I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 920 The Ancient Demon God

Chapter 920 The Ancient Demon God
Hearing the terrified words of the Yamata no Orochi, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their ears.

Chi You?

Could it be, could it be that the black-armored god of war is the legendary Chinese demon god, Chi You!
God, how is this possible?According to legend, Chi You is the mortal enemy of the Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of China, and his strength must be extremely terrifying!
And how could such an extremely powerful ancient demon god suddenly appear here?

This is incredible!
"Chi, Chi You..."

He Mo Zhongxian and Ashiya Michi stared at the black-armored god of war in astonishment, their eyes filled with horror.

No matter what, they never thought that the subordinate of the Huaxia boy would actually be the legendary ancient demon god. This is simply too unbelievable!
But at this moment, the Divine Master Ise was staring at the scene with dumbfounded eyes, and his heart was already filled with turmoil.

He really didn't expect that the real identity of that sexy girl would be Chi You, a generation of demon god in Chinese mythology!
But even if the black-armored giant is really an ancient demon god, his current strength seems to be no longer what it used to be. How can he make that Yamata no Orochi so miserable at this moment?
And in the next moment.

But I saw the black-armored God of War in the field, looking at the Yamata no Orochi proudly, snorted coldly and said:

"Now you know the identity of the king, you stinky bug, why don't you hurry up and make amends!"

Immediately, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

The ancient demon Yamata no Orochi actually bowed down its eight huge heads, trembling all over, begging for mercy to the black-armored God of War:
"Lord Chi You, please forgive me, I blamed you for offending you because of my lack of eyesight.

If I had known that you were coming in person today, even if I had given me 1 snake galls, I wouldn't dare to disrespect you.

Also, Lord Chi You, please let me go this time because we belong to China. "

"Hmph, let you go? That's not acceptable. Everything in your body that belongs to me must be returned today!"

Chi You coldly snorted contemptuously, and suddenly stretched out six huge palms towards the Yamata no Orochi.

Seeing this, Yamata no Orochi immediately lost his soul, and immediately wanted to escape desperately.

But in the next moment.




Following six earth-shattering muffled sounds, Yamata no Orochi's huge mountain-like body suddenly burst out six terrifying and huge blood holes!
Immediately, under the shocked and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience, six mighty arms shot out from the body of the Yamata no Orochi!




In an instant, the six arms whistling in the air suddenly flew in front of Chi You, and instantly merged with his spiritual arm!

"I didn't expect to find part of the king's body in such a small place. This is really a worthwhile trip."

Chi You shook the six palms that had been lost and regained after countless years, feeling very satisfied in his heart.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked.

They never thought that there would be Chi You's body inside the Yamata no Orochi, which is really unbelievable!
But at this time, the Yamata no Orochi, which had lost six Chiyou arms, seemed to be a deflated ball, and its huge mountain-like body began to shrink rapidly!
A moment later, Yamata no Orochi, which became only the size of a truck, appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Could it be that the reason why the Yamata no Orochi is so powerful is because of Chiyou's body in its body?

At this time, Chi You looked coldly at the weak Yamata no Orochi, and coldly shouted with disdain:
"Hmph, you stinky bug dared to eat this king's body, what a pity to die!

Now hurry up and tell me the truth, where did you find this king's body?How did you come here again? ! "

Hearing the sound, Yamata no Orochi, who was shaking like chaff, said in horror:

"Master Chiyou, please forgive me, my real name is Xiangliu, and I inadvertently broke into the place where the Yellow Emperor sealed your body.

After devouring your six arms, I was discovered by the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, and they chased me fiercely.

In the end, I used the divine sword left by the Yellow Emperor to kill me completely.

Fortunately, there was your physical body in my body at that time. After the divine sword cut off one of my heads permanently, it was left in my body, which is the so-called Grass Pheasant Sword.

And in order to avoid being chased and killed, I had no choice but to cross the ocean and come to this Japanese country, and became what they called Yamata no Orochi...

I also beg Master Chi You, for the sake of bringing your body out of that sealed place, please spare my life. "

At the end, Yamata no Orochi was already terrified, and tremblingly kowtowed again.

At this time, after hearing the words of the ancient monster, Chi You immediately stared, and ruthlessly shouted angrily:
"You damn guy, if you just offend me, maybe this king can forgive me.

But you dare to offend my lord, that is an unforgivable crime! "

As soon as the words fell, Chi You suddenly raised the six arms that had been lost and recovered, and pointed directly at the Yamata no Orochi.

The next moment, a series of extremely terrifying black lights suddenly shot out from his palm!


Yamata no Orochi hissed miserably.




His body and head were instantly pierced by countless black lights!
A moment later, under the horrified and inexplicable eyes of everyone in the audience.

The originally incomparable ancient monster Yamata no Orochi turned into a pool of mud, and the dead could not die again...

Seeing this, the people on the ruins all showed unprecedented shock.

Under the ebb and flow, Yamata no Orochi had no power to resist in front of the ancient demon god who had regained his body, and was directly bombarded to pieces...

"This, how is this possible? Master Yaqi is over like this?"

Ka Moo Takahiro and Ashiya Michimitsu stared at the mud on the ground dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their eyes.

They went through countless hardships and obstacles, and the Yamata no Orochi, who had managed to resurrect with great difficulty, was killed so lightly?
This, this is too unbelievable!
But at this time, God Lord Ise and the others were even more shocked when they saw the unimaginable scene in front of them.

No matter how much they thought about it, they never imagined that the person who finally killed that terrifying ancient monster would be that ancient demon god Chi You!
(Shan Hai Jing·Da Huang Bei Jing: Gonggong minister is named Xiangliu, with nine snake bodies, rings around himself, and eats on the nine soils. What he eats and eats is the source of water. It is not hard but hard, and no beast can live there. .Yu Yu floods, kills primeval willows, its blood stinks, and no valleys can grow. The land is rich in water, and it is uninhabitable. Yu Yuzhi, three feet and three depressions, is a pond. The emperors thought it was a platform, and it was in the north of Kunlun. ...)
(End of this chapter)

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