I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 63 The Great Magician

Chapter 63 The Great Magician
Hearing this, the eyes of the audience followed suit.

It was arranged in the banquet hall, on the originally empty stage, as a puff of smoke rose, a figure appeared out of nowhere!
When the smoke dissipated, I saw a young foreigner in a black tuxedo and a top hat standing in the middle of the stage in a gentlemanly manner.

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies."

The foreign young man gracefully took off his hat, drew it in a semicircle around the right side of his body to his chest, bowed and smiled.

"This, isn't this the internationally renowned new generation of magic master, David Izefel?"

Hearing this, all the guests at the scene were extremely surprised. This is an international superstar, why did he come to such a little-known place as Jingxian?
But most of the ladies in the field didn't pay much attention to this.It's just that his eyes can't help but be deeply attracted by this handsome blond guy with a charming smile.

"So handsome, his eyes are so charming."

"Yeah, like Prince Charming in fairy tales."

"Oh my God, how can there be such a handsome man, I want to commit myself..."

Under the hot eyes of many ladies, Izefier straightened up in satisfaction.


From the top hat in his hand, three white pigeons suddenly emerged, flapping their wings and flying away.

"Clap clap clap..."

Seeing this, the guests at the scene burst into applause and discussions, which lasted for a long time.

"Please be quiet, everyone."

Wang Bohao, who walked quickly from a distance, stepped onto the stage with a smile, and made a gesture to lower his voice to everyone.Then he politely pointed at Izefier with his palm, and introduced to the audience:

"Some people must have recognized it. This is the internationally renowned magician Mr. David Izefel. Everyone applauds."

After finishing speaking, bursts of applause erupted from the audience, especially the loudest applause from the many female guests.

"First of all, we at Wang Media are very honored to be able to invite the well-known Mr. Yi Zefei to perform in China this time.

Then, in order to thank the celebrities and dignitaries of Jingxian, they will support Wang's Media to carry out a series of local activities in the future.We specially invite Mr. Yi Zefeier to present a wonderful magic show for you at this banquet.

So now is the moment to witness the miracle, let us wait and see. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Bohao smiled and nodded to Yi Zefeier, and then walked off the stage.

All of a sudden, the guests in the banquet hall raised their wine glasses and came around the stage with great interest.At this moment, everyone's eyes were almost focused on Yi Zefeier.

As if he was already used to such occasions, Izefier put his top hat back on his head with a charming smile, and then started his performance.

Next, with the dazzling magic tricks one after another, Izefier performed them miraculously on the stage.

The guests in the audience couldn't help applauding and exclaiming.

Especially the many ladies in the field, their eyes gradually dimmed, as if they were already fascinated by the elegant and mysterious movements of the handsome blond guy, unable to extricate themselves.

Yi Zefei glanced at the young women and girls in the audience who were looking at him like a nympho, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but widen. It seems that he will have many romantic encounters tonight.

And at this moment, Izefel, who was enjoying the attention of everyone, inadvertently glanced into the distance.Suddenly, there were four people lying on the dining table eating, and they didn't even bother to look at themselves from the beginning to the end.

This is undoubtedly a great contempt for the performers on the stage, especially for an international superstar like him, to be so rude, it is really uneducated!
As a great magician, Yi Zefei will certainly not swallow his anger.Especially in front of the Huaxia people, he was even more unscrupulous and stopped the performance on the spot.

"Excuse me, the four people over there, how long are you going to eat?"

The crowd around the audience were stunned for a moment, then followed Izefier's cold eyes, and looked back into the distance.

Only then did I realize that the four master and apprentice Wu You were still eating and drinking there.This can't help but make them, Jingxian and high-class people, suddenly feel ashamed to the world.

It seemed that something was wrong, the three girls beside Wu You suddenly raised their heads, and then suddenly found that everyone in the distance was looking at him with strange eyes.

"What's wrong with them? Why are you looking at us like that?"

The three girls who had just concentrated on grabbing food with Wu You were suddenly a little confused.

But Yi Zefei, who was standing on the stage, suddenly felt his heart beat violently after seeing the three girls standing up straight.

His eyes are not so good, especially when he sees women very thoroughly.He could tell at a glance that the three girls were actually the most beautiful women in the banquet.It is even many times stronger than the many top beauties he has played with.

This can't help but surprise the flamboyant Yi Zefeier, he never expected to meet such the best of the best in this small place like Jingxian, and three of them came at once!

Oh god, I can't take it.

Yi Zefei looked at the three stunning girls with their own characteristics, and suddenly felt his breathing became short of breath.

It looks like tonight will be a very wonderful night.

Izefier temporarily suppressed the impulse in his heart, and with a charming smile on his face again, he bent down to apologize to the three girls in the distance with his hands on his chest:

"My dear ladies, I apologize for my rude words just now, and I hope you will forgive me."

As he spoke, he straightened up and gracefully walked down from the stage. With a charming smile, he walked towards the three women in the distance like no one else.

When he got closer, Yi Zefei, who really saw the three women clearly, was already beating wildly in his heart.Drooling in his throat, he wished he could pounce on them and completely ravage the three beauties in front of him.

But as an "old gentleman", he naturally wouldn't be so untechnical.


With a snap of his fingers, three beautiful red roses suddenly and miraculously appeared in his hand, and they gracefully handed them to the three women, smiling and saying:

"Beautiful ladies, please accept my apologies."

"No need, we didn't hear what you said just now, as long as you don't disturb our meal, please go back."

Duan Jiaqi, who was used to seeing all kinds of people abroad since she was a child, naturally saw the true intentions of this hypocritical guy in front of her, and refused in disgust.

Han Shuangyue at the side didn't speak, but stared at Yi Zefei coldly with a pair of cold eyes.If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal!
And Tao Xiaomeng, who noticed something wrong with the expressions of the two sisters, suddenly became nervous and stared at the foreigner in front of him.

If necessary, she will use a thunderous blow to subdue him in one fell swoop!
Seeing this scene, Yi Zefei couldn't help being taken aback, his long-tried seduction routines had no effect at all.

However, as a seasoned veteran driver, he would not give up lightly in the face of such stunning beauties.

Especially for him who has been doted on by thousands of beauties since he was a child, the more toys he can't get easily, the more excited he is!
"Beautiful ladies..."

And just when he was determined to win and wanted to say something more.

A teenager who was eating silently next to him suddenly raised his head, smiled at him and said:

(End of this chapter)

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