I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 830 Earthbound Spirit

Chapter 830 Earthbound Spirit

For a moment, all the Dongyang people present glared at the young man, and their hearts arose.

This hateful Chinese must deliberately humiliate their oriental gods, which is simply unreasonable!
And just when everyone was indignant.

The huge egret standing proudly on the bank of the hot spring suddenly turned its slender neck strangely, and suddenly looked at the soft and beautiful girl in the witch's costume not far away.

In the next moment, his eyes revealed a look of incomparable hatred.

Under the inconceivable eyes of everyone, it turned into a sharp white light again, shooting towards the witch!


With a roar, the translucent barrier suddenly shattered.

The terrified He Mao Qinyin within it reflexively pressed the longbow in front of him.


After a huge buzzing sound, the longbow was instantly split in two by the overwhelming white light.

He Mao Qinyin was immediately impacted by the huge aftermath, and instantly flew out backwards.

Draw a long arc in the air.


He fell heavily in front of everyone!


Immediately, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he could no longer get up.

Seeing this unbelievable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, and couldn't believe their eyes.

"This, how is this possible? Why did God Egret attack Miko-sama?!"

Takao Yamada stared blankly in front of him, the girl who was seriously injured and vomited blood exclaimed in disbelief.

Many oriental people around also showed unprecedented horror at this moment.

Aren't the gods and the witches in the same system?Why did they suddenly turn against each other?
But at this moment, resisting the severe pain in his body, He Mao Qinyin struggled to support himself, looked at the huge egret that suddenly attacked him, and said in a daze:
"It, it's not a god, it's an earth-bound spirit!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked beyond measure.

According to legend, the earth-bound spirit is a person, animal or plant, or even an inanimate object, because there was a great wish unfulfilled during life, or there was incomparable hatred and resentment that could not be freed.

As a result, after death, the soul is trapped in the place of death and cannot leave, thus becoming an evil spirit!

My God, could it be that their god is an evil spirit?
But, how is this possible?

The Bailu God is a god worshiped by their ancestors for generations. Although there is less incense in modern times, it will not become an earth-bound spirit.

And at the next moment, the huge egret standing on the bank of the hot spring stared coldly at the witch who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, opened her sharp beak and said in an extremely sinister way:

"All of you will die today!"

As soon as the words fell, under the eyes of everyone in disbelief.

The originally holy egret's snow-white wings turned black in an instant!
Bloodthirsty red lights burst out suddenly from the sharp eyes!
All of a sudden, everyone stared blankly at the terrifying black heron lingering in death and menace, and they couldn't help but turn pale in shock and panic.

It turns out that their god is really a terrifying earth-bound spirit!

And at the next moment, the majestic and gloomy black heron walked towards the unconscious Keiko Yamada not far away with eyes of incomparable hatred.

Seeing this, everyone in the field was even more horrified.

"No, don't hurt my daughter!"

Yamada Takao groaned hoarsely.

And at the time when the ground bound spirit was very close to Keiko Yamada.

A rapidly spinning shuriken suddenly shot at the black heron!

Seeing this, Heilu couldn't help being taken aback, and then turned into a black light and quickly backed away, narrowly dodging the fierce attack.

At the next moment, a young woman dressed as a ninja suddenly appeared in front of Keiko Yamada, looking at the ground binding spirit with cold eyes.

Seeing this scene, Takao Yamada and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was this powerful Iga ninja present today, otherwise the fate of these people would be unimaginable...

Immediately, everyone involuntarily looked to the side, the extraordinary young man, everyone's eyes were shocked.

It wasn't until this moment that they finally realized why the Huaxia boy in front of him had let the female ninja deal with God Bailu just now.

It turned out that people could see the true identity of the egret at the first sight.

It's ridiculous that some of them have misunderstood the boy's intentions and are dissatisfied with him.Thinking about it now, I really feel ashamed...

But who is this Huaxia boy?How did he know that the egret was an evil spirit?
And he can let such a powerful Iga ninja be his guide, which is really incredible.

And at this moment, He Maoqinyin, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, looked at the female ninja in the field, and immediately shouted anxiously:
"You are not the opponent of the ground-bound spirit, run away and go to Ise Shrine for help!"

However, as soon as her words fell, the fierce black heron suddenly turned into a black light, and shot towards the female ninja with extremely fierce power!

Seeing this, Yuan Qianyu suddenly pulled out two cold ninja swords, and rushed towards the black light with a phantom!
"When! When! When..."

In an instant, the black light and the phantom were entangled together in the field, making a series of ear-piercing crisp sounds.

But after a long time, a figure suddenly retreated back in embarrassment, but it was the female ninja!
Looking at the young woman with a stream of blood flowing out from the corner of her mouth, her breathing disordered as if she had been seriously injured, everyone was shocked inexplicably.

Oh my god, this powerful Iga ninja is no match for the Earth Bound Spirit.

Are they really going to die here?
Seeing this, He Maoqinyin shouted anxiously:
"What are you still doing in a daze? Run away! We can't all die here, go to Ise..."

"shut up!"

Yuan Qianyu suddenly interrupted the words of the priestess, then turned around, and said indignantly to the handsome young man who was always calm and calm in the field:

"Have you seen enough? If you don't make a move again, I don't care!"

Seeing this scene, Ka Mokoto, Yamada Takao and the others couldn't help but startled.

What does this Iga ninja mean?Could it be that he wanted the weak Huaxia boy to deal with that extremely terrifying evil spirit?

This, this is simply letting him die!
And at the next moment, a sneering voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Hmph, you can't even deal with a small evil spirit, what a useless thing!

Why does the master need to do this kind of trivial matter, my mother can crush it to death with one finger! "

Immediately beside the Huaxia boy, the cold and arrogant beauty with a hot and sexy figure in a tight black leather jacket suddenly appeared more and more.

Stepping forward with slender and straight legs, holding a long black whip, he proudly walked towards the black heron in the field.

(End of this chapter)

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