I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 73 Liang Xiao's Reverse Scale

Chapter 73 Liang Xiao's Reverse Scale
"What the hell are you two doing over there!"

Shi Haoqian resisted the pain, and shouted at Wu You.

Although I don't know why, the boy who was beaten up and vomited blood before jumped up vigorously at this moment.

But seeing that those two guys had been ignoring his own existence from the beginning to the end, Shi Haoqian was instantly furious.

Hearing this, Liang Xiao, a boy with thick eyebrows who stood up, suddenly realized that the young men who beat him just now were all wounded and fell to the ground, moaning unceasingly.

"Master really deserves to be a peerless master, those guys are no match for you at all."

Liang Xiao looked at Wu You with admiration. He had only seen this kind of scene in movies and TV shows, and this was the first time he had seen it in reality.

Then Liang Xiao suddenly heard something and turned his head away.However, he found that the girl whom he had stepped forward to save from the group of hooligans was standing in the distance with a face full of despair at this moment, tears streaming down his face.

"Girl, don't worry, those bad guys have been dealt with by my master, you can go home now."

Liang Xiao hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him that he had been seriously injured and was almost in a coma before, and his eyes were completely darkened about what happened around him, and he didn't know anything.

Seeing the young man with thick eyebrows talking nonsense, Shi Haoqian, who was sitting on the ground, immediately snorted coldly, and said in a dark voice: "Don't think that you will be coaxed by bullshit after knocking down a few people. Later, when my father brings someone here, you will Feel what true despair is!"

"Your father?"

Liang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then sneered and said, "You are such an adult, you can't beat others and you call yourself a parent? Don't be ashamed."

Shi Haoqian flew into a rage when he heard the words, he wanted to refute but didn't know how to speak, and finally he could only say out of embarrassment: "Okay, okay, let's wait and see, I'll see how stubborn you are in a while!"

"Who cares about you."

Liang Xiao looked back dismissively, and said to Wu Youjing: "Master, my house is nearby, let's go and sit there."


Wu You nodded, in fact, he also wanted to take a look at the room where he once lived in the previous life.

"Girl, it's getting late, you should go home soon."

As Liang Xiao said, he ran to the corner, picked up his nunchuck, ran back to Wu You, and led the way:
"Then let's go, Master."

"Stop for me!"

Seeing that the two guys who never put themselves in the eye were about to leave while talking, Shi Haoqian suddenly became angry and threatened in a cold voice:
"Let me tell you, the monk can't escape the temple if you run away! If you dare to escape today, believe it or not, someone will go to your house tomorrow to avenge me. At that time, it will not only be the two of you, but even your family members will be buried with you!"

When Liang Xiao heard Shi Haoqian's words, as if he had touched the reverse scale, his originally sunny face suddenly changed color.

He turned ferociously and ran to Shi Haoqian, picked up the nunchaku in his hand, and slammed it on Shi Haoqian's head!
Never thought that Liang Xiao would be so excited. Shi Haoqian, who was already injured and unable to move, immediately regretted it, so he had to protect his head with his arms.

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

The next moment, a burst of rhythmic blows and screams sounded at the same time, complementing each other.

Hearing the sound, Gao Lili's tears stopped for a while, and she watched in amazement that the thick-browed boy raised and lowered his stick and hit Shi Haoqian non-stop, and was immediately dumbfounded.

"Ah! Stop beating, please stop beating! Ah! What I just said was all bullshit, all fart, ah!..."

Shi Haoqian, who had no power to fight back, kept crying and begging for mercy.However, Liang Xiao didn't intend to stop at all. Instead, he exerted more and more force, as if he was going to kill him before giving up.

"Stop! Let go of my Young Master Shi!"

Suddenly, an extremely angry voice came from the entrance of the alley.

When Liang Xiao heard the words, he turned his head and saw a burly man in a leather jacket, holding a machete in his hand, leading dozens of people behind him, pouring into the narrow alley.

This group of people held military stabs, machetes, daggers and other sharp weapons in their hands, and walked towards them with cruel and vicious expressions.

Seeing this situation, Gao Lili in the arena suddenly turned pale. It seemed that this time she was really doomed.And when she thought of her tragic end, her face turned ashen.

"Brother Zhao, save me!"

Shi Haoqian, who was already covered in injuries, was overjoyed when he saw the person coming.It can be regarded as looking forward to the arrival of reinforcements, and now he is finally safe.

"Aren't you two awesome, I want to see how you two die!"

Shi Haoqian yelled arrogantly, then pointed at Wu You and Liang Xiao, and shouted to the burly man who was walking quickly: "Brother Zhao, hack these two bastards to death!"

"Yes, Young Master Shi. Brothers follow me, don't hold back, let's go to hell!"

The burly man named Brother Zhao raised his extremely shiny machete and rushed towards Wu You.

Afterwards, a group of vicious men followed, all armed with sharp weapons.

"Master, what should we do?"

Seeing this situation, Liang Xiao didn't panic or flinch in the slightest, just like he faced six or seven youths who were tall and rough before, even if he knew he couldn't beat him, he was never afraid.

What's more, now that Master is by his side, he is even more confident.

"Don't stop, keep hitting you until your anger is gone."

Wu You looked at Liang Xiao, nodded and smiled.

"Okay, Master."

Liang Xiao, who received the instructions, turned around vigorously, and under Shi Haoqian's terrified eyes, raised the nunchuck in his hand again, "I'll hit!"

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

In an instant, the rhythmic blows and screams sounded again...

Seeing this, Brother Zhao and everyone behind him were dumbfounded. After killing so many people, those two ignorant bastards are still interested in "torturing prisoners"?
This is simply ignoring them, it's really hateful!
"Brothers, come on, chop me to death!"

After all, Brother Zhao rushed to the front with a hideous face, and mercilessly chopped at Wu You's head with the machete he raised.

However, just when everyone thought that the indifferent young man was about to splatter blood on the spot, an incredible scene appeared.

Wu You's figure suddenly disappeared in full view!
But when it reappeared, Brother Zhao and the dozens of villains with sharp weapons all fell to the ground immediately, everyone was seriously injured, and the sound of howling and moaning could be heard endlessly.

Shi Haoqian, who was holding his head and enduring Liang Xiao's severe beating, felt like falling into an ice cave when he saw such a horrific scene.

"Father, if you don't come, I will be beaten to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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