I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 78 The Immortals Come Down to Earth

Chapter 78 The Immortals Come Down to Earth
"Master, is what you said true?"

Liang Xiao asked with a look of surprise, if his younger brothers and sisters could also learn the master's skills like himself, that would be great.

Wu You nodded, smiled and said, "Of course."

"Thank you Master!"

Liang Xiao immediately cheered, even happier than when he was apprenticed.

Although I don't know what the master is doing, seeing Brother Xiao so happy, the children around him also cheered.

But at this moment, Gao Lili who was on the side suddenly discovered that the limbs, facial features, and even the torso of these children in front of them were more or less deformed.

These children are actually disabled children.

"Xiao Xiao, why did you come back so late, grandma is worried to death."

Saying that, an old woman who was over sixty years old stumbled out of the house.When he saw Wu You and Gao Lili, he couldn't help being stunned, and asked suspiciously:
"Who are these two?"

"Grandma, this is my master and sister Gao."

Liang Xiao happily walked forward, helped the old woman to look at Wu You, and proudly introduced:

"Grandma, my master is amazing. One person can beat a group of people. If I hadn't met my master, I'm afraid I would have been miserable today."

Hearing this, the old woman frowned, and blamed Liang Xiao: "Are you fighting with others outside again? How many times have I told you, don't keep going out and making trouble, why don't you listen, kid? "

Liang Xiao stuck out his tongue when he heard the words, and smiled but didn't dare to talk back.

"Well, grandma, Liang Xiao actually fought with those hooligans to save me, so don't blame him, okay?"

Gao Lili hurriedly said with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, the old woman's expression eased a lot, she looked at Wu You and Gao Lili, and said kindly:

"Thank you for sending this child back. My grandson has been naughty since he was a child. I can't control him when I'm old. It's just causing trouble to others.

Come, come, come in and sit down. "

Wu You looked at this old man who had taken him in without any complaints, and couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Immediately, everyone in the courtyard surrounded the old woman and returned to the house.

The house is not big, and the furniture and furnishings are very old, but it is well organized, clean and warm.

Liang Xiao and a group of children went to the next room to eat first, and only Wu You, Gao Lili and the old woman were left in the hall, sitting on some old chairs and talking.

"Grandma, are those children your grandchildren?"

Gao Lili asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, the old lady shook her head, sighed and said: "They are all poor children, I adopted them. You have also seen that, except for Liang Xiao, these children are all disabled and have been abandoned by their biological parents since they were young." It's..."

It was only later that Wu You and Gao Lili learned from the old woman that these children's life for many years was barely supported by the old woman's pension and some subsidies from the government, and they were not sent to the orphanage.

However, because of their disabilities, these children who have reached school age have not been accepted by schools for a long time.

The old lady is also getting old, and really doesn't have the energy and ability to take care of their studies, so these children are very eager to have a teacher to teach them to read and write.

Hearing this, the corners of Gao Lili's eyes gradually became moist.Living in a good condition since she was a child, she was loved and sought after by all, and she couldn't imagine that there are such poor children in modern society, and she suddenly felt sad and couldn't help herself.

Wu You was unable to speak due to injuries in his previous life, so he didn't really understand these situations until now, and he felt a little sad immediately.

"Oh, look at my mouth. I haven't talked to outsiders for a long time, but I just complained about it. I won't mention these, I won't mention these."

Seeing the expressions of Wu You and Gao Lili, the old woman immediately scolded herself.Then he looked at Wu You, changed the subject and said:
"By the way, I heard from Xiao Xiao just now that he wants this little brother to be his master? Oh, it really made the two of you laugh.

When I first adopted this child, I let him watch TV at home alone because he had to go to work.

Unexpectedly, he doesn't like to watch any cartoons, he just likes those messy martial arts dramas.It has been like this for so many years, and I am in a daze.

Now I keep fantasizing about martial arts cheats, peerless masters and other nonsense, I can't control it..."

"Grandma, what are you talking about?"

Liang Xiao, who had just finished eating, returned to the hall with a group of children.I just heard my grandma making a small report on herself in front of the master, and immediately retorted:

"Grandma, I'm not delusional. There are really martial arts secret books and peerless masters in this world. If you don't believe me, ask my master, he is a peerless master!"

"Shut up, how old is the child, still talking nonsense."

The old lady frowned and reprimanded Liang Xiao, then looked at Wu You with an apologetic face, and said helplessly:

"This kid is good in everything else, but this problem can't be changed. It always causes trouble for others. Little brother, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

The other children present were also a little disappointed when they heard this.

It turns out that what Brother Xiao said was not true. They were just imagining that they would learn martial arts secrets from Master in the future and become peerless masters.

"Grandma is right. There are no martial arts secrets in this world, and I am not a peerless master."

Wu You shook his head and said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, the seven or eight children were completely disappointed, and even Liang Xiao was a little puzzled.

"Did Xiao Xiao hear what this big brother said? You have to correct your own problems in the future."

The old woman looked at Liang Xiao and persuaded her earnestly.I sincerely hope that he can repent in time and avoid going astray.

"Wait, grandma, I haven't finished talking yet."

Wu You spoke suddenly, then grinned and said:

"There are no martial arts secret books in this world, but there are cultivation methods.

I'm not a peerless master, but I'm an immortal descended from the world! "

Hearing this, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Even the seven or eight-year-old children looked at this big brother strangely, with disdain on their faces.

God descends to earth?Lie to the child!
Are we so easy to deceive? It's too contemptuous.

And Liang Xiao also looked confused at this time, he believed in everything in the world of martial arts.But they always sneer at those so-called immortals who come and go, that's simply superstitious.

Gao Lili also shook her head and smiled wryly. In order to coax these children, Wu You really thought of it.

Still immortal?Why aren't you an immortal emperor reborn!
"Big brother is teasing you, don't be rude."

The old lady was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Wu You was probably just joking.

"I'm not kidding you."

Wu You said it seriously, then stood up, faced everyone with a playful smile and said:

"It's time to perform real magic!"

(End of this chapter)

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