Chapter 69
As one of the most wealthy and prominent families in the provincial capital of Liuzhou, the Wang family has extremely strong assets. In addition to film and television media, other industries also cover various fields, with tens of thousands of employees.

It can be said that the Wang Group has great influence in the entire Liuzhou Province.

However, although such a powerful Wang family looks calm on the outside, in fact, the inner tide is already turbulent.

The current head of the Wang family is old, and as Wang Bohao is the eldest son in the family, it is natural for the son to inherit his father's business.

However, what I never expected was that just three years ago, the old head of the Wang family didn't know if he was confused, so he sent a message.Let his three sons run a company respectively, and after three years, see who has the best performance and the highest ability, and then pass on the position of head of the family to whom.

Now the entire Wang family was in a state of turmoil, Wang Bohao's second and third younger brothers immediately geared up and challenged their eldest brother.

But now the three-year period is about to come, but the media company run by Wang Bohao, no matter how hard he works, is still getting worse year by year.However, the companies of his two younger brothers are thriving, setting new highs every time.

If it is said that his ability is really not as good as them, Wang Bohao has nothing to say, and he will naturally take the initiative to let the virtuous.

But just a while ago, he got the news by chance.It turns out that the reason why the media company he runs is getting worse and worse is because his two younger brothers actually colluded with outsiders and secretly tripped him up, that's why it happened.

Wang Bohao was furious when he learned of this, but he had no evidence to expose the other party.

Helpless, he had no choice but to work harder to run the company, hoping to improve and win his father's approval.

However, the time left for him was really too little. As a last resort, Wang Bohao paid a huge price and took over a touring performance program of Liuzhou Satellite TV, intending to use this to turn the world around.

But at this moment, Wang Bohao's mother was suddenly sick in bed, and the Wang family invited countless famous doctors, but they were helpless.

Seeing that his wife, who had followed him for decades, was about to leave first, the old head of the Wang family was heartbroken.Immediately sent a message, no matter who it is, as long as someone can cure his wife's illness, the Wang family will try their best to meet one of their demands.

This can't help but make the eyes of the three brothers who are fighting openly and secretly in the Wang family brighten.Then he spent a lot of money to find capable people and strangers to see a doctor for his mother, but he always returned without success.

Originally, Wang Bohao had given up on this method, but he didn't expect to be able to meet Wu You, an outsider like Wu You, at the first stop of the tour, Jingxian City, and his mind immediately became active.

If this Mr. Wu can cure his mother's illness, then the position of head of the Wang family will definitely be in his pocket.

And he really didn't want his mother to suffer from the pain again. This time, he invited Wu You to Liuzhou Wang's family for treatment, and Wang Bohao was bound to win.

At this time, in the VIP hall on the third floor of Jingxian Huating.

Wu You glanced at the contents of Chen Xiang's box in front of him, suddenly let out a "huh", and turned his head to look carefully.

Seeing that Wu You was interested, Wang Bohao at the side immediately became excited.The three pieces of Hetian mutton fat jade seeds in this box were bought at an auction at a huge price, which can be described as priceless.

This is also the best thing Wang Bohao can bring out now, if Wu You is not satisfied, he doesn't know what to do.

"Where do these things come from?"

As Wu You said, with two fingers, he picked up a round and shiny black bead from the box, and asked Wang Bohao.

Seeing that Wu You didn't take the mutton jade, but took out the black beads used as decoration from the box.Wang Bohao couldn't help being taken aback, and then blurted out:
"Back to Mr. Wu, these are the relics I collected from a Taoist priest when I was young. They said they can ward off disasters and evil spirits. I thought these things were pretty, so I put them in the box as decorations. "


After listening to Wang Bohao's words, Tao Xiaomeng suddenly asked suspiciously: "Aren't the relics belonged to monks? How come Taoists also have them?"

Hearing this, both Han Shuangyue and Duan Jiaqi almost didn't laugh out loud. It seems that Boss Wang, who is stupid and rich in money, was cheated.

"Oh? Really, I said why this thing has no effect, it turns out to be fake. But this thing is not worth much, and it is not a loss."

Wang Bohao shook his head with a wry smile, comforting himself.

Wu You chuckled lightly and didn't say anything else.The black bead in his hand is not a relic, but it is countless times more precious than the so-called relic.

This is the seed of Tongtian Bamboo, which is a very rare refining material in the entire practice world, just like the Primal Chaos Stone.

It seems that the earth is not a remote and desolate star as he thought.Rather, before the Dharma-ending Era far away, there was an extremely prosperous cultivation age, which is why so many precious natural materials and earthly treasures were left behind.

But in this age of doom, such treasures are useless.Because even if they knew what these things were, no monk would use their meager aura to refine them.

Except for a certain pervert who practiced a heaven-defying technique...

It seems that I have to search all the treasures of heaven and earth on the earth before the golden age of practice a year later, Wu You can't help but secretly decide.

"This gift is very good, I accept it. When I am free, I will go to the Wang family in the provincial capital to see your mother."

After Wu You finished speaking calmly, he took out the Babel Bamboo seeds from the agarwood box one by one, and put them in his pocket.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu. When my mother recovers from her illness, my Wang family will definitely have a big gift to thank you."

Wang Bohao didn't expect things to go so smoothly, so he hurriedly stood up and bowed to Wu You to thank him.

Then he straightened up happily, but saw that Wu You had no intention of taking Hetian sheep fat jade, so he hurriedly reminded: "Mr. Wu, the value of these three pieces of jade is much more precious than those black beads. Laughing."

"Are these?"

Wu You casually picked up the three pieces of suet jade in the agarwood box, without even looking at them, and threw one piece to Han Shuangyue, Duan Jiaqi, and Tao Xiaomeng.

"I'll send you off."

Seeing this, Wang Bohao couldn't help but take a deep breath. This is a top-quality jade worth tens of millions. Wu You just throws away trash like this and gives it away?
This is too embarrassing, I may not be so generous.

As expected of Mr. Wu, he acted differently.

The three women looked at the warm Hetian sheep fat jade in their hands, and they all looked surprised.Judging by Wang Bohao's appearance, these three pieces of jade are obviously very precious.And Wu You just gave it to herself, and the three girls couldn't help but feel a strange touch in their hearts.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, we'll go first."

Wu You stood up and said calmly.

And at this moment, Wu Jing, who was sitting by the side and hadn't spoken all this time, suddenly spoke.

"You have caused so many troubles today, and you just want to leave like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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