Chapter 85
Shen Feiyang, who did not expect anyone to come, suddenly stood up when he heard the harsh questioning.

Looking up at the gloomy theater receptionist in front of the door, he hurriedly said cheekily:

"Oh, I'm really sorry, we were looking for the toilet, but we didn't expect to walk around and came here..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a surprised voice.

"Hey? Isn't this Young Master Shen?"

Hearing this, Shen Feiyang turned his head to look.

Behind the receptionist, six or seven young men and women, surrounded by a handsome young man, stood at the door of the private room.

And one of the young men full of pride was looking at him playfully at this moment.But it was the second youngest of the Zhu family, Zhu Zimo, who had been at odds with him before.

"Young Master Shen, weren't you a frequent visitor here before? Why can't you even find a toilet?"

Zhu Zimo glanced at Shen Feiyang contemptuously, and raised the corners of his mouth in disdain.In the past, the young master of the Shen family used to have some spare money at home, but he often opposed him in the casino.

And even though he is the young master of a family, he is not as generous as this rich man, and he loses almost every fight.

However, just last year, the Shen Group suddenly declared bankruptcy.Since then, he has never seen this Shen Feiyang again.

But who would have thought that today, accompanied by distinguished guests from the province, to watch Ms. Tang Liangying's performance, I would run into this former rival.

God, what God!I must pay back all the humiliation I have suffered in the past this time!

Thinking of this, Zhu Zimo smiled even brighter.

"Angkor, let's go."

Shen Feiyang saw Zhu Zimo's unkind expression, of course he knew what he was thinking.With a dark cry of bad luck, he was about to leave immediately.

"They're all here, don't rush to leave, everyone is considered friends, you won't even give this face away."

Zhu Zimo walked forward with a smile on his face, and pushed Shen Feiyang onto the sofa.

want to run?There are no doors!
Except for that handsome young man in the arena, most of the well-dressed boys and girls in designer clothes are Zhu Zimo's buddies.Of course he knew that his boss had a "deep hatred" for Shen Feiyang.

"Young Master Zhu is right. A good-looking person like Young Master Shen will definitely not disappoint us."

"Yes, Young Master Shen, we haven't seen you for such a long time, we need to catch up with you."

"Dangtang Young Master Shen is probably afraid, we won't eat you again..."

Everyone immediately understood what Zhu Zimo meant, and they all spoke playfully.

"No no, I'm sorry everyone, we are really in a hurry to go to the toilet, we will come back later, later..."

Saying that, Shen Feiyang was about to get up again in embarrassment, and wanted to escape here quickly, but was blocked by Zhu Zimo's words.

"Master Shen, you are not confused, there is a toilet in this box, where else do you want to go?"

Hearing this, the boys and girls burst into laughter.

Seeing this, Shen Feiyang spread helplessly on the sofa, his face full of embarrassment.Then he looked at Wu You who was standing aside, smiled wryly and said:

"Angkor, then you go out first, I'm here to talk to them."

Only then did Zhu Zimo and others realize that there was actually another person in the box.

After taking a closer look, everyone was shocked by the handsome young man in high-end casual clothes and with extraordinary appearance.

Even the handsome young man who had never spoken was stunned for a moment when he saw Wu You for the first time.Immediately, for some reason, there was a sense of competitiveness in my heart, and there was a hint of provocation in the eyes I cast on Wu You.

"Who is this?"

Zhu Zimo looked at the young man in front of him and asked hesitantly.He also saw that Wu You's outfit was expensive, and his family should be either rich or expensive.But no matter how hard he racked his brains, he still couldn't remember whose family this handsome young man was from.

"He's just my classmate, let him go, he still has something to do."

Shen Feiyang knew that Wu You seemed to have been kicked out of Wu's house at this time.Therefore, I don't want this buddy who is connected with his own fate to suffer another unreasonable disaster.So I didn't mention Wu You's name, and wanted him to leave quickly.

Seeing this, Zhu Zimo and others didn't say anything.It's better for those in the way to leave, so that they can mock and humiliate Shen Feiyang to their heart's content.

"and many more."

The handsome young man who had been watching coldly, suddenly smiled at this moment: "Since we are here, we are all friends. How can we leave as soon as we meet?"

Seeing that the distinguished guest he invited said so, Zhu Zimo had no choice but to say to Wu You:
"Yeah, this brother, it's fate if we meet each other. Let's sit down and chat."

Hearing this, Shen Feiyang wanted to say something else.Wu You beside him already sat on the sofa calmly with a faint smile.

Seeing Wu You's calmness, everyone was taken aback for a moment, but they didn't think much about it, so they all stepped forward and sat down.

After the theater receptionist served tea, drinks and an exquisite fruit plate, he closed the door and left.

"Young Master Shen, let me introduce a distinguished guest to you first."

Saying that, Zhu Zimo, who sat down on the sofa, looked at the handsome young man sitting in the middle with a look of admiration in his eyes, and said with a light smile:
"This handsome guy is Mr. Lin Yihan, the new generation of superstar idol that Wang's Media strongly recommends."

Hearing this name, Shen Feiyang was startled.Taking a closer look at the handsome young man who was almost bewildering, it was indeed Lin Yihan, who is now well-known in the whole of China.

Looking at Shen Feiyang's shocked expression, Lin Yihan was very satisfied in his heart.He fiddled with the exquisite earrings on the earlobe chicly, and a slightly sinister smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, and said:
"First meeting, please take care."

"You, hello..."

Shen Feiyang quickly nodded and said hello, facing such a popular star, he was also a little at a loss.

Lin Yihan seemed to be used to the feeling of being looked up to, and sneered inwardly, then glanced at Wu You who was sitting aside.

But he found that after hearing his name, this person was not moved at all, and he didn't even look at himself.

This can't help but make Lin Yihan feel a little displeased. You must know that his popularity in Liuzhou Province is much higher than that in other places.Almost every young man in Liuzhou has heard his name more or less.

And this guy in front of him is either pretending not to know him.Otherwise, it is clear that you know yourself, but you don't care about it at all.

Regardless of the situation, this proud idol star felt rude.

Especially this hateful guy, who is not inferior to himself in appearance, this makes Lin Yihan even more annoyed.

Suppressing the anger in his chest, Lin Yihan showed a dry smile, and said unwillingly to Wu You: "Friend, it seems that you don't know me, so let me introduce myself..."

"No, I'm not interested in who you are."

Wu You said calmly, and stuffed a piece of dragon fruit into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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