Chapter 919
Thinking of this, everyone in the audience couldn't help showing sadness.

If the Huaxia boy is not the opponent of this ancient monster, then they are probably in danger today...

All of a sudden, everyone present fell into panic again.

But at this moment, Wu You shook his head and smiled lightly:

"You little bug is really tough, but I can still cut off your eight heads in one fell swoop."

Hearing the sound, Yamata no Orochi froze for a moment, then snorted and said coldly:

"Hmph, brazen brat, stop bluffing here!"

"Is it a bluff, don't you know it if you try it?"

Wu You chuckled playfully, Dang even wanted to activate the Ziwei Sword Formation again.

And at the next moment, a reverent word suddenly sounded in the field.

"Master, please let me clean up that long worm."

Immediately, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

A cold and proud beauty in a black leather jacket stepped forward with slender and straight legs, and suddenly came forward, bowing to the Huaxia boy for instructions.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help being dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Is that woman crazy?To actually want to challenge the ancient demon Yamata no Orochi, this is simply asking for a dead end!

"Girl, don't be impulsive, you are not the opponent of that demon."

Lord Ise spoke eagerly, wanting to stop this sexy girl's foolishness.

He had fought against her in the Ise Shrine. Although this woman was strong, she was only fighting in the Immortal Realm at best.Facing the Yamata no Orochi who surpassed the Supreme Realm, there was no chance of winning at all!

"That's right, Master Ji Chi, let Master take care of the ancient monsters."

Yuan Qianxue also persuaded anxiously.

She never thought that the calm Master Ji Chi would be so reckless now that he wanted to deal with the terrifying Yamata no Orochi alone, which is really too reckless.

At this time, He Mao Zhongxian looked at the sexy girl coldly, and said with contempt:

"Hmph, ridiculous woman, I think you are tired of your work, and you want to challenge Lord Baqi's majesty, you are really overconfident!"

"That's right, even your master is not the opponent of Lord Yaqi, so what can you do, a little-known guy? Are you rushing to die!"

Ashiya Michiman sneered.

For a moment, everyone in the audience looked down on the crazy woman's foolish deeds, thinking that she was just courting death.

But at this time, Ji Chi was unmoved by the persuasion and sarcasm around him, and asked for instructions again:
"Master, please let me deal with that guy."

Wu You looked at Ji Chi who was bowing in front of him and begging him, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Well, it's up to you."

"Thank you, master."

Ji Chi thanked him respectfully, then turned around abruptly, and resolutely walked towards the mountain-like behemoth.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the ruins couldn't help showing shock.

They really didn't expect that Huaxia boy to actually send his subordinates to die.

This is simply incredible!
And just a moment later, Ji Chi had come to the Yamata no Orochi, looked up proudly and said:

"Stinking bug, immediately commit suicide and apologize, or my mother will make your life worse than death!"

"Bold! A humble and lowly guy dares to humiliate this deity, he is really damned!"

Yamata no Orochi standing in the standing position, with more than a dozen blood-colored pupils, looked down at the brazen human woman coldly, suddenly opened eight bloody mouths, and shouted in unison:
"Since you, a stupid guy, want to be the sacrifice of this deity first, then this deity will fulfill you!"

As soon as the words fell, the ferocious and huge snake head suddenly opened its bloody mouth, wrapped in earth-shattering power, and shot towards the woman, intending to swallow her up!
At this time, Ji Chi, who was in the proud position, faced the terrifying snake head attacking him, but still stood there without dodging or avoiding.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help sighing secretly.

Sure enough, the woman who uttered wild words was about to suffer the consequences, and now she was so frightened that she couldn't even move, it's really sad...

"Haha, self-righteous guy, pay for your stupidity now!"

He Mao Zhongxian couldn't help but grinned.

"You should really feel honored to be the first sacrifice of Master Yaqi after his rebirth!"

Ashiya Michi said proudly with a full face.

"Master, save Master Ji Chi quickly."

Yuan Qianxue spoke eagerly.

However, Wu You was indifferent, looking at the scene indifferently, shook his head and said with a light smile:
"It's her own choice."

Seeing this, Yuan Qianxue and the others suddenly fell into despair, and now that cold and proud beauty is really doomed!

And just when everyone thought that the cocoon-bound woman was about to be swallowed by Yamata no Orochi.

But all I saw was that the hideous and terrifying giant snake head, when it was very close to the sexy girl, seemed to be frozen and stopped instantly!

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, completely confused.

What happened to that terrifying ancient monster?Why did they suddenly stop attacking?
But at the next moment, the mountain-like Yamata no Orochi seemed to be in great pain, and its eight huge heads suddenly roared upwards.




Hearing the endless screams of pain, everyone on the ruins suddenly showed unprecedented shock.

What, what's going on here?That sexy girl didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, why did that ancient monster suddenly become so painful?

"Eight, Master Baqi, what's the matter?"

Ka Moo Tadaken and Ashiya Michimitsu looked at the scene in shock and inexplicable, their eyes filled with disbelief.

But at this moment, Yamata no Orochi endured the severe pain, looked at the cold and arrogant beauty in the field in horror, and asked in great horror:
"You, who are you?"

"Hmph, who is this old lady? You'll know if you look for yourself!"

Ji Chi snorted proudly, and immediately a thick black air erupted from his whole body.

A moment later, when the billowing black air condensed extremely quickly, the sexy girl had disappeared!

A burly giant wearing black scale armor, six-armed hooves, and two horns on his head, stands out in front of the world!

For a moment, looking at the ferocious black-armored God of War surrounded by black energy, everyone in the audience was shocked beyond measure.

They never imagined that the sexy, enchanting, cold and arrogant beauty would turn into such a vicious appearance.

This is unbelievable!
And at the next moment, when Yamata no Orochi saw the majestic black-armored God of War, he immediately showed an unprecedented look of fear.

"You, you are Chi You!"

(End of this chapter)

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