I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 62 This woman should only be found in the sky

Chapter 62 This woman should only be found in the sky

"How, how is this possible?"

Looking at the breathtaking face, Gao Lili seemed to collapse, falling to the ground and trembling all over.

The two eyes wanted to move away quickly, but they couldn't do it at all.As if possessed by a demon for a moment, he could only stare blankly at that incomparably holy girl, unable to extricate himself.

Even she who is the school belle is like this, not to mention the other people in the audience, who are already fascinated at this moment.

Everyone seemed to be worshiping, looking devoutly at the peerless beauty that overwhelmed the country and the city.No one made a sound, the scene was silent, and a needle could be heard.

At this time, there was only one person who turned a blind eye to this, and that was Wu You who was still addicted to food.He just glanced at Tao Xiaomeng curiously, then buried himself in the fight again.

Tao Xiaomeng's peerless appearance at this time is not only because of her own good foundation, but also because of the incidental effect of the small success of the return to the source technique.It is not an exaggeration for a person who cultivates the pinnacle of the universe to be regarded as a fairy by ordinary people.

However, for Immortal Emperor Wuyou, who had ruthlessly rejected him in his previous life and threw himself into the arms of countless goddesses and saintesses, all of this was not a big deal, he just found it interesting.

I don't know how long it took, Duan Jiaqi put the silk scarf back on Tao Xiaomeng's head very relieved.Then he turned his head and snorted arrogantly:

"How about it, now you guys finally open your eyes!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience suddenly came to their senses, and they all looked at each other in shock, causing a commotion at the scene.

"How can there be such a detached and refined woman in this world, it's really incredible."

"Just now I seemed to see a real fairy coming to the world, and I wanted to kneel down and worship."

"This girl should only exist in the sky, how many times can the world hear about it..."

After everyone poured out their heartfelt praises, Lin Yicong, Zhu Zizhou and others in the venue were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

They originally came to see Tao Xiaomeng making a fool of himself, but now the real embarrassment turned out to be themselves, which is really sad...

After a long time, the uproar in the banquet hall did not weaken at all, but became more enthusiastic.

"Who said that this young lady is ugly just now? What a shameless statement! You have fooled us all!"

"That's right, if she's an ugly girl, then all the women in this world will be ashamed to see others!"

"Look, isn't that the girl sitting on the ground? I can't think of a pretty good-looking girl, but her heart is so dirty, she's so golden and jaded, she's so rotten..."

Hearing the cold and merciless accusations against her, Gao Lili fell to the ground as if she had fallen into an ice cave, her eyes were dull and her whole body was trembling.


Suddenly with a scream, Gao Lili seemed to have gone crazy, shook her head wildly, got up and ran out of the banquet hall in a daze.

Seeing this, Lin Yicong first glanced at Tao Xiaomeng in the distance, hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly turned his gaze back, and stepped forward to chase after Gao Lili.

A group of boys and girls were left at the scene, their faces were at a loss.

At this moment, Wang Bohao's heart was beating wildly.If this peerless fairy can sign a contract with his own company, then Wang's Media, which is in a corner, will surely become a well-known enterprise in the country in one fell swoop.

At that time, my position in the Wang Group was unbreakable!

Yao Shiya, who had been stunned for a long time, turned her head to see Wang Bohao's fiery eyes, and her heart was shocked, and she naturally understood what he was thinking.

Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, she certainly knew what kind of unprecedented grand occasion it would mean if this extremely young girl, who shocked even herself, entered the entertainment industry.

But Yao Shiya couldn't feel any jealousy or anger about this, instead she still had some expectations.Because she knew that the gap between her and that girl was too big, to the point where she was convinced by her...

Seeing that the situation on the field was gradually stabilizing, Wu Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with Tao Xiaomeng's stunning beauty, she was more worried about her invincible combat power.

Fortunately, this girl with peerless martial arts seemed to have a good temper, and she did not "kill" in public...

Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi beside Tao Xiaomeng glanced coldly at everyone present and snorted disdainfully, but their hearts were already extremely proud.

They all knew Tao Xiaomeng's true face a long time ago, and the reason why she was allowed to wear a face scarf to attend the banquet was just for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

But I didn't expect that some blind guys would use this to slander Xiaomeng, it's really unbearable!

"Sister Jiaqi, I said that my face has become very strange. Why did you take off my face scarf? You see, they are all staring at me like those people before. It's very uncomfortable. .”

Tao Xiaomeng, who has always been short-tempered, was a little angry, pointing at everyone in the arena, and said to Duan Jiaqi with a frown.

"Hmph, I am willing, do you have an opinion?"

On Duan Jiaqi's exquisite face, a pair of blue eyes narrowed slightly, and a weird smile looked at Tao Xiaomeng at the corner of her mouth.

"No, no."

When Tao Xiaomeng saw this, the little bit of anger in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he lowered his head and said nonchalantly.

"Okay, Jiaqi, stop teasing Xiaomeng. From now on, no one can take off her face scarf without her consent."

Seeing Tao Xiaomeng, who was submissive, Han Shuangyue almost buried her head in her plump and straight breasts, and couldn't help shaking her head with a smile.

Then he turned to look at Wu You, only to find that this guy was still chewing.You're really an idiot, so don't be afraid of being overwhelmed!

As if aware of Han Shuangyue's unkind eyes, Wu You raised his head slightly, and said calmly: "What are you doing in a daze, come and eat some too. Don't be like yesterday, you will still be hungry when you go back, and then don't blame me again .”

Hearing this, Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi suddenly remembered the shameless face of this hateful guy in the apartment last night for fried noodles.

Looking at each other, Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi nodded at the same time, and stepped forward quickly.Facing the exquisite food on the table, he fought side by side with Wu You.

"Xiaomeng, come quickly, everything here will be eaten up by this guy later!"

Holding a plate of fried matsutake, Han Shuangyue turned her head and urged Tao Xiaomeng who was in a daze.

Tao Xiaomeng immediately reacted when she heard the words, and hurried forward to join the battle group.

For a moment, the audience fell silent, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Originally, he wanted to invite Tao Xiaomeng, Wang Bohao, who joined Wang's Media, but when he saw the master and apprentice gobbling up in front of him, he didn't know how to speak for a while...

But at this moment, a very magnetic voice came from a distance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the real show!"

(End of this chapter)

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