Chapter 86

Wu You's attitude immediately aroused great dissatisfaction from everyone present, and everyone glared at him.

Lin Yihan is an idol male god who is well-known all over the country, and this hateful guy not only turns a blind eye, but even dares to speak rudely, it is extremely rude.

Hearing Wu You's words, Lin Yihan's complexion also changed, he snorted angrily, and said coldly with the corners of his mouth twitching:
"My friend, you are too self-righteous, and you don't even pay attention to me, so who dare to ask you?"

Seeing that Lin Yihan was really angry, Zhu Zimo and others hurriedly denounced Wu You with the enemy.

"What's your attitude? Can you speak human words?"

"It's so rude, we are both Jingxian people, we are all ashamed of you."

"How dare you be so defiant, we want to see what kind of onion you are..."

Amidst the cynicism, Shen Feiyang looked at Wu You worriedly.He really didn't expect that Wu You would speak so aggressively, and he would be in big trouble now.

"Who am I?"

Wu You swallowed the dragon fruit in his mouth, smiled lightly and said, "I'm someone you can't afford."

Hearing this, everyone sitting here exploded.

But just when they wanted to condemn Wu You more fiercely, the door of the box was suddenly opened.

Seeing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and turned their eyes to look.

I saw a sunny girl wearing a pale pink lace dress and cream stockings, stepping on a pair of white flat shoes, and walked into the box nimbly.

Immediately, everyone in the field felt their eyes light up!
Looking at the girl's beautiful face that looks like a jade carving, and that perfect body full of vitality, everyone seems to be bathed in the sun, and they can't help being a little crazy.

At this moment, except for this incomparably dazzling Sunny Girl, everything else in the field was eclipsed.

"Tang, Miss Tang Liangying, why are you here?"

Zhu Zimo suddenly stood up, and said with surprise on his face.

Everyone else also got up one after another, even Lin Yihan was shocked by the dazzling and peerless beauty in front of her, and immediately stood up to greet her.

And there was only one person in the audience, who was still sitting on the sofa, chewing the fruit plate in front of him with his head down...

"Hi everyone, I heard that Brother Lin Yihan is here, so I came here specially to meet the idol."

Tang Liangying's delicate cherry lips curled up slightly, and she said with a smile.Then the bright eyes that were as bright as stars turned, and saw the handsome young man who seemed to stand out from the crowd.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, he walked forward quickly, and said with a sweet smile: "This is brother Lin Yihan, right? He's really handsome, even better than on TV."

Seeing such a beautiful big beauty praise herself, Lin Yihan couldn't help but feel a little smug in her heart, but she still maintained a cool and handsome expression on her face, with a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth and said:
"Miss Tang was joking. In fact, Miss Tang is really beautiful. Since I debuted for so long, even in the circle, I have rarely seen anyone comparable to Miss Tang. It's really a pleasure to meet you."

As she said that, Lin Yihan naturally wanted to shake hands with Tang Liangying, but found that the other party was still indifferent and had no intention of shaking hands with her at all.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but Lin Yihan can understand that women are somewhat reserved, especially such a beautiful lady.

Then, everyone introduced themselves to Tang Liangying one by one, and even Shen Feiyang reported his name excitedly.

Tang Liangying smiled and nodded to everyone warmly and politely, until finally she knew almost everyone in the venue, except for one person who was always immersed in eating and drinking...

Tang Liangying looked curiously at the person sitting on the sofa, then smiled slightly and said:

"Who is this?"

Seeing that Wu You was still burying his head in eating and drinking without listening to anything outside the window, everyone couldn't help but feel angry, what a fool who doesn't understand etiquette!
"Angkor, Miss Tang is greeting you, don't ignore her."

Shen Feiyang quickly came to Wu You's side, frowning and urging.

Hearing this, Wu You raised his head, glanced at Tang Liangying, and said with a calm smile, "Hello."

Then I threw a piece of kiwi into my mouth and started chewing again...

And Tang Liangying was attracted by Wu You's handsome face the moment she raised her head.

After being in a daze for a long time before recovering, he couldn't help but stepped forward, smiling with bright eyes and saying:
"Hi, my name is Tang Liangying."

As he spoke, he stretched out his innocent white arm to Wu You.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Tang Liangying to be so active towards Wu You.

Lin Yihan became even more angry from embarrassment. This girl didn't shake hands with her. It's just unreasonable that she is so actively reaching out to her enemy now!
Immediately, Lin Yihan's face became hot as if someone had slapped her across the face.

Could it be that as a popular star, I can't compare to a little-known brat!
Seeing Tang Liangying like this, Wu You didn't reach out her hand, and said with a faint smile, "I was eating just now, and my hands were not clean."

Tang Liangying was taken aback when she saw this, and then retracted her arms in embarrassment, but she also felt a little angry in her heart.

She was quite confident in her appearance, and most people would have already responded impatiently when they saw her reaching out her hand so proactively.

But the young man in front of him has always lacked interest in himself, which made Tang Liangying, who was admired by many stars since she was a child, feel very frustrated.

Seeing the dull and awkward scene, Zhu Zimo hurriedly said:

"Everyone, stop standing and sit down."

Hearing this, everyone sat down one after another.

Tang Liangying took a deep look at Wu You, then turned around and walked to a single sofa, and sat down lightly.

"Miss Tang, I heard that you will participate in Liuzhou Satellite TV's live broadcast tomorrow. You really have a bright future."

Zhu Zimo smiled openly, then pointed to Lin Yihan next to him and said, "Coincidentally, Mr. Lin Yihan will also be participating in this performance. It is really a destiny that you two met today."

"Really, that's really great. I'm so nervous now. Brother Lin Yihan, you have to help me tomorrow."

Tang Liangying immediately showed her white teeth, and smiled at Lin Yihan.

Seeing Tang Liangying's lovely appearance, Lin Yihan's previous depression was immediately thrown out of the blue, nodded and smiled and said:
"Don't be so nervous, I will cheer for you then."

"Really, thank you brother Lin Yihan."

Tang Liangying immediately cheered.

Next, a group of young people seemed to have opened up their chatterboxes and began to speak freely.

Even Shen Feiyang interrupted from time to time. Although Zhu Zimo was angry about this, but with Tang Liangying present, it was difficult for him to show it, so he could only let him go.

And just when everyone was talking non-stop, a personal topic suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"Have you ever heard of a Mr. Wu who has been in the limelight in Jingxian recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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