I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 778 Official Disciple

Chapter 778 Official Disciple
And just when everyone in the entire provincial capital was deeply shocked by the skyscraper Qionglou that suddenly appeared in the eastern suburbs of the city, there was an uproar.

Countless people on Zhenwu Mountain were already swarming towards the white jade palace, which was a thousand meters high and went straight into the sky, with great excitement.

At this time, the remaining people in the auditorium were also quickly cleared by the military staff and walked down the mountain in an orderly manner.

It didn't take long for the auditorium, which was originally full of seats, to be empty.

And at this moment, Lu Xiaoran, Bai Lulu, and Ma Linya, who were on the grand stage, stared blankly at the young man standing proudly on the stage, feeling as if he was a fairy, and they couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.

At this moment, they can no longer tell the difference between reality and dream, and what happened today is far beyond their imagination.

At the next moment, Lu Xiaoran suppressed the shock in his heart, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and walked forward resolutely.

"Master Wu, can I ask you a question?"

Hearing these timid words, Wu You turned around, looked at the surprised young girl in front of her, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth:

"what is the problem?"

"Master Wu, the new world you just mentioned, yes, is it true?"

Lu Xiaoran couldn't suppress his desire for knowledge any longer, so he asked suddenly.

"Of course it's true, does this seat seem to be joking?"

Wu You smiled lightly.

"My God, is it, is it really the end of the world?"

Lu Xiaoran exclaimed in horror.

"For you now, it can indeed be said to be the doomsday, when half of the world's people will die, it will be considered a small number.

But if it is ready, it is a great opportunity, it all depends on the nature of the individual. "

Wu You said indifferently and meaningfully.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoran was completely stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.My mind is full of mysterious terms such as doomsday, chance, and good fortune.

Wu You smiled slightly, but ignored the dull girl, and was about to turn around to leave when a timid voice suddenly came.

"Please, please wait."

Wu You looked up, and saw that the person who spoke was the female star Bai Lulu.

"What's the matter with your name?"

Wu You asked with interest.

And when Bai Lulu saw the young man's deep and calm eyes, she was at a loss for a moment, and all the words she had planned were thrown into confusion, and she said in a panic:

"That, that Master Wu, I would like to invite you to play the leading role in my new play."

"Not interested in."

Wu You smiled lightly, then turned around and walked towards the edge of the stage.

Seeing this, Bai Lulu, who originally wanted to get acquainted with this transcendent and handsome young man, couldn't help calling herself an idiot, and then wanted to ask Master Wu to stay again.

But at the next moment, a large group of men, women and children suddenly came to the stage and walked over with excitement.

When he came close, he surrounded Master Wu excitedly.

"Meet Master."

"Meet Mr. Wu."

"Hello, General Wu."

All of a sudden, all kinds of greetings and greetings suddenly resounded throughout the stage.

But at this moment, Wu You ignored others' visits, and suddenly bowed slightly to one of the majestic old men in white:
"Grandpa Duan is good."

"Yu'er, get up."

Duan Shuping relievedly lifted up the boy in front of him, whom he had grown up with, who was closer than his own grandson.

And when Wu You straightened up, many men, women and children around who were invited this time began to speak excitedly, bustling with each other.

"Master, we miss you so much."

"Angkor, the main altar of the ancient Huaxian sect is simply too shocking. Where did you get it? It's a miracle!"

"Master Wu, your performance this time is really wonderful, and your Weibo fans will definitely increase countless times!"

"Yuko, it's really thanks to you this time, the ratings of this live tour will definitely break the historical record!"

"Wu, Mr. Wu, do you remember the request you made to me in the hospital? In fact, Boya can follow your..."

"Xiaoyou, I've practiced a lot of pieces during this time, and I'm just waiting to play the flute for you."

"Master, in order to come to see you this time, I have prepared another twenty tons of precious resources..."


After a long time, everyone still couldn't calm down the excitement in their hearts, and they were still expressing their reverence and longing for the young man in front of them.

But at this moment, Wu You smiled slightly, and suddenly interrupted everyone's words.

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

Then he said calmly:

"The reason why I called you to come to the provincial capital today is because my Ancient Hua Xianzong was officially established, and you are the disciples personally selected by this seat."

Hearing this, everyone around couldn't help being inexplicably excited and feeling extremely proud.

Then at the next moment, Wu You went on to say:

"However, although some of you have obtained the exercises of this sect, if you want to officially become a disciple of my ancient Huaxian sect, you must pass the apprenticeship test of this sect.

Except for Grandpa Duan, no one is an exception.

But I believe in my own vision, you should have no problem. "

Hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help being taken aback, and then they all showed extremely firm expressions, full of confidence in becoming an official disciple of the Guhua Immortal Sect.

"Okay, you can go to the Guhua Xianzong's disciple acceptance trial now, and I will be waiting for you at the Guhua Xianzong main altar."

As soon as these words came out, the people around did not hesitate at all, and said goodbye to Wu You one after another, then turned around resolutely and walked towards the towering white jade palace.

After a while, only Wu You and Duan Shuping were left in the field.

And at this moment, Wu You suddenly said:

"Grandpa Duan, do you want to say something to me?"

Hearing this, Duan Shuping was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly Wu You could see what he was thinking, and then asked solemnly:
"You'er, when are you going to the Chen family in Kyoto?"

Hearing this, the smile on Wu You's face gradually disappeared, and he said indifferently:


Hearing the sound, Duan Shuping couldn't help frowning, and said worriedly:

"You'er, even though you have achieved great success, Grandpa Duan still doesn't want you to trouble the Chen family right now.

After all, the energy possessed by the five great families behind the Ancient Martial Dao Sect is not as simple as it seems.If you act recklessly, I'm afraid you will startle the snake. "

"Don't worry, Grandpa Duan, I have my own discretion in this matter.

When I go to the Chen family, it will be the day when I am sure to completely level the five great families of the ancient Martial Dao Sect! "

Hearing Wu You's indifferent and proud words, Duan Shuping felt relieved.

At the same time, he felt a little pity for the Chen family who persecuted Wu You's father and robbed Wu You's mother.

Because he firmly believed that sooner or later, You'er would trample the entire Chen family under her feet and avenge her parents!
(End of this chapter)

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