Chapter 74
Looking at the murderers who were screaming in pain all over the floor, Gao Lili, who retreated in the corner, suddenly felt a storm in her heart.

Although she knew that Wu You was very strong, she never thought that he was so strong that it was unimaginable.Unexpectedly, a single person knocked down dozens of murderers with sharp weapons without any effort.

And I didn't even see how he made the move, which is really unbelievable.

At this moment, Gao Lili's previous despair gradually calmed down for some reason.It seems that no matter how big the crisis or desperate situation is, as long as Wu You is there, it will be solved.

And this unprecedented sense of security made Gao Lili not only admire Wu You, but also deeply love her.At the same time, he hated even more the cowardly Lin Yicong who abandoned him.

However, she also sensed sensitively that the reason why Wu You came here was not to save herself, but to save the boy in the yellow jumpsuit...

And thinking of her attitude towards Wu You and Tao Xiaomeng in Jingxian Huating before, Gao Lili immediately regretted it and felt deeply ashamed.

I really want to go up and apologize to Wu You, but I don't know how to say it...

"You, you are actually a master of dark energy!"

Brother Zhao, who fell on the ground, endured the severe pain, sat up convulsively and leaned against the wall, looking at Wu You in horror.

He, Zhao Jianwei, was Shi Hongqiang's subordinate, the number one gold medal fighter in strength, and a warrior of the peak of Ming Jin.However, he was killed with one blow by that boy, and he had no power to resist.

Zhao Jianwei really didn't expect to meet a master of dark energy in street fighting, he was really unlucky.

And listening to Shi Haoqian's howls, and seeing the tragic end of his brothers, the anger in Zhao Jianwei's heart instantly overwhelmed his reason, staring at Wu You, and roared viciously:

"Don't be arrogant, kid, so what if you are a dark martial artist, don't forget what kind of society it is now, you are so powerful that you can deal with it!

I advise you to let our Young Master Shi go quickly, and then kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, when my brother Qiang arrives with hot hands, you will be damned dead! "

Hearing this, Liang Xiao immediately stopped his movements and looked at Wu You solemnly.Yes, modern society is not like ancient times, no matter how good martial arts are, I am afraid that they are not opponents of hot weapons.

"Master, shall we withdraw?"

Hearing this, Shi Haoqian, whose head was already covered in bruises, raised his head tenaciously with vitality, panting fiercely and said, "You, you keep hitting! I, I'll see how you all die in a while!"

"do not worry."

Wu You didn't care about Zhao Jianwei's threats at all, pointed at Shi Haoqian and said with a faint smile, "Listen to him, keep fighting."

"Okay, Master."

Seeing that Wu You was so confident, Liang Xiao lost any scruples and raised the nunchaku again.


Shi Hao never expected such a result, his face turned pale with fright, he quickly hugged his head again, his whole body curled up into a ball and shivered.I cursed myself as an idiot in my heart, why did I talk so much nonsense...

"Stop! Let go of my son!"

Suddenly, a deep and deep roar came from a distance.

Shi Haoqian's heart was shocked when he heard the sound, and he looked up in surprise.I saw his father, Shi Hongqiang, wearing a black windbreaker, walking towards here with incomparable momentum and majesty.

Afterwards, seven or eight burly middle-aged men guarded his side vigorously and resolutely, never leaving a single step.Everyone's hands touched their waists from time to time, as if they were always ready to pull out something.

"Dad! Come and save..."



Shi Haoqian, who was overjoyed, was hit on the head by Liang Xiao without any preparation, and he was hit on the head hard, and blood flowed immediately.

"I fucking killed you!"

Seeing this, Shi Hongqiang's expression changed instantly, and he ran forward suddenly.

However, when he came close, he was shocked to find that dozens of his subordinates were all injured and fell to the ground, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"Brother Qiang, be careful, he is a dark martial artist!"

Zhao Jianwei, who was leaning against the wall, pointed at Wu You, and hurriedly reminded Shi Hongqiang loudly.

"Dark force warrior?"

Shi Hongqiang was shocked again when he heard the words, he couldn't help but stop his progress, and looked at the boy solemnly.

After a while, he said coldly to him with a sullen look on his face, "Who the hell are you and why are you hurting my son!"

"You don't have the right to ask who I am. As for why you taught your son, it's because my apprentice is very angry, and the consequences are very serious. When he finishes his anger, he will naturally stop. Just wait a moment."

Wu You said lightly, then looked at Liang Xiao with a smile and said, "Keep fighting, don't leave depression in your heart, it will be detrimental to your future practice."

"Yes, Master."

Although I don't know what Wu You's practice is, but what the master asked me to do must be right, and I just do it myself, so I don't have to think so much.

Immediately, Liang Xiao raised the nunchaku in his hand again, and slammed it at Shi Haoqian, venting the anger in his heart to his heart's content.

Everyone never expected that those two extremely arrogant teenagers would dare to beat Jing Xian's elder brother Shi Hongqiang openly in front of his beloved son. This is simply asking for death!

Hearing his son's tragic howls, Shi Hongqiang's eyes suddenly burst into tears, and in an instant, an unprecedented rage erupted in his chest.

"Shoot him!"

Hearing this, the seven or eight professional gunmen who had been prepared beside Shi Hongqiang pulled out the pistols at their waists neatly, and pointed their cold muzzles at Wu You in an instant.

"Wait a minute."

And at this moment, a playful voice suddenly sounded.

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized that behind Shi Hongqiang and the others was a tall and graceful woman in a tight leather jacket and leather pants.

"Boss Shi, if you shoot so blatantly, the police will be called, why don't you let me come."

The coquettish woman walked up to Shi Hongqiang with her slender legs, and a captivating smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Hearing this, Shi Hongqiang looked at this charming woman. Although his heart beat a little faster, he didn't dare to show it on his face, and said respectfully:

"Master Si just came from a long way from the provincial capital. I haven't cleaned up for you yet. Who would have thought that such a mess would happen. I, Shi, am really ashamed, so how dare I bother Master Si?"

The people who fell on the ground couldn't help being extremely puzzled seeing Shi Hongqiang showing such respect to this coquettish woman.Who the hell is this woman? It's unbelievable that even the big bosses of Jingxian City give her three points of courtesy.

But Zhao Jianwei, who was leaning against the wall, was shocked when he saw this.

Could it be that the woman in front of me was Shi Hongqiang, the head of the provincial capital Zhenwumen branch, Si Hongchen, who personally went to greet her at night?

(End of this chapter)

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