I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 92: The Power of the Sword

Chapter 92 The Power of a Sword


Without a sound, the giant ape's incomparably thick arm slipped onto the stage...


The brown giant ape suddenly let out a painful howl, looking at the blue long sword suspended in the void, its copper bell-like eyeballs were full of fear.

It can be clearly felt.How terrifying is the spiritual power contained in the majestic long sword in front of him.

This flying sword is comparable to one of the strongest magic weapons among human practitioners in his era.

But, but how is this possible!

Now is the age of dharma when the aura is so barren that it is almost impossible to breathe. Even powerful races like them cannot survive in this environment for a long time. They can only choose to seal themselves and wait for the day when the aura will recover.

And those human monks who have been weak since ancient times should have been extinct a long time ago. How can there still be such a powerful existence now!

Thinking of this, the giant ape couldn't help but look at the stands. The human boy who stood with his hands behind his back, with a terrifying aura, showed deep fear in his eyes.

But at this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned, and there was no other sound except the sound of burning flames.

After a long time, Shen Feiyang on the stand tremblingly pointed at the blue long sword suspended in the air.

Turning his head slowly mechanically, looking at Wu You beside him in disbelief, his pregnant lips trembled and said:

"Wu, Angkor, then, what is that?"

"Flying sword."

Wu You said calmly.

Hearing this, Shen Feiyang gasped.Although I don't know what Wu You is talking about, but I feel very powerful, and then I can't help but say:

"Angkor, you, are you a superman? This, this is supernatural power!"

Everyone in the box also reacted impressively, looking at Wu You with horror and shock in their eyes.

This unbelievable scene is comparable to a sci-fi blockbuster, and it is not a scene that can appear in the real world at all.

Zhu Zimo, whose three outlooks had completely collapsed, looked at the young man with a dull face, recalling his cynicism and sarcasm just now, he was suddenly frightened to pieces.

Even the fierce monster had its arm severed by Wu You's sword.If he changed himself, then there would be no dregs left.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zimo slumped on the ground, trembling all over.

And Lin Yihan, who was at the side, looked at the shocking scene in front of him, his already pale face became even paler as paper, with cold sweat streaming down his face.

"I'm someone you can't afford."

Suddenly recalling what Wu You said in the suite earlier, Lin Yihan didn't really understand until now that he wasn't talking nonsense.

In the face of this shocking miracle, all the status, status, wealth, and glory seemed so insignificant.

And he still took those insignificant things to despise this young man who looked like a god.Now that I think about it, I am the most ridiculous clown, and people have never taken me seriously from the beginning to the end.

Thinking of this, Lin Yihan collapsed on the ground limply, feeling ashamed.

But at this moment, Tian Qiaoling, who was under the private room, looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar boy, and she was already so shocked that she couldn't be more shocked.

She really couldn't imagine that Wu You possessed such unimaginable power, just like a legendary god.

Is this still the poor student who has been teaching for more than two years, but still has nothing to do all day and makes trouble everywhere?

Tian Qiaoling looked at Wu You absent-mindedly, her mind went blank.

On the stage, Tang Liangying, who fell to the ground with the giant ape's arm, struggled out of the huge palm enduring the pain all over her body.

Then he ran to the corner of the stage as if fleeing, panting heavily.

At this moment, Tang Liangying was already in a state of embarrassment, her already fair cheeks were even paler, and she still looked like a sunny girl.

After a while, she calmed down a little.Then he raised his head suddenly and looked at the figure on the stand in the box.

At this time, Tang Liangying, who had already been numb by the horror of life and death, was not shocked to the point where she couldn't extricate herself like everyone else.

But for some unknown reason, when she saw that heroic young man again, her heart beat involuntarily accelerated.There was a blush on the originally pale cheeks.

And she had never experienced such a strange situation.

Could it be, is this the feeling of liking someone?

Tang Liangying muttered to herself, looking at Wu You with a trace of confusion in her eyes, but the two blushes on her face became more intense.

"Who are you?"

The brown giant ape on the stage looked at Wu You, and asked in a deep voice with a hint of fear.

"The person who wants to kill you."

Wu You raised the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the brown giant ape immediately burst into anger, but because he was really afraid of the flying sword in front of him, he suppressed his anger.

And just after it carefully observed this human cultivator, it was suddenly surprised to find that this person's cultivation was only at the stage of nourishing qi.

But how is this possible?

A human kid in a state of nourishment, where did he get the aura to drive such a powerful magic weapon.

You must know that the stronger the power of the magic weapon, the greater the need for spiritual energy.

And like the cyan flying sword in front of him, it is a top-level magic weapon that only monks above the Qi training stage can barely use.And it can't be used for a long time, otherwise its own aura will soon be exhausted.

Could it be that the boy's sword just now had exhausted all his spiritual energy, so he only chopped off one of his arms?

Yes, it must be so!

A kid who hasn't even reached the Qi training period, even if he has such a top-level magic weapon, can stop here at most.

There will be no excess spiritual energy in his body anymore, so he uses the second sword!

Thinking of this, the incomparably ugly face of the brown giant ape became even more ferocious.

He leaned over and picked up the broken arm on the stage, and suddenly pressed it on his shoulder.

Immediately, an extremely hot flame burst out from the joint between the severed arm and the shoulder.

After a while, the flame dissipated, and the severed arm of the giant ape was still intact!
After moving the connected arm, the brown giant ape suddenly raised its head, looked at Wu You ferociously again, grinned with a big mouth full of fangs, and said with a sinister smile:
"Does a human monk in the Qi Cultivation Realm think that with just a flying sword, he can get the deity?
My strength before I fell into a deep sleep is equivalent to that of a human foundation-building cultivator!Even if you have fallen to the Qi training stage now, you are not a kid in the Qi Cultivation Realm like you, who can provoke you at will!

And now that you have no aura, use this magic weapon again. "

Looking at the human imp who was still bluffing in the stands, the brown giant ape roared to the sky.

"Look at this deity who will swallow you alive right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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