Chapter 829
But at this time, He Mao Qinyin in the enchantment saw the three powerful prawns, not only did not hurt the young woman.

Instead, he was beheaded by him without the power to resist, and he immediately showed an unbelievable look.

She could never have imagined that the young woman dressed as a ninja would have such a powerful strength, which was simply too unexpected.

Who is that woman who is not a few years older than herself?How can it be so strong?

At this time, the seven giant toads who were besieging the barrier suddenly found that their companion had been beheaded with a single knife, and they were horrified.

Even when he stopped attacking, he looked at the human woman holding a sharp blade in disbelief.

"You, who are you?"

The prawn that suddenly led the way asked, trembling all over.

At this time, Yuan Qianyu, who had already accumulated a lot of anger and had nowhere to vent, stared at those ugly giant toads, and said coldly in his eyes:

"You don't need to know, I hate you disgusting reptiles the most since I was a child, so you all have to die today!"

As soon as the words fell, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

That female ninja was like a bloodthirsty Rakshasa, with a frenzied expression on her face, she rushed towards the bewildered toads at top speed!
Seeing that he had suddenly become a prey from a hunter, the leader of the big shrimp was suddenly horrified, and all his souls froze.

Then he yelled desperately:
"Quick, run away!"

Needless to say, the other giant toads wanted to run away long ago when they saw the vicious woman killing her.

Immediately without any hesitation, the seven-headed giant toad kicked the ground vigorously with its thick hind legs, and leaped in all directions in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help being astonished. It seemed that those terrifying toads were about to escape.

No matter how powerful that female ninja is, it is impossible to catch up with so many monsters at the same time.

Sure enough, after that terrifying female ninja killed a giant toad with ease, the remaining six monsters were already so far apart that they couldn't be chased in a short time.

And at the next moment, in the huge hot spring where the mist rose, a white light suddenly broke through the water and soared into the sky!

In an instant, the white light that was rushing like thunder, seemed to have found the target, and suddenly shot towards the giant toads jumping in the air at extreme speed!

In the blink of an eye, the white light that suddenly appeared was like a peerless arrow, shuttled wantonly through the void.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Wherever it passed, those prawns who wanted to escape turned into blood mist in the air, and were quickly absorbed by the white light.

After a while, none of the giant toads escaped, and they were all killed by the white light!

Seeing this unbelievable scene, everyone in the audience showed unprecedented astonishment and shock.

What is that sudden white light?Why is it so powerful?It's incredible to kill all the monsters in one fell swoop!
And at the next moment, the unimaginable white light suddenly shot back, and slowly landed on the shore of the hot spring.

In an instant, an egret, as tall as a man and covered with snow-white wings, stood out in front of everyone.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but be dumbfounded looking at this huge white egret that was completely white and exuded a faint holy light.

It turned out that the white light that killed all the giant toads in one fell swoop just now was actually an egret!
"Is that big bird also a monster? Otherwise, how could it kill so many terrifying toads in one go?"

"Probably not, such a beautiful and holy egret doesn't look like a monster no matter what."

"But, but if it wasn't a monster, how could it be so powerful?"

For a moment, there was an uproar in the field, and everyone showed a look of surprise and bewilderment.

And at this moment, Takao Yamada suddenly thought of something, looked at the holy egret standing proudly on the shore, and exclaimed in disbelief:
"Oh my god, this, isn't this the egret god that Gero Shrine has always enshrined?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was enlightened and awakened.

According to legend, during the Yongbun period in Toyo, Gero Hot Spring was originally rich in water and rich in minerals, which could cure all diseases.For some reason, the spring stopped abruptly and stopped gushing out.

This has caused the local people who live on hot springs to suffer unspeakably.

And just when the villagers were at a loss, suddenly an egret descended from the sky and dug open the dry river bed with its claws, and then countless huge toads appeared.

Seeing this, the people realized that Gero Hot Spring dried up because those giant toads blocked the spring!
The egret that descended from the sky immediately showed its might and swallowed all the toads.

Without the toad's obstruction, the majestic spring gushed out again.

So far, Gero Hot Spring has returned to the lives of ordinary people.

And the joyful people did not forget their kindness, after the magical egret drifted away.He carved a statue of an egret, which has been enshrined in Gero Shrine for generations, and is called the egret god.

And at this moment, the proud and holy egret that killed all the horrible toads in one fell swoop was exactly the same as the statue enshrined in the shrine for hundreds of years!
It turned out that the egret was not a monster, but a god!
In an instant, everyone present couldn't help being inexplicably excited, and their hearts couldn't be more excited.

"Oh my God, the Lord God really appeared!"

"Lord Bailushen must have seen us in a dangerous situation, that's why he showed his real body and got rid of those evil monsters!"

"It's great, it's really great, with the protection of the gods, we are finally safe."

At this moment, everyone looked at the egret exuding holy light with great excitement, and their eyes were full of piety.

And at this moment, the witch He Mao Qinyin on the bank of the hot spring stared blankly at the huge egret that suddenly appeared, her soft cheeks were full of disbelief.

Egret God?Did the gods really manifest themselves?

And at the next moment, a playful voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Guide Yuan, go and slaughter that god to me."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked along in amazement, only to find that the person who spoke was the Huaxia boy.

"You asked me to kill that egret? Why?"

Minamoto Chiba, holding a ninja sword, suddenly asked in a cold voice.

"It's nothing, I just see that pheasant is pitiful."

The corner of Wu You's mouth curled into a faint smile.

And when they heard the conversation between the two, everyone in the audience was so shocked that they couldn't believe their ears.

The Huaxia boy actually asked the Iga ninja to kill their gods.

This, this is simply blasphemy!
(End of this chapter)

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