I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 716 Trial and Receipt

Chapter 716 Trial and Receipt

During this period, many people couldn't bear the more and more terrifying and difficult nightmare, so they turned back and quit the trial midway.He sat slumped on the edge of the hall with lingering fear, his face paper-colored and panting.

At this time, out of the tens of thousands of people in the field, only less than 1000 people are still holding on.

Many of them stood there hesitating, not daring to take another step forward, but also reluctant to leave the field.

After a long time, the various howls and exclamations in the arena gradually subsided.

All the testers who are still advancing have shut their mouths at this moment, and their eyes are shining with incomparable determination.

Looking at those who are still gritting their teeth and persevering in the trial, the audience around the field can't help but admire them.

I don't know how long it took, under the expectant eyes of everyone in the audience.

The beautiful woman with eight tails who stepped into the trial ground first was already very close to the white jade staircase in the center of the hall.

At this time, as if she had experienced many years of tempering, Hu Meier, who was full of ancient wells, continued to move forward without joy or sorrow.

And just when she finished the thousandth step, opened her eyes and continued to move forward, she suddenly found that she had not returned to the vast ocean this time, and was still in the trial hall.

"Huh? What's going on here? Did the trial fail? I just learned breaststroke, and I want to compete with that deep sea dragon!"

Hu Meier frowned and muttered, then took two steps forward, but she still didn't return to her nightmare.

And just when Hu Meier was puzzled, a silver bell-like laughter suddenly came from behind.

"The trial didn't fail, but you have passed the trial of Guhua Xianzong."

Hearing this, Hu Meier couldn't help being startled, and then turned around in shock.

But I saw the Tianhu King and the human woman, just like me at this moment, no longer falling into a nightmare, and walked over.

Seeing this, Hu Meier was dumbfounded, and exclaimed in disbelief:
"I, I really passed the test?!"

At this time, Ying Ning and Si Jinyan walked forward, holding hands, with joy on their faces.

Hearing what the beautiful woman with eight tails said, Ying Ning smiled excitedly and said:
"That's right, we have passed the test of the disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect, now we can go to the second floor of the main altar and practice master's exercises."

After getting this definite answer, Hu Meier suddenly trembled with excitement, the joy in her heart could no longer be expressed in words.

After going through what seemed like years of trekking and countless difficulties and obstacles, she finally achieved her original goal at this moment.

Looking at the road she had walked all of a sudden, Hu Meier felt as if she had passed away, filled with emotion.

At this moment, she is no longer afraid of the nightmare in her heart, and even now she has the confidence to solve any difficulties in front of her.

No more hesitation, no more fear.

And this mentality of never shrinking in the face of difficulties is the biggest gain she has gained after passing this trial!
It wasn't until this moment that Hu Meier understood the real intention of the Guhua Xianzong disciples' trials.

Rather than saying that this trial is selecting people with perseverance, it is better to say that it is training and cultivating people's perseverance.

As long as a person passes this test, his perseverance and resilience will be improved like never before.

And this kind of perseverance is even more precious than that miraculous exercise!
Thinking of this, Hu Meier couldn't help admiring the good intentions of her honorable lord.

But at this moment, Ying Ning and Si Jinyan had already arrived in front of Hu Meier.

"Come on, we can go up."

Ying Ning said with a light smile, and walked towards the white jade stairs leading to the second floor of the main altar of the Ancient Hua Xianzong.

Hearing the words of the Tianhu King, Hu Meier immediately reacted, and then hurriedly followed with excitement.

After a while, the three women came to the white jade steps.

Looking at the white jade staircase that swayed up and directly to the dome, Hu Meier felt a little uneasy, and then said hesitantly:

"Come on, King Tianhu, there is no mechanism for this staircase, right?"

However, Ying Ning shook her head and said with a smile:

"As I said just now, we have already passed the Guhua Xianzong's trial, and now we only need to reach the second floor to practice the exercises."

Hearing this, Hu Meier finally felt at ease.

And at the next moment, Ying Ning turned around suddenly, and looked at the many fox people in the hall who were full of fear and did not dare to take a step further.

Then he said solemnly:

"Listen well, this trial for the disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect is only open for three days, and it will be automatically closed when the time is up.

You will no longer have the opportunity to become disciples of the Guhua Xianzong and practice the master's exercises.

So those who want to change their destiny, hurry up. "

After finishing speaking, Ying Ning, Si Jinyan and Hu Meier stepped on the white jade stairs in front of them, and walked up slowly with excitement.

And hearing Tianhu King's words, those who stood hesitantly on the edge of the hall, and those who were in the field but hesitated to move forward, couldn't help being shocked.

An unprecedented sense of urgency suddenly hit everyone's hearts.

And right now.

The little shepherd boy and Bai Yunliu who were undergoing trials in the arena also completed the test of the ancient Hua Xianzong, and walked towards the white jade staircase with great excitement.

Seeing more and more people successfully passed the test, those who were hesitant in the hall were extremely envious, but at the same time they were eager to try.

At the next moment, almost everyone walked towards the field again unwillingly, accepting the incomparably terrifying nightmare trial, in order to challenge their limits!
In an instant, all kinds of howls, exclamations, and complaints filled the entire hall again...

In this way, the days passed quickly.

On the third day, the white jade staircase leading to the second floor of the main altar in the center of the trial hall suddenly disappeared!

The trial of the disciples of the Ancient Huaxian Sect is over!

So far, among the [-] people in the entire Qingqiu Kingdom, about [-] people finally passed the test of the disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect.

And at the same time that the trial was closed, Wu You, who had completely recovered his strength, finally came out.

When he came to the second floor of the main altar of the ancient Hua Xianzong, he was pleased to find that there were more people who had passed the trial this time than he had imagined.

Seeing himself, the lord, finally reappeared, the more than five hundred people on the second floor of the main altar were suddenly inexplicably excited.

The moment they set foot on the second floor of the Ancient Huaxianzong, they were already shot into their bodies by streaks of bright golden rays, thus obtaining the miraculous cultivation technique that they had always dreamed of.

Because of this, they can now be said to have officially become disciples of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect.

And seeing the founder of his own sect at this moment, everyone present was extremely excited.

Qi Qi bowed and bowed in reverence:

"Disciple meets Master Headmaster!"

(End of this chapter)

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