Chapter 717
In the vast, bright and magnificent second-floor hall.

Wu You looked calmly at the disciples of the Ancient Huaxianzong, with a gratified smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:
"Okay, let's all get up"

"Thank you, Master Headmaster."

More than [-] people in the arena respectfully kowtowed, and then slowly stood up and stood respectfully on the spot, waiting for the head teacher to speak.

And at this moment, the beautiful girl with ten tails standing in the front row of the crowd stepped forward gracefully.He held Wu You's arm affectionately, smiled sweetly and said:
"Master, Xiao Ning didn't disappoint you, right? I have also passed the test."

"very good."

Wu You smiled lightly, and patted Ying Ning on the head.

Then he looked at the people in the field and said calmly:

"The practice hall on the second floor here is only equipped with the Spirit Gathering Formation and the Pure Heart Formation for the time being.

During the time when this seat is not here, you will be familiar with the practice of returning to the source here.

After the ancient Hua Xianzong is formally established, this seat will start the pulse washing array here, so that you can wait for the quicker introduction of returning to the source. "

"Yes, Master Headmaster."

More than [-] people in the field suddenly took orders.

But at this moment, after hearing Wu You's words, Ying Ning immediately realized and asked in surprise:

"During the absence? Where is Master going?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience came back to their senses, and immediately showed surprise.

The main altar of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect has just been built, why is the head teacher leaving?
But at this moment, Si Jinyan came out in front of Wu You, and asked in surprise:
"Master, master, are we really going to leave Qingqiu country?"

"Yes, the matter here has been dealt with almost, and it's time to go up and solve other problems."

Wu You nodded, then looked at everyone in the field again, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and said:

"Besides, the disciples of the Ancient Huaxianzong, 500 people in this area alone are not enough. I have to go out and expand the publicity."

As he said, under the surprised and puzzled eyes of everyone in the audience.

Wu You suddenly told Ying Ning:

"Xiao Ning, while I am away, the Kingdom of Qingqiu and the General Altar of the Ancient Huaxianzong will be handed over to you."

Hearing the sound, Ying Ning was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said anxiously:

"Master doesn't want it, Xiao Ning also wants to go with Master."

Seeing this, Wu You patted Ying Ning's head again, shook his head and said with a smile:
"Stupid boy, if you leave too, who will help Master protect this family property?"

Hearing this, Ying Ning was stunned in place, and then remembered that he had a heavy responsibility, so he nodded resolutely and said:
"Well, master, Xiao Ning will definitely guard this place for you, and will not disappoint master.

But if Master wants to promise Xiao Ning, he must come back soon. "

Looking at the tears in front of her eyes, the pitiful girl with ten tails, Wu You smiled lightly:

"This seat promises you."

At the next moment, Wu You looked at Si Jinyan beside him, and said calmly:
"Then let's go now."

However, Si Jinyan shook her head, looked at Yingning with concern and said:
"Since Xiao Ning won't leave, then I'll stay too, otherwise she will be too lonely alone in this strange place."

"what ever."

Wu You smiled lightly.

After all, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

For my master teacher, a spiritual formation under my feet suddenly lit up.

At the next moment, it disappeared without a trace!

Before they had time to send them off, the founder of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect left so quietly...

Seeing this, Ying Ning's blue eyes suddenly shed two crystal clear teardrops of reluctance.

At this moment, Si Jinyan hurried forward, held Ying Ning's little hand with concern, and comforted her:
"Xiao Ning, don't be sad. Master has already promised you, he will be back soon."

Hearing the sound, Ying Ning nodded heavily with tears in her eyes and said:
"Well, Master will definitely come back."


At the same time, on the surface, which is far away from this underground world, it is already near noon.

The sun is shining brightly and the breeze is warm.

Zhenwu Mountain on the outskirts of the provincial capital of Liuzhou, although the environment is beautiful and beautiful, but as usual, there are not many people, and it is still lifeless.

The reason for this phenomenon, apart from the rumor that this place used to be a mass grave.

It is also because ten days ago, all directions of this Zhenwu Mountain were completely put under martial law by the Liuzhou military for unknown reasons.There are so many troops stationed here that they are like iron barrels.

Don't talk about people now, I'm afraid not even a fly can fly in...

However, at this moment, there was a conversation at the only mountain pass that could still be entered and exited in Zhenwu Mountain, which suddenly broke the silence here.

"Sir, I'm Lu Xiaoran, a special correspondent from Liuzhou News. I want to interview the person in charge about the bizarre incident that happened here ten days ago."

"How many times have I said that this is an important military area, no one is allowed to approach it, let alone accept any interviews.

I don't care who you are, go back to where you came from now, or you will bear the consequences! "

"But sir, as a responsible journalist, I have an obligation to tell the public the truth.

Just ten days ago, someone witnessed this Zhenwu Mountain with their own eyes, many strange monsters appeared, and there were even robots and dragons fighting in the sky..."

"Shut up! As a reporter, how can you listen to such unrealistic rumors.

Now let me warn you one last time, leave here immediately, or we will arrest you for obstructing military operations! "

"Excuse me, sir, let's go right away, right away.

Xiao Ran, stop talking, go, go. "

"But, but my interview..."

The sound became smaller and smaller, and then Zhenwu Mountain returned to its usual tranquility.

Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing a camera vest came to the road not far from Zhenwu Mountain.

And behind him, followed by a young girl with a capable temperament in a beige professional skirt.

It's just that now this young girl who looks to be in her early 20s and is very energetic is following behind the middle-aged man with her head down and a dejected look on her face.

"Brother Li, are we really going to leave like this? If we can interview the truth about the Zhenwu Mountain incident, it will definitely cause a sensation!"

The young girl said reluctantly.

Hearing this, the middle-aged cameraman shook his head earnestly and said:

"Xiao Ran, you are still too young, Brother Li knows that you have just started working and want to express yourself in a hurry.

But there are some things that us little journalists can't get involved in, especially those involving the government and the army. You can hide as far as you can, otherwise you will get into trouble and no one will be able to save you. "

Hearing this, although Lu Xiaoran was still a little unwilling, but he also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he had to shut his mouth in the end, feeling very depressed.

After a while, Lu Xiaoran wanted to adjust his bad mentality at the moment, and said casually:
"Brother Li, have you ever heard of Mr. Wu?"

(End of this chapter)

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