Chapter 79
Suddenly, Wu You came to a little girl with two croissant braids, and gently placed her palm on the top of her head.


Following Wu You's low shout, under the suspicious eyes of everyone.

Suddenly, a faint blue light array suddenly appeared under his palm.In an instant, it covered the whole body of the little girl, and disappeared into her body in the blink of an eye.

Witnessing this unbelievable scene, everyone in the room was dumbfounded and shocked inside.

"I seem to have seen just now, the palm of big brother's hand is glowing?"

"Yeah, I saw it too. It seems that there are many patterns on the light, and they all got into Xiaocheng's body at once."

"Could it be that big brother is really a god..."

A group of children were the first to react, and immediately looked at Wu You with surprise on their faces, and started yelling.

"Master, master, are you sure that the light just now is not some kind of martial art such as the six-meridian sword or the one-yang finger?"

Liang Xiao swallowed, and said with a trembling mouth.

Gao Lili who was next to her was also extremely shocked. Even if Wu You instantly killed dozens of criminals before, it was far less shocking than the scene in front of her.

The palm of the hand can emit light for no reason, this simply subverts her three views, it is too unscientific!

At this time, the old woman was extremely shocked even though she was in her heart.But his eyes looked at the little girl under Wu You's palm with concern, for fear that she would be in any danger.

However, what happened next left her speechless.

I saw that the little girl's left eye, which had been blind since she was a child, had a black spot on the eyeball with only the white of the eye left, and it was growing rapidly.

After a while, the black spot stopped expanding, and now it stood still in the center of the white of the eye like an iris pupil.

"Ah! I seem to be able to see with my left eye!"

The little girl blinked, and suddenly shouted in disbelief.

Hearing this, the old woman tremblingly came to the little girl, squatted down and shook her palms in front of her, and asked excitedly:

"Xiaocheng, can you see grandma's hand with your left eye?"

The youngest daughter named Xiaocheng nodded heavily, and said ecstatically, "Grandma, I can see it, I can really see it!"

As she spoke, tears of joy suddenly welled up in Xiaocheng's eyes, as if she had been reborn at this moment.


The old woman kept nodding, she was so excited that she couldn't speak, and the muddy tears dripped down the ground along the criss-cross wrinkles.

Seeing this incredible scene, Gao Lili was shocked beyond description.

Could it be, could it be that he really descended from a fairy!

At this moment, Liang Xiao also had tears streaming down his eyes, weeping with joy: "Xiaocheng, has your left eye really healed? That's great, that's really great."

The other children around were also excited, and when they were about to congratulate Xiaocheng, Wu You kept holding their heads down.

"Repeated! Replenished! Replenish..."

Immediately, a series of cyan light arrays covered the children's bodies one after another, and penetrated into their bodies in an instant.

Not long after that, these children who had been disabled since childhood miraculously recovered all of them!

"Look! My legs can straighten, I can finally run!"

"My back is also healed, it's really comfortable to be able to stand up straight."

"Is this a dream, then I hope I never wake up..."

At this moment, in this small room, there were bursts of excited crying and joyful laughter, which lasted for a long time.

No one would have thought that these unfortunate children would be reborn from the ashes in this life and completely change their destiny because of their little acts of kindness in the previous life.

Wu You stood aside, watching the joyful scene in the house with relief, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know how long it took before the room gradually quieted down.

"Immortals descended to earth, really immortals descended to earth, children, kowtow to the immortals, thank the immortals for curing your illness."

The old lady, who had recovered from her joy, was about to kneel down to Wu You excitedly, but was supported by Wu You and sat back on the chair.

But those children who had been reborn willingly knelt on the ground, looking at Wu You with incomparable reverence.

"Brother, no, Lord Immortal, thank you for curing our illness."

"Thank you, Lord Immortal, you are really amazing."

"Thank you, Master Immortal, I will never forget your..."

Listening to the innocent words of these children, Wu You was moved but also a little helpless.

"Get up, don't call me a fairy anymore, I was just joking with you, I am not a fairy now, I am just a practitioner."

Wu You shook his head and smiled tactfully.

"Cultivator? Master, what is that? Is it more powerful than a peerless master?"

Liang Xiao, who was on the side, asked suspiciously.

"Practitioners, gather the energy of heaven and earth in one body, change their lives against the sky and transcend the common world. Possess the ability to overturn mountains and seas, and reach the sky through the sky. After the cultivation is complete, it will directly point to longevity and heaven. As for whether it is powerful or not, what do you think?"

Wu You smiled lightly.

"Isn't that a fairy?"

Liang Xiao was stunned for a while, and asked in a daze after a while: "Master, master, what you want to teach me is the ability to become a god?"

"Well, that's understandable too."

Wu You nodded.

Immediately, Liang Xiao's heart trembled violently, setting off a stormy sea.

"By the way, big brother said just now that he would accept us as disciples too, so we can also be gods, hahaha..."

All of a sudden, the seven children in the house laughed happily.Although I don't understand what Wu You means by practitioners, it seems to be very powerful.

Gao Lili and the old lady also looked surprised, but they still had some doubts in their hearts.I feel that what Wu You said is completely out of common sense, it is too exaggerated.

"Okay, it's getting late. I still have some things to do. I will pass on the cultivation method to you in a while, and I have to leave."

After Wu You finished speaking, he took out a bank card from his pocket, handed it to the old woman and said:

"Grandma, there is some money in here, you take it first, it should be enough for all your expenses within a year."

"No way, no way, we have already accepted such a great kindness from you, how can we still ask for money?"

The old woman quickly shook her head and refused resolutely.

"I'm not repaying your kindness."

Wu You said calmly, but he had already pressed his palm on the old woman's shoulder, and instantly sent countless words and pictures of practice into her mind.

Immediately afterwards, with lightning speed, Wu You used the Guiyuan Supplementary Scroll exercise on all the sons in the house, including Liang Xiao, in less than a moment.

After a long time, when everyone in the room regained consciousness from the magical words and pictures in their minds, they suddenly realized that Wu You was no longer there.

Only Gao Lili with a shocked face was left in the room, holding a bank card, stood there at a loss and said:

"He, he asked me to give this to you, and then left..."

(End of this chapter)

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