Chapter 93
In an instant, the whole body of the brown giant ape was once again wrapped in raging flames.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience showed shock.

Who would have imagined that this brown giant ape, even though its arm had been cut off, could miraculously recover to its original state.

It seemed that Wu You's seemingly sharp blow did not cause much damage to him at all, but instead aroused the animal nature of the other party even more.

Is it true that Wu You is at the end of his strength at this time, as the incomparably fierce giant ape said?

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts that had just been let go suddenly lifted up again.Looking at the monstrous flame monster, everyone was frightened.

But at this moment, the brown giant ape suddenly opened its mouth wide, and an extremely hot red pillar of fire shot towards Wu You with the momentum of thunder.


Wu You chuckled lightly, waved his fingers lightly, and the Qingtong Tongtian Sword suddenly turned into a long rainbow, turned back and blocked in front of him instantly.

Immediately, the red pillar of fire hit the Tongtian Sword, turning into a ball of brilliant sparks and dissipating in the air.

Seeing this, the brown giant ape, whose whole body was wrapped in flames, couldn't help but get excited.

Sure enough, as I expected, the human kid didn't have aura at all to support the flying sword's attack, so he could only use it for passive defense.

And as long as he sprayed a few more pillars of fire, the little ghost's spiritual energy would definitely be exhausted, and the flying sword would also fall with it.And by then, it will be the time of this guy's death!

The brown giant ape looked up to the sky and laughed wildly again, and then shot at Wu You ferociously, shooting six or seven pillars of red fire one after another!
"Boom boom boom..."

Following several loud bangs, the pillars of red fire collided with the Tongtian Sword one after another, turning into balls of fireworks and dissipating in the air.

Everyone in the arena also seemed to be able to see that Wu You had been passively beaten, seemingly unable to resist the attack of the brown giant ape.

If even a god like Wu You was no match for the brown giant ape, then they would never even think about getting out alive.

Is it really doomed this time?
Thinking that they would be killed later, everyone's hairs stood on end, and they trembled all over.

"Wu You, come on! I believe in you, you will be able to defeat this monster! Come on!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from above the stage.

Everyone looked around, only to find that it was Tang Liangying who spoke.

But at this moment, she didn't have a trace of fear on her face, but her eyes were full of determination.

He even shouted "Come on!" over and over again...

Seeing this, everyone in the field seemed to be infected by it, and they all mustered the last touch of courage from despair, and they all spoke up to cheer for Wu You.

"Student, come on!"

"Brother, don't admit defeat!"

"Brother, knock down that monster!"

Immediately, there was a sound of shouting in the venue, resounding through the entire hall.

Even Zhu Zimo, Lin Yihan and others couldn't help but uttered words of encouragement.

Shen Feiyang was on the sidelines, cheering for Wu You hoarsely, his face turned red.

And Tian Qiaoling, who was under the box, couldn't help shouting for her student.

At this moment, everyone's hopes were pinned on Wu You, and the cheers continued for a long time.


The brown giant ape suddenly shouted angrily, showing a cruel grin:
"A group of weak and poor wretches, I will skin your cramps and eat them alive in a while, hahaha..."

After all, the brown giant ape shot at Wu You one after another with even more violent pillars of red fire, intending to take him down in one fell swoop!
"Is this the only trick you have? If there is no other, then you can die!"

Wu You said calmly.

Immediately, the Tongtian Sword in the void, as if it understood the master's words, excitedly uttered a sword cry like a dragon's chant.

In an instant, it turned into a blue rainbow, stabbing fiercely at the brown giant ape with monstrous power.

Where the cyan Changhong passed, the red pillars of fire were smashed one by one, shooting towards the brown giant ape unstoppably.

The brown giant ape wrapped in flames couldn't help but be surprised.

It never occurred to him that this human imp, who can only cultivate Qi, can use a flying sword to attack him. He should have exhausted his spiritual energy long ago!

Did he burn his own vitality in exchange for this last sword?
Yes, for sure.

This time, as long as he survives the last blow, this human brat will die from exhaustion of vitality without doing it himself!

Thinking of this, the brown giant ape roared wildly, and the flames around him suddenly became more intense, and it was about to use its body to take a blow from the flying sword.

But then, with a piercing sound, the Tongtian Sword passed through the chest of the brown giant ape without hindrance, and came out from behind.


The brown giant ape let out a loud howl immediately, and a piercing hole suddenly appeared in the middle of its chest.

However, just when everyone in the arena thought that the giant beast would surely die, they were about to cheer.

On the chest of the brown giant ape, the huge wound pierced by the Tongtian Sword began to heal quickly.

Not long after, just like its previous severed arm, the wound on its chest was completely healed.

"Hahaha, I don't pay attention to such a small injury at all, now I want to see how you die!"

The brown giant ape laughed wildly, staring at Wu You.He wanted to see this human imp, because he exhausted his life force to control the flying sword, and was backlashed to a tragic end.

However, after staring at it for a long time, Wu You was still safe and sound.

But at this moment, the brown giant ape felt a pain in his back, and a cyan rainbow burst out from his abdomen!

"He, how can he still control the flying sword? This, how is this possible!"

The brown giant ape widened his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.Even the severe pain in the body was temporarily forgotten.

"Oh? You said you don't take this little injury seriously? That's interesting. Let me see if you can recover if you are chopped up.

cut! "

Wu You smiled indifferently with great interest, and lightly slid his fingers across the void.

The Tongtian Sword immediately turned its head, and transformed into an incomparably fierce blue sword light, carrying the power of heaven and earth, and slashed at the brown giant ape.


With an earth-shattering bang.

The incomparably huge body of the brown giant ape was instantly divided into two by the blue sword light from the middle!
But before it could scream out, another imposing cyan sword glow struck.

The body of the brown giant ape was divided into four parts...

But even in this state, the body of this giant beast still has a tendency to heal slowly.

"It seems that it is not broken enough, continue, chop!"

Wu You smiled lightly, raised his sword and dropped it.

(End of this chapter)

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