I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 665 Helpless

Chapter 665 Helpless
After watching Hu Meier and the others leave, Bai Yunliu heaved a long sigh.

Although his strength is still higher than that of Hu Meier, but as a last resort, he still doesn't want to see his clansman fall due to internal fighting.

Because no one knows better than him how severe the predicament the entire Qingqiu Fox Clan is facing at this time.

Except for the Nine-Tails royal family who disappeared completely, it has been a long time now, and there has not been a single Eight-Tails clansman in their clan.

It can be said that in the entire Qingqiu country, only the ten eight-tailed royal families are left.

And now he is very old, if he dies, or which of the eight-tailed royal family dies.

It will be difficult for the entire fox clan to suppress Lingzu, and the entire Qingqiu country will also face extinction!
Fortunately, there were no casualties today, otherwise the end of the fox clan would have come early...

Sighing again, Bai Yunliu turned around, looked at the many royal ministers in the field, and ordered solemnly:

"Tomorrow, in addition to going to the ancestral land to worship the ancestors, let all the people of the right age also come to accept the beginning inheritance.

I hope this time it will be a blessing in disguise, and a royal family with eight tails will appear. "

At the end, Bai Yunliu sighed again.

And hearing this, all the fox people in the audience were startled, and then they all showed a touch of sadness.

If there is no more Eight-tailed clansman in the clan, I'm afraid they will really leave their hometown soon, abandoning this homeland where their ancestors have lived for thousands of years...

"Okay, take these sacrificial animals down and settle down. Whatever you want to eat and drink tonight, try to satisfy them."

Bai Yunliu looked at him with pity, and those refugees who had been kneeling on the ground helplessly shook their heads and sighed.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Immediately, the big man with five tails in golden armor and the terrified little commander of the imperial guards in the arena walked towards those refugees without daring to be negligent.

Seeing this, the fox-faced old man, the young woman and the little shepherd boy kneeling on the ground, as well as the many seven or eight-year-old fox children, were all pale and trembling, and fell into deep despair.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Seeing this incomparably tragic scene, Ying Ning cried out anxiously.

Then he begged the eight-tailed old man in the arena with great sorrow:

"Grandpa, please let these poor people go, they are not bad people."

Hearing the sound, Bai Yunliu shook his head and sighed:
"Your Highness, the old minister is also unwilling to use the lives of his clansmen to sacrifice to the spirit ancestor, but now there is no other way but this method.

In order to protect the countless subjects and common people of the entire Qingqiu Kingdom, we can only sacrifice these few people..."

After wailing, Bai Yunliu turned his head away, and ordered to the golden armored man:

"Since the villagers of Taohua Village are friends of Her Royal Highness, they should be deleted from the list of sacrifices."

As soon as these words came out, the three fox-faced old men who were kneeling on the ground couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then they were ecstatic.

They never thought that just because they knew the little girl, they escaped the inevitable death.

It's so unbelievable.

Maybe this is called good intentions are rewarded.

Immediately, the three of them looked at the little girl with gratitude.

And the other children who were sacrificed around them also showed great envy to these three people.At the same time, I feel even more distraught about my tragic fate...

And seeing those fox children kneeling on the ground, crying silently, with their helpless and numb eyes, Ying Ning suddenly felt heartbroken.

Then he asked the old man with eight tails sadly:
"Grandpa, apart from offering sacrifices, do you really have no other way?"


Bai Yunliu shook his head helplessly.

Seeing this, Ying Ning couldn't help being heartbroken.

But at the next moment, he suddenly thought of something.

Immediately, Ying Ning looked to her side with red eyes, the handsome young man who looked like a fairy pleaded pitifully:

"Big brother, can you defeat that monster and save these children? They are so pitiful."

Seeing this, many ministers of the royal family in Bai Yunliu and the field couldn't help frowning slightly.

Did this descendant of the Nine-Tails royal family get scared and stupid, and actually wanted a mere human kid to defeat Lingzu?

This is simply a dream, and it is too unrealistic.

If Lingzu could be defeated so easily, their entire Qingqiu Fox Clan would have wiped him out in one fell swoop, how could he endure the humiliation until today.

You must know that the powerful human cultivators who drove the entire fox clan here back then did not dare to act rashly because of the existence of the spirit ancestors, which made the Qingqiu Kingdom survive to this day.

Therefore, it can be said that the extremely terrifying Spirit Ancestor is an invincible existence at all, so how could a human kid be able to defeat him?

This is simply the biggest joke in the world!

"Okay, I promise you, go and clean up that spirit ancestor."

At the next moment, Wu You smiled lightly, and patted the head of the little girl in front of him lightly.

Seeing that Wu You agreed to her request, Ying Ning was immediately elated, and cheered with great joy:
"Great, really great, thank you big brother, those children are finally saved!"

And hearing this, all the fox people in the audience couldn't help frowning, and couldn't believe their ears.

Are these outsiders crazy?
Unashamedly wanting to clean up the Lingzu, this is simply moths flying into the flames, suicidal!

That human boy doesn't look very old, and he's quite a braggart.

Hmph, it's ridiculous!

For a moment, all the royal ministers in the audience sneered at the smug human youth with disdain on their faces.

Even the refugees kneeling on the ground didn't take the boy's words seriously.Still immersed in despair, distraught...

But at this moment, Bai Yunliu didn't take the young man's big words to heart, waved his hands and said:

"Okay, let's take those sacrifices down first."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The big man in golden armor respectfully accepted the order, and then led the crying children to the outside of the hall.

"Don't be sad, since my elder brother has already agreed to deal with that spirit ancestor, you will be fine tomorrow."

Ying Ning comforted the children loudly.

But upon hearing this, all the royal ministers in the venue sniffed even more and sneered again and again.

I don't know where this half-demon girl got her confidence.

"Okay, you can all retreat too."

Bai Yunliu seemed unwilling to see this childish scene again, and immediately said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

All the royal ministers in the audience bid farewell, then cast a contemptuous glance at the half-demon girl and the braggart boy, and walked out of the palace gate one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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