I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 779 The Only One In This Life

Chapter 779 The only one in this life
At the next moment, in order to relieve the dull and oppressive atmosphere and prevent Wu You from being immersed in the haze of revenge, Duan Shuping suddenly thought of something.

Immediately, he changed the topic and changed the subject:
"You'er, do you still remember the promise you made to Grandpa Duan?"

Hearing this, Wu You suddenly came back to his senses, and blurted out:
"what's up?"

"What else can it be, of course it's your marriage with Gu Rou.

You promised Grandpa Duan in Jing Xian that you would go to the capital to develop a relationship with your fiancée. Have you forgotten it? "

Duan Shuping said solemnly.

Hearing this, Wu You was taken aback for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said:
"Grandpa Duan, I just said it casually at the time, so I can't take it seriously..."

"Shut up, once a man says something, it's hard to follow, how can he go back on his word at will.

Is it because you are more capable now, and you don't like my daughter of the Duan family anymore? "

Duan Shuping interrupted Wu You's words suddenly, and said with displeasure on his face.

Wu You couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't want Duan Shuping to get angry, so he nodded helplessly and said:
"Okay, Grandpa Duan, after I go to Kyoto, I will meet that Gu Rou when I have time."

"Not only to see you, but you two also need to live together and take care of each other, so that Grandpa Duan will feel at ease, understand?"

Duan Shuping said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Wu You shook his head and said with a sneer:

"Let your granddaughter live with a stranger like me, I'm afraid she won't be willing."

"Don't worry about this, on my birthday last month, I told Gu Rou about it in person, and she has no objection.

After all, Grandpa Duan taught Gu Rou since she was a child that you are her only fiancé in this life.Living with my future husband, what would I not want to do? "

Duan Shuping said arrogantly.

Hearing this, Wu You was speechless for a moment.

Then, as if recalling something, a soft smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No wonder that stupid, stupid woman in the previous life would always follow me, and even die for herself in the end.

It turned out that at that time, she had already recognized that he was her fiancé...

Hehe, this stupid woman is really an interesting guy.

Then Wu You smiled lightly and said:

"Okay, Grandpa Duan, after I go to Kyoto, I'll go find that Gu Rou first."

"Well, that's what it sounds like."

Duan Shuping smiled gratifiedly.

At this moment, Bai Lulu, who was standing not far away, seemed to be startled when she heard a familiar name.

Immediately, he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and immediately stepped forward and asked:

"Master Wu, are you also Miss Gurou's book fan?

If that's the case, then you should go to Kyoto to film with me. After all, my new play was created by Ms. Gu Rou.

If you are lucky, maybe you can meet again and become friends. "

However, upon hearing this, Duan Shuping on the side couldn't help but frowned, and immediately said displeasedly:
"What kind of messed up book lovers, listen to me, this You'er of mine is that Duan Gu Rou's fiancé!

Don't talk about the two of them meeting each other, there is no problem living together! "

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lulu was taken aback for a moment, and then she showed an unbelievable look, and hurriedly said:

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense. If the paparazzi hear about it, there may be a scandal, which will have a great impact on Miss Gurou's reputation.

And you are also legally responsible. "

"Nonsense, I am the grandfather of that Gu Rou, what legal responsibility do you think I bear!"

Duan Shuping blew his beard and stared.

Hearing the sound, Bai Lulu was completely stunned on the spot, with an unprecedented shock on her pretty face.

No matter what, she never thought that the imposing old man in white in front of her was the grandfather of her idol Duan Gurou.

This, this is simply too unbelievable!
And if what the old man in white said was true, then wouldn't Master Wu really be his idol's fiancé? !
God, how is this possible!

However, when one thinks about Master Wu's incomparably prominent status, as well as his incredible abilities, this is really possible.

After all, a perfect super male god like this is the other half that every woman dreams of.

At this moment, Bai Lulu even felt that her idol, Ms. Gu Rou, might be a little too high...

And in my heart, I feel a little sour in my heart for this handsome guy with a heaven-defying appearance and a noble status.

If I can have such a fiancé, how wonderful it would be...

And just when Bai Lulu was feeling sorry for herself, a respectful voice suddenly came from behind.

"Master is good."

Looking along the sound, I saw a middle-aged white man with a burly figure, who had already come to the front, bowed and clasped his fists.

And right beside him, there is a blonde beauty with a sexy figure and full of aura.And a foreign old lady with dignified and elegant temperament and amiable face.

"Get up."

Wu You turned around and smiled lightly at Hans.

Then he looked at the embarrassing blonde beauty in front of him with great interest, and said with a playful smile:

"Little Golden Retriever, why are you here?"

Hearing this, the blond beauty suddenly showed a sullen expression, and immediately said righteously:
"Mr. Wu, let me reiterate again that my name is not a little golden retriever. My name is Betty Adams. Please be respectful."

"Betty is not allowed to be rude to Mr. Wu!"

The foreign old woman scolded sharply, then bowed respectfully to Wu You and said:

"Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, please don't be as knowledgeable as my granddaughter."

Then he reprimanded Betty beside him:
"What are you still doing, why don't you apologize to Mr. Wu soon."

Seeing the stern look in her grandmother's eyes, Betty had no choice but to bow her head even though she was angry in her heart. She had to bend down and apologize in a low voice:
"Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, I was talking too much."

"It's okay, I just like interesting guys like you, get up, little golden retriever."

Wu You chuckled lightly, then ignored the blushing blond beauty, and asked the foreign old woman calmly:
"What are you doing here this time?"

Hearing this, the foreign old lady stopped talking nonsense, and said straight to the point:

"Mr. Wu, to be honest, we came here this time to ask for your help."

"Oh? What do you need my help for?"

Wu You asked with interest.

At this time, the foreign old woman looked at Duan Shuping and the others beside her, and said with some embarrassment:

"Mr. Wu, can we take a step to talk?"

"It's okay, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Wu You said indifferently.

Seeing this, the foreign old lady didn't dare to have any opinions, so she said respectfully:

"That's right, Mr. Wu, my name is Daisy Adams, and I'm the interim patriarch of the Citigroup Adams family.

This time I came to Huaxia, I want to invite you to visit the Eastern Kingdom. "

(End of this chapter)

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