials prepared for the Qianlong team members?Why is it that Mr. Wu now owns all of them?

And at this moment, the golden elixir in Wu You's hand floated towards the stunned Chu Yuntian in an instant!

"Since General Chu has prepared so many herbs for me so generously, then this Peiyuan Pill is my reward."

But upon hearing this, Chu Yuntian was startled for a moment, and wanted to say something else.

That golden elixir suddenly turned into a golden light and flew into Chu Yuntian's mouth...

Immediately, Chu Yuntian only felt that the golden elixir turned into a warm current as soon as he took it in, and began to swim around his body.

Suddenly, his whole body seemed to be immersed in boundless vitality.

This unprecedented sense of comfort made Chu Yuntian involuntarily close his eyes.

At this moment, the little spiritual energy accumulated in the dantian also turned golden because of the practice of returning to the source.As the warm current nourishes and thrives in the meridians all over the body, the flow is endless.

But at this moment, in the eyes of outsiders, after Chu Yuntian swallowed the golden elixir, his whole body was shrouded in a hazy layer of golden light, which made people feel a sense of sacredness uncontrollably.

Looking at the unimaginable scene in front of them, everyone in the field showed shocking and inexplicable eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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