I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 828 Beheading

Chapter 828 Beheading
Seeing this terrifying scene, all the Orientals couldn't help being horrified.

Being besieged by so many monsters together, this Miko from Ise Shrine must be in danger!
But at this moment, He Mao Qinyin in the field couldn't help but turn pale in shock in the face of the terrifying Long Tongue attacking from all directions.

Immediately without any hesitation, after shooting two magic-breaking arrows in a row, he immediately took out a yellow paper talisman with mysterious characters drawn on it from his bosom, and instantly pressed it on the ground.

"Fate! Vajras! Fudo Myo!"

Following He Mao Qinyin's spiritual words, the yellow paper talisman suddenly burned automatically.

In an instant, a translucent barrier suddenly appeared, covering her and Keiko Yamada beside her!

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

In an instant, except for the two long tongues that were repelled by the magic-breaking arrow, the other eight long tongues struck the barrier in an instant!
However, when those terrifying long tongues suddenly retracted, the seemingly weak translucent mask was intact!

"Vajra Immovable Barrier? You are the Miko of Ise Shrine!"

The leading prawn roe suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I am the No.70 third-generation shrine maiden of Ise Shrine, Kamo Kotone.

You guys had better be caught without a fight, or you will never escape the encirclement and suppression of the shrine! "

Hearing this, the red pupils of the many giant toads revealed a hint of panic, as if they were very afraid of that Ise Shrine.

However, at the next moment, the leading prawn was stunned, and then said with a sinister grin:

"Since you are from Ise Shrine, in order not to expose our regained freedom, everyone here must die today!

Let's go together, smash that tortoise shell for my uncle! "

With an order, all the giant toads around opened their mouths.

In an instant, terrifying long tongues lashed towards the witch again.

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

Suddenly, a loud muffled sound resounded throughout the audience.

And under this uninterrupted continuous whipping, the originally solid translucent barrier began to distort and dim, crumbling, as if it would not last long before it would be shattered!
Seeing this, many Dongyang people not far away were suddenly terrified and turned pale.

But at this moment, only the priestess in the mask shouted desperately:
"What are you still doing in a daze? Run away and inform Ise Shrine!"

Hearing the sound, Yamada Takao and others suddenly came back to their senses.

Yes, the only thing they can do now is to run away and ask for help.

However, just when everyone wanted to escape.

The three giant toads on the bank of the hot spring suddenly jumped up and flew high above everyone's heads.

"Touch! Touch! Touch!"

It fell heavily on the ground, completely blocking the way back for these people!

"Hmph, my uncle said that everyone here will die today. Let me see where you can escape!"

The big shrimp squatting on the bank of the hot spring snorted cruelly.

Seeing this scene, He Mao Qinyin, who was struggling to support the barrier, suddenly fell into incomparable despair.

It's over, it's over, everyone here will die today...

At the next moment, the three giant toads that blocked everyone suddenly began to approach the many "delicious" food in front of them.

Seeing this, all the Orientals in the audience were frightened out of their wits, everyone felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, shaking like chaff.

Could it be that they are all going to die here today?
And just when everyone fell into the abyss of despair.

A playful discourse suddenly sounded in the field.

"Guide Yuan, it's your turn to act, don't let those toads disturb my interest."

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help being startled, and then looked in surprise.

But they found that the person who spoke was the Chinese boy who had been following them all the time.

"Why let me deal with those disgusting guys, why don't you go!"

Yuan Qianyu said with a cold face.

"Stop talking nonsense. It's your honor to let the master let you do it. If you dare to contradict me rudely, I'll see if I don't suck out your stinky mouth!"

Ji Chi said coldly with sharp eyes.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Qianyu didn't dare to talk anymore, he had no choice but to walk towards the three giant toads with a gloomy face.

Seeing that the young woman dressed as a ninja came out more and more and walked straight towards the three scary monsters, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

Is that cosplay woman crazy?She really thought she was a ninja!

Even Miko is no match for those monsters, so what's the use of her going up?

This, this is simply death!
"What do you want to do? Come back quickly!"

Takao Yamada shouted in horror.

However, the beauty dressed as a ninja turned a deaf ear to it, and continued to move forward indifferently without looking back.

Seeing this scene, He Mao Qinyin, who was in the barrier, couldn't help but frown, not understanding why the young woman wanted to seek her own death...

But at this time, the three giant toads that were slowly approaching saw a delicious human being and delivered it to the door by themselves, with cruel and fierce lights flashing in their red eyes.

Immediately scrambling to be the first to open their huge mouths wide, three blood-red long tongues suddenly shot towards him!

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help showing a look of incomparable sadness. After the crazy woman was eaten, it was their turn...

And when everyone believed that the young woman was about to die in the mouth of a demon.

But I saw that beautiful woman dressed as a ninja pulled out a short and sharp ninja sword out of nowhere.

At the next moment, everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the figure of the young woman disappeared in an instant!

But when it reappeared, it was already standing behind those three giant toads!
In an instant, a cold light flashed across.

Under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

The three huge prawns were suddenly split in two from the middle!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Following three muffled sounds, the three giant toads whose heads had been cut in half fell heavily to the ground with disbelief!

Seeing this scene, everyone present seemed to be petrified, completely stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

No matter what, they never expected that those three extremely terrifying monsters would be killed so easily!
This, this is simply too unbelievable!
At the next moment, everyone looked at the field in shock and inexplicable, and the beautiful woman holding the ninja sword immediately showed an unprecedented shock.

"Oh my God, am I dreaming? How can that girl be so powerful?"

"Yeah, slaying three monsters in a row, could it be, is she really a ninja?!"

"It turns out that Iga ninjas really exist, which is too unbelievable!"

Suddenly, exclamations one after another suddenly resounded throughout the audience.

Everyone involuntarily set off a stormy sea!

(End of this chapter)

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