Chapter 84

Wu You still remembers himself at that time, recuperating at Liang Xiao's home.

Because they were afraid that they would be bored lying down and unable to move, Liang Xiao and the children deliberately moved an old-fashioned TV to a place where he could see it.

After opening it, I could only receive a few local and local stations, but for Wu You, it was better than nothing.

And when he was watching the local station, suddenly everything on the screen started to be interrupted with an emergency live broadcast.

The background of the picture was full of fire, under the heartbroken report of the host.Only then did Wu You know that the place where the fire broke out was the Jingxian Grand Theater.

At that time, a drama was being performed in the theater, and many teachers and students of the school were watching it.Facing the sudden fire, although most people escaped, many people still lost their lives.

This incident shocked the whole of China, and Jingxian City was cast in a haze.

However, the final investigation result of this catastrophic fire was that the theater lines were aging, the facilities were not complete, etc., a series of very common reasons.

But afterwards, in the descriptions of many survivors, they all claimed that when they escaped from the scene of the fire, they saw a monster wrapped in flames and sprayed flames wantonly around.

However, these unbelievable remarks were subsequently refuted by a lot of scientific theories by the brickmen and beasts.

In short, all this is just their illusion.

But in Wu You's view at this time, things are far from as simple as they said.

"It's interesting, and there's no harm in going to see it."

On campus, Wu You stood behind the team, with the corners of his lips curled up with great interest.

After a long time, ten buses drove into Jingxian No. [-] Middle School and stopped at the teaching building of the third year of high school.

Tian Qiaoling immediately led the students in her class to one of them.

But after everyone got on the bus, they found that Wu You, who came up last, had no seat.

"Which of you squeezes with him?"

Tian Qiaoling frowned and asked the students sitting in the car.

Originally, when some girls heard this, their eyes lit up suddenly, and they wanted to make room for the handsome Wu You at this time.

But then I thought that it would be a bit embarrassing to be squeezed together with a boy in full view, so I dismissed the idea again.

Not to mention the boys, all of them regarded Wu You as their mortal enemy, and it was too late to gloat over his misfortune.Anyone who dares to help him will definitely become the target of public criticism in the class.

Seeing that no one was willing to give up her seat, Tian Qiaoling turned her head and said coldly to Wu You: "Why don't you just stand in the car for a while, anyway, it won't take long."


Wu You shrugged indifferently, still with an indifferent expression.

"Hey, buddy, sit here with me."

Suddenly, a hearty voice sounded from behind the car.

Everyone then turned their heads to look, only to see a young man with a cropped head in denim, beckoning to Wu You and laughing.

"Shen Feiyang? He's the only one who has too many things!"

"Hmph, it's ridiculous that you can't manage yourself well all day long, and meddle in other people's business."

"It's no wonder. I heard that he was able to enter Jingxian No. [-] Middle School because his family had some money, and he was on the same level as that Wu You..."

Everyone in the car snorted contemptuously, and sneered at the short-haired boy named Shen Feiyang.

But Wu You simply walked over and sat in the half seat Shen Feiyang vacated.

He didn't have much impression of this person, he only remembered that Shen Feiyang was the one with the lowest grades in the class all the year round.

"Everyone is seated, we are ready to go."

After finishing speaking, Tian Qiaoling glanced at Wu You and sat down.

The bus then started to drive out of the campus.

Along the way, Shen Feiyang chatted enthusiastically to Wu You.And Wu You just nodded from time to time, always taking it lightly.

"Brother, you are really hiding something."

Suddenly, Shen Feiyang whispered next to Wu You: "I left school late on Friday, but I saw you jumping off such a high building with my own eyes. It's more exciting than making a movie. Do you know how to do light work? It's so powerful .”

Hearing this, Wu You turned to look at Shen Feiyang, and said calmly, "No."

"Stop making trouble, I still want to learn martial arts from you and climb the girls' dormitory. How about this, if you teach me lightness kung fu, I will share all the rare resources of a T in my H drive with you, how about it?"

Shen Feiyang said very seriously.

"Who do you think I am, don't care about those things."

Wu You snorted softly, glanced disdainfully at Shen Feiyang, who was full of disappointment, and said calmly:
"Ten T, maybe I will consider it..."

I don't know how long it took, but when Shen Feiyang was talking endlessly to Wu You, the bus stopped suddenly.

"Okay, here we are, students, get off the bus."

As Tian Qiaoling said, she led everyone out of the car one by one.

After everyone got out of the car, a large circular building with extraordinary momentum was displayed in front of everyone, but it was the Jingxian Grand Theater.

When all the third-year teachers and students arrived, got out of the car and arranged their names, a group of people walked into the theater gate in an orderly manner.

But after entering the performance hall, Wu You and his class were placed in the back of the arena, which made everyone sigh.

"Angkor, let's go, let's go to the toilet."

Shen Feiyang winked at Wu You, then left his seat and walked into the distance.

Wu You smiled lightly, got up and followed.

"It's really a lazy person who poops a lot."

Tian Qiaoling glared at the two of them coldly, but didn't bother to pay attention.

After the two people who escaped from urine walked away, Shen Feiyang pointed to the boxes on both sides near the top of the stage, and said with a smile to Wu You:
"Angkor, today is a special performance for students organized by the school. Those boxes close to the stage are not used at all. It's too wasteful. Why don't we go and sit there, we won't be noticed."

Wu You didn't speak, but just nodded.

"Follow me, I used to come to this place often, and I know how people go up without anyone noticing."

Shen Feiyang smiled triumphantly, leading Wu You confidently, and left the performance hall through the side door.

Then, in the deserted corridor, he turned around and turned around with ease, and finally came to the door of the box.

Shen Feiyang stepped forward and twisted the handle, the door was indeed not locked, and it was opened directly just like that.

"Haha, as I expected."

Shen Feiyang pushed the door and entered, and Wu You also followed in with great interest.

I saw an elegant small suite with a sofa and coffee table inside.And if you go further in, you can clearly see the two rows of seats on the entire stage.

"No one will come here today. We just need to sit quietly in the seats in the box after the drama starts, and then we can watch Miss Tang with peace of mind!"

After all, Shen Feiyang threw his buttocks on the elastic leather sofa and stretched comfortably.

But at this moment, a group of people talked and laughed and pushed open the door of the box room, and then saw Shen Feiyang and Wu You.

"Who are you!"

(End of this chapter)

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