I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 791 The culprit

Chapter 791 The culprit
Hearing the sound, Qu Pengfei, Ma Laomao and the lobby manager all looked up in surprise.

On the broad and gorgeous stairs, there are many well-dressed men and women in high-end clothing, talking and laughing as they come down.

And right in front of this group of people, the leader was a young man wearing a slim gold-rimmed suit with a sinister expression.

Seeing this young man, Qu Pengfei was in awe, and excitedly whispered to Ma Laowei next to him:

"Hey, that person in the black suit is Mr. Qian Jiaxin, the young master of Qian Jiaxin."

Hearing this, Ma Laowei immediately opened his eyes wide, wanting to see with his own eyes, that big shot from the top wealthy family in the provincial capital.

"You really deserve to be the young master of the Qian family, you really look so extravagant."

Looking at the young man who is like the stars holding the moon, Ma Laowei couldn't help exclaiming.

Compared with this real big man in the provincial capital, Qu Pengfei next to him is really far behind...

However, Qian Jiaxin, who came downstairs at this time, was not as beautiful as he seemed.He kept a calm face all the time, ignoring the men and women beside him at all.

Because they are not qualified to talk to themselves!
The so-called guests who came to his Qian family's banquet today, almost none of them were descendants of wealthy families, and all of them were small manufacturers that had cooperative relations with their own family companies.

And the reason why they were called here today was just to enhance the atmosphere of the banquet.

Otherwise, it is very likely that there will not be a single guest at this banquet...

And the culprit who caused all this is that Mr. Wu!

Now almost all the wealthy families and various forces in the entire Liuzhou Province bow their heads to Mr. Wu, and dare not show any disrespect.

And as the young master of the Qian family, the fact that he had offended Mr. Wu was also widely circulated among the public, and everyone knew about it.

Therefore, the aristocratic and wealthy family that had a good relationship with the Qian family did not hesitate to disregard the relationship immediately, and never dared to have any contact with the Qian family, for fear of causing trouble to the upper body.

Even the largest partner of the Qian family, Citigroup Norry Pharmaceuticals, has suspended their cooperation because of this incident.

They even expressed their attitude that if the Qian family has not been forgiven by Mr. Wu, they will completely terminate the cooperation and find a new agency.

And this almost dealt a fatal blow to the Qian Group in Liuzhou, which relied on the exclusive agent to sell imported drugs to earn money!
The Qian family fell into despair, and immediately pointed the finger at Qian Jiaxin. If this traitor hadn't offended Mr. Wu, the Qian family would not have fallen into such a predicament.

Immediately, all the Qian family members unanimously decided that if Qian Jiaxin could no longer ask Mr. Wu for forgiveness, he would be expelled from the house forever!

Although Qian Jiaxin felt extremely sad about this decision, he did not dare to have any opinions.

However, it is not easy for him to find that fairy-like Mr. Wu, there is no way at all.

And he could think of only one person who might be able to recommend him to meet Mr. Wu.

That is Hans, the Skeleton King, the regional deputy manager of Liuzhou Branch of Citigroup Nori Corporation!

After all, no matter how you say it, the big foreign man can be regarded as Mr. Wu's disciple...

If it was recommended by him and he said some good words, maybe Mr. Wu would have a lot of adults and forgive him for his previous rudeness.

So for the banquet held today, Qian Jiaxin asked for Hans, the Skeleton King, for his help.

Thinking of this, Qian Jiaxin sighed helplessly, and the abdomen that was kicked by Mr. Wu's men at the drug sales site of Nuo Rui Company could not help but ache again...

And when Qian Jiaxin led a group of "crowd" behind him, went downstairs to meet the Skeleton King Hans.

But at a glance, he saw the few people who were blocking the stairs and seemed to be having an argument.

Seeing this, Qian Jiaxin couldn't help frowning, and his expression became even more gloomy.

It's really a short-sighted thing. How dare you make trouble when you hold an important banquet, it's really hateful!

But at this time, Qu Pengfei downstairs, seeing the young master of the Qian family looking at him with an unkind expression, was immediately pale with fright.

Immediately, she hurriedly pulled Ma Laowei back to the side in a panic, bowed her head and stood respectfully, not daring to say another word.

However, at the next moment, when Qu Pengfei found that Meng Qingnan was still standing indifferently at the top of the stairs, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

If that lunatic offends Young Master Qian and implicates himself, then he will be in big trouble!

Immediately shouted in a low voice anxiously:

"Meng Qingnan, what are you still doing there in a daze, get out of here quickly, and don't stand in the way of Young Master Qian!"

"Yeah, why are you so ungrateful, you deserve to be poor all your life!"

Marono couldn't help feeling angry.

At this time, the lobby manager was even more nervous, and hurriedly said coldly to the stunned young man in front of him:
"You leave me now, don't hinder our distinguished guests!"

However, no matter how the three reprimanded him, the tall and thin boy still stood there, even raised his head, and looked at Qian Jiaxin with great interest.

Seeing this, Qu Pengfei and others were even more indignant.

Forget it, let this guy who doesn't understand four or six bear the wrath of the young master of the Qian family alone!
At this time, Qian Jiaxin, who was already approaching, saw that there was a short-sighted kid blocking his way, and suddenly became angry.

However, just when he was about to have a seizure, he suddenly saw the tall and thin boy's face clearly, and he was instantly stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

This, isn't this person the same boy who kicked himself at the drug sale event back then!

God, this person is a brother and brother to Mr. Wu, a very close friend!
At the beginning, he was severely punished by Mr. Wu because he almost harmed his sister.

This, is this God's will?
It's really incredible that I let myself meet this person here!
If I can ask this boy's forgiveness this time, maybe I can make Mr. Wu extrajudicial and forgive me this time!

Thinking of this, Qian Jiaxin immediately ran downstairs without any hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Qu Pengfei and Ma Ruomo immediately took a few steps back, hiding away and preparing to watch the show.

Seeing this, the lobby manager desperately wanted to reach out and push the tall and thin boy who was blocking the way aside.

"You stop me!"

Qian Jiaxin shouted loudly, and then hurriedly came to the front.


He slapped the lobby manager hard on the face, gritted his teeth furiously and said:

"You damn guy, you dare to be rude to my young master's distinguished guest, it's really disgusting!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and looked at the tall and thin boy in front of him.

And in the next moment.

Under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

The young master of the Qian family suddenly bowed deeply to the tall and thin boy, and bowed respectfully:
"Qian Jiaxin pays his respects to the little brother."

(End of this chapter)

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