Chapter 790
So even with that guy's follower, Meng Qingnan, Qu Pengfei also hated him abnormally.

And he was worried that he had no place to vent his anger, he didn't expect to meet him here today, this is really a narrow road for enemies!
Hmph, let's see how I deal with you this time!
Qu Pengfei snorted coldly to himself, then took Ma Laomoo's hand, and walked proudly in front of the tall and thin boy.

"Hey, Young Master Meng, you've made a fortune. Since you have money to spend in this kind of place, your sister's illness has been cured? Or..."

Qu Pengfei said sarcastically.

"That's right, I made a fortune, and Xiaoru's illness was also cured."

The tall and thin boy grinned playfully.

Hearing these words, both Qu Pengfei and Ma Laowei couldn't help being taken aback. They knew very well that Meng Qingnan's family situation had already been completely dragged down by his terminally ill sister.

And now he actually said such words again, which was really unexpected.

Hmph, this guy must be bluffing, bragging!

They really have never seen a rich man who would wear such cheap street goods.

And leukemia is so curable, you just say it’s good, you think you’re a god!

"Really, that's really congratulations to Mr. Meng. Since you're rich, shouldn't you treat your old classmates to a meal?"

Qu Pengfei sneered maliciously.

Hearing this, Ma Laomao beside him also smiled with great interest, wanting to see the ridiculous appearance of this poor boy who was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat and pursued himself, making a fool of himself.

"Okay, you can order whatever you want, and you may never be able to afford it in the future."

The tall and thin boy chuckled indifferently.

Hearing this, Qu Pengfei and Ma Laomao were stunned again. They didn't expect this poor boy to agree to their request, which is really unbelievable.

But this must be slapping a swollen face to pretend to be fat.

This luxurious and high-end restaurant is the second largest restaurant in the provincial capital after Dingxianglou. How can such a poor boy afford it!

Hmph, maybe he ran away after eating it at the end!
And what is it that they will never be able to afford it in the future?

Although they are not a serious family, they are also the rich second generation who opened a factory.It doesn't feel bad to spend ten thousand and eight thousand on meals.

The reason why this poor boy said this must be to annoy them on purpose and get back some face.

Hehe, this is really childish and ridiculous!

Immediately, both Qu Pengfei and Ma Laomao couldn't help but sneer to themselves.

And just when Qu Pengfei wanted to ridicule something, the manager of the lobby, who had been watching coldly, suddenly said meaningfully to the well-dressed young man and woman in front of him:

"Sir and miss, do you know this kid? He said just now that he has no money on him, and only has a piece of iron that he doesn't know the name of.

So if you want him to treat you, you should go to another store to have a look. "

As soon as these words came out, Qu Pengfei and Ma Ruowei looked at each other immediately, and then they couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Young Master Meng, you dare to come to this kind of place to spend money without bringing any money. Do you want to come here to eat the overlord's meal?"

Qu Pengfei laughed unabashedly.

"Yeah, why did you get rich, but you didn't have a dime on you, what a huh."

Ma Laomao sneered with contempt on his face.

However, facing the extreme mockery of these two people, the tall and thin boy didn't seem to care, and he still stood in the field with a faint smile.

Seeing the shameless appearance of this poor boy, Qu Pengfei and Ma Laomao couldn't help being startled, feeling very strange.

Why does Meng Qingnan feel like a different person now?Even being ridiculed by him so sarcastically, he still has the face to stand here.

Is this guy really crazy after being stimulated by something?

Haha, that's really bad news.

Forget it, comparing yourself with a lunatic is really degrading your identity.

"Hmph, it's ridiculous to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf without money!"

Qu Pengfei snorted coldly with disdain, and ignored this guy.

Immediately, he took out a red invitation card, handed it to the lobby manager, and said proudly:
"We are here this time to attend the banquet held by the Qian family, Young Master Qian Jiaxin."

Hearing the sound, the lobby manager's originally cold face softened a bit, and then politely accepted the red invitation.

After checking it out, he returned the invitation and said respectfully:
"Mister and Miss, please follow me. The banquet of Young Master Qian is being held on the third floor."

"Let's go, ma'am, don't bother with that ridiculous bastard, I'll take you to meet the real big shot in the provincial capital!"

Qu Pengfei cast a contemptuous glance at the tall and thin young man, then took Ma Laomoi's hand, and followed the lobby manager to the magnificent staircase.

However, before they took a few steps, they suddenly found that Meng Qingnan was actually following behind them.

Immediately, the three of them stopped.

"What are you doing with us? Hurry up and get out of here, don't be an eyesore here!"

Qu Pengfei scolded unceremoniously.

"Hmph, it's really disappointing that a person who looked quite honest before has become such a rascal now."

Ma Laomao sarcastically said with contempt on her face.

And the lobby manager at the side also chased the guests coldly:
"Please leave our restaurant now, or we will call the police!"

However, no matter what these three people said, the tall and thin boy remained unmoved in the slightest, and a playful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Didn't you just say that the Qian family is holding a banquet here?

That Young Master Qian happened to owe me something, and now it's time to go and collect the debt. "

Hearing this, Qu Pengfei and the others froze in place, and couldn't believe their ears.

The Qian family in the provincial capital is the top five wealthy families in Liuzhou Province!
Its subsidiaries have almost monopolized the province's pharmaceutical market, and have close business relationships with Citigroup's largest pharmaceutical company.

And how could this wealthy family with countless wealth owe this poor boy anything? This is simply nonsense!

"Hey, let me tell you, Meng Qingnan, you really dare to put gold on your face. What a noble young master Qian Jiaxin is!

I'm afraid you don't even have the qualifications to meet him, so why are you talking about debt collection?It's ridiculous! "

Qu Pengfei sneered.

"Isn't it? Even Pengfei was lucky enough to get the invitation to this banquet because of his family's factory and the cooperative relationship with Qian's enterprise.

What are you, you actually say that the Qian family owes you something, you are really shameless! "

Ma Laowei snorted contemptuously.

The next moment, the lobby manager was about to call security to drive this vexatious poor boy out of the restaurant.

A sound of commotion suddenly came from the stairs!

(End of this chapter)

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