I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 70 Performance Invitation

Chapter 70 Performance Invitation

"Miss Jing, is there anything else?"

Wu You looked at Wu Jing and asked with a smile.

Wu Jing immediately stood up, gave Wu You a blank look, and said angrily: "Your temper is too impulsive, our program group will start to perform in Jingxian the day after tomorrow.

As an internationally renowned great magician, Yi Zefeier was originally the finale guest of this performance.But now you are seriously injured, what do you want us to show the audience then? "

Hearing this, Wang Bohao couldn't help feeling a little headache.In order to increase the ratings, Wang's Media gritted their teeth and spent a lot of money to invite the great magician Yi Zefei from abroad.And use it as a gimmick to publicize it.

As a result, many audiences paid attention to this tour performance only to watch the performance of this great magician.

However, who would have imagined that Wang's Media would surely lose the trust of the audience in such an unexpected situation.Not only will you suffer heavy economic losses, but you will also have more serious reputation problems.

"Then what do you want?"

Wu You suddenly felt amused and asked.

"It's simple."

Wu Jing narrowed her eyes, stared at Wu You and said, "You act in his place!"

Hearing this, everyone in the arena was surprised.No one expected that Wu Jing would make such a weird request.It's really unbelievable that Wu You was supposed to perform on stage.

"Is he that material?"


"Can my brother be on TV? It's amazing."

The iceberg beauty as cold as Han Shuangyue covered her mouth and laughed.

Duan Jiaqi laughed so hard that she couldn't help but laugh.

Only Tao Xiaomeng looked at Wu You with admiration, as if seeing a superstar.

But Wang Bohao was a little frightened, for fear that Wu Jing's rude words would annoy this proud Mr. Wu.If he reneged on his promise to treat his old mother, then he would really lose his wife and lose his army.

Thinking of this, Wang Bohao's spine suddenly felt chills, and he quickly said:

"Director Wu, how can you be so rude to Mr. Wu. That Yi Zefeier deserves to be blamed, and it is only natural for Mr. Wu to teach him a lesson.

As for the performance, I will find a way to re-invite guests to help out, so there is no need to mention this matter. "

"Interesting, but it's a pity that I still have a lot of things to deal with, otherwise it's okay to go and have fun."

Wu You smiled lightly, not angry at all, and even a little pity.The most important purpose of his rebirth and return is to eliminate all the obstacles of his inner demons, so now he is facing everything with an attitude of doing whatever he wants and playing with the world.

Hearing Wu You's words, Wu Jing couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.When she was in the hall earlier, after seeing Wu You's miraculous performance, she was shocked, and at the same time, her mind became active.

If Wu You can perform on stage, the excitement will definitely surpass Yi Zefeier, and the ratings will soar!

"Well, I won't embarrass you anymore. If you have time the day after tomorrow, you can come to watch our performance live."

Wu Jing shook her head helplessly and said, then looked at the three beautiful girls Han Shuangyue, Duan Jiaqi and Tao Xiaomeng, and immediately said with spirit:

"Three beauties, even if he doesn't come, you can come. I'll take you backstage to meet those actors and stars. It's very interesting."

Hearing this, the three women were also a little bit interested, and thanked them repeatedly.

Afterwards, Wu You and the three daughters left Jingxian Huating under the respectful escort of Wang Bohao.

And just when Han Shuangyue drove the BMW car and drove everyone out of the front yard of the restaurant.

Suddenly, Wu You seemed to see something through the car window, and immediately stopped the car.

"what happened?"

Han Shuangyue turned around and asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I want to go shopping by myself, you go back first."

After Wu You finished speaking, he opened the door and got off the car on his own, and walked towards a side street in the distance with his hands behind his back.

Seeing this, the three women in the car felt helpless and had no choice but to drive away.

But at this time, not far from Jingxian Huating, in a dimly lit dead-end alley.

Six or seven young men, who were tall and rough, blocked a girl with a beautiful face in a corner with fierce faces.

"Run again, I'll see where you can go!"

While speaking, a thin young man walked into the encirclement panting.Touching the hot slap marks on his face, he said angrily to the shivering girl shivering in the corner:

"Little slut, this young master thinks highly of you, that's why I touched you. How dare you fucking hit me, let's see if I can't kill you tonight!

Brothers, take her away for me, and when I'm done playing, let everyone have fun! "

Hearing this, the besieged youths immediately beamed with joy. This little girl in front of her is not ordinary pretty, she must be very fun to play, it seems that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"Thank you, Young Master Shi."

This group of five-year-old and three-year-old youth cheered, and with a lewd smile on their faces, they rushed towards the girl who was huddled in the corner.

"You, don't come here! My boyfriend is Lin Yicong, the young master of the Lin family. If you dare to mess around, he won't let you go!"

The girl threatened with horror, but it was Gao Lili who ran out of Jingxian Huating halfway.

The skinny young man known as Young Master Shi was taken aback when he heard the words, but then he snorted coldly and said contemptuously: "You said that the coward who slipped away just now is the young master of the Lin family? You fucking think I'm an idiot!"

"He really..."

Gao Lili was so frightened that she burst into tears. She ran out of Jingxian Huating by herself before, but unfortunately she was surrounded by these hooligans.That Young Master Shi who was the leader was so contemptuous and rude to him, he slapped him instinctively, but he didn't expect to get into trouble.

Fortunately, Lin Yicong arrived in time, but Gao Lili was completely bewildered by the next scene.

This Young Master Lin, who was usually very imposing in school, saw the situation in front of him, turned around and ran away in fright, and had no intention of saving her at all.

Gao Lili, who fell into despair, took advantage of the moment when the gangsters were relaxed and escaped.But he didn't expect to be caught up again and forced into the desperate situation here.

Looking at the young people who were gradually walking towards her, Gao Lili was already scared out of her wits.When he thought that his pristine body would be ruined by these hooligans, he was even more desperate to die.

"Stop! Let go of that girl!"

Suddenly, a righteous shout came from behind everyone.

Hearing this, everyone in the field turned their heads to look.

Not far away, a thick-browed boy in a yellow jumpsuit was holding a nunchuck and glaring at everyone.

Seeing this, all the young people became happy.

"I'll go, are you here to film a movie? I'm laughing to death."

"Damn it, Bruce Lee? What kind of society is this? Do you still want a hero to save the beauty?"

"Get out of here, and disturb the elegance of the old men, and kill you first!"

All the young people looked down on Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway.

"In that case, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

The thick-browed boy spoke again, and walked up with a nunchuck in his hands as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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