Chapter 666
After a while, the huge hall was completely silent.

Seeing that all the unrelated people had already left, Bai Yunliu turned around and came to Ying Ning, and asked hesitantly:

"Your Highness, according to what you said earlier, Princess Zhidie has been dead for many years, do you know why she died?"

Hearing this, Ying Ning shook his head dejectedly, and said with a sad expression:

"My mother has been dead since before I can remember, and whenever I asked my father about the cause of my mother's death, he would become very angry and sad, and never told me the truth.

So I didn't ask any more questions. "

Hearing this, Bai Yunliu couldn't help but frowned slightly. After pondering for a moment, he asked solemnly:

"Then, Your Highness, you were born without a fox tail?"

"Yeah, I've never had a tail."

Ying Ning nodded blankly, not understanding why the eight-tailed old man asked this.

"Really, that's such a pity."

Bai Yunliu couldn't help but sighed sadly.

The four eight-tailed royals standing behind him also showed disappointment when they saw this.

Originally, they had hoped that this little girl, who was half-demon but also half-nine-tailed, could bring miracles to the entire fox clan through tomorrow's beginning and end inheritance.

Although it is impossible to reach the Nine Tails in the end because of the pollution of the blood, it would be great if the Eight Tails could appear.

However, it is now known that he was born without a fox tail, and he is not even qualified to open a tail, so let alone eight tails and nine tails...

"Oh, it seems that the sky is going to kill my Qingqiu Fox Clan."

Bai Yunliu sighed incomparably desolately, and seemed to have aged a lot in an instant...

Seeing this, Ying Ning couldn't bear it, and hurriedly comforted her:
"Grandpa, my elder brother will definitely defeat that spirit ancestor tomorrow, so don't worry about it."

Hearing these childish words, Bai Yunliu and the other five eight-tailed royals shook their heads and smiled wryly.

Their Royal Highness the Princess is really ignorant and fearless. Just relying on that human brat to want to be an enemy of Lingzu, this is simply bringing shame on oneself.

I'm afraid that if Lingzu blows his breath casually, that self-righteous kid will be wiped out!

Immediately, the eight-tailed royals in the arena glared at the human youth, their eyes full of contempt and disdain.

But at the next moment, the young man smiled lightly and said:

"Okay, it's getting late now, if you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

I haven't eaten lunch yet, so please arrange it first. "

Hearing the words of not treating himself as an outsider, the fox kings present couldn't help frowning, feeling very displeased with the brat's rude behavior.

"Grandpa, my eldest brother is hungry, do you have anything delicious here?"

Ying Ning looked at Wu You with concern, and then hurriedly asked the old man with eight tails.

Seeing this, Bai Yunliu couldn't help but secretly shook his head and sighed.

Like her mother back then, Her Royal Highness was too easily bewitched by those cunning human men.

It seems that after the Lingzu incident, we must find an opportunity to make that human imp disappear completely, so as to avoid future troubles!
When Her Royal Highness the Princess grows up, she will find a man from the fox tribe as her son-in-law.

In the future, among the heirs it will give birth to, there may still be a glimmer of hope that the Nine-Tails royal family will be born!

In this way, the entire Qingqiu fox clan will have no worries and can survive for a long time.

Thinking of this, Bai Yunliu's originally heavy mood improved a little bit.

Immediately, he didn't want to have the same knowledge as that brazen human kid, so he suddenly said:

"Come here, take Her Royal Highness and her friends to the banquet."

As soon as the words were finished, several maids of the fox tribe in palace costumes came to the venue gracefully.

"Thank you grandpa."

Ying Ning thanked Bai Yunliu politely, then looked at the fox-faced old man and the others in the distance, and said with a slight smile:

"Grandpa, you haven't eaten yet, go with us."

Hearing the sound, the fox-faced old man, the young woman and the little shepherd boy couldn't help being flattered, and hurriedly thanked them:
"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

Immediately, Wu You, Ying Ning, Si Jinyan, and the fox-faced old man walked outside the hall under the respectful guidance of the maids.

And when a group of people walked out of the hall, they realized that the sun had already set outside.

Under the radiance of a red glow, the huge palace group they were in, carved from white jade, was also reflected in red, making it look even more magnificent.

"so beautiful!"

Looking at this white jade palace that looks like a fairyland, Ying Ning couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That's right, how much jade was used to build this palace, I'm afraid it's not enough to add up all the jade in the world, this is simply a miracle!"

Si Jinyan couldn't help sighing.

Then he smiled teasingly at Ying Ning and said:

"I didn't expect that your ancestors of the fox clan are so powerful, and they can build such a palace that shocks the world and weeps ghosts and gods. It's really incredible!"

Hearing this, Ying Ning scratched her head in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.Obviously, he is still not used to his current status.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you are mistaken. This fairy palace is not something that those silly foxes could have built."

Wu You looked at the surrounding white jade palace, and suddenly smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Si Jinyan and Ying Ning were startled, then looked at Wu You suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.

This white jade palace was not built by the Qingqiu Fox Clan, so who else could have built it?
However, Wu You didn't say anything, just looked around with a smile of interest, as if he was very satisfied with this majestic palace group...

After a long time, a group of people followed the maids of the fox tribe, passed through the majestic white jade buildings, and finally came to a side hall and sat down.

Immediately, a series of exquisite and delicious palace dishes were respectfully placed in front of everyone by the maids.

And looking at the delicious food that they have never seen before, the fox-faced old man, young woman and little shepherd boy from Taohua Village couldn't help being dumbfounded and salivating.

"What are you still doing, aren't you hungry?"

Wu You smiled lightly, then unceremoniously lay down on the dining table, and started to eat.

Si Jinyan and Ying Ning also looked at each other and smiled, and immediately picked up the dishes.

Seeing this, the three fox-faced old men who were still very cautious at first also began to taste the Wang family's delicacies in front of them carefully.

I don't know how long it took, but after Wu You ate the fifth table banquet, he walked out of the side hall contentedly.

At this time, it was already the climax of the moon outside.

The silvery moonlight filled the entire White Jade Palace, filling it with a sense of incomparable holiness, like a dream city.

Walking in this silvery palace group, the group couldn't help but marvel again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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