Chapter 928
"Xiaoyu, it seems that you love your mother very much."

Ying Ning smiled with interest.

"Yeah, Xiaoyu has only one relative in this world, her mother, and she is everything to Xiaoyu."

The blue-haired little girl raised her head and said seriously.

"Really, then you should be filial to your mother, but don't be like your sister. You will never have the chance to be filial again."

Ying Ning said with a sad expression.

Seeing the sad look of this beautiful sister, Xiaoyu suddenly felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and quickly lowered her head and said:

"Sister, sister, I'm sorry, I made you angry."

"Xiaoyu, I'm not angry. Although my sister's mother is gone, I still have a master now, so I'm quite content."

Ying Ning calmed down and smiled.

Then, in order to change the topic, Ying Ning started chatting with Xiao Yu about other things.

And when it comes to life experience, Xiao Yu's words will become vague.

However, Ying Ning and the others don't care about this, after all, everyone has something to hide, so why bother with scars.

After a long time, the atmosphere in the house became more and more active as Zhouzi, Preserved Egg, and Huyouzi made jokes.

And Xiao Yu, who was originally shy and nervous, gradually let go of her inner defenses under Ying Ning's thoughtful smile, and a faint smile appeared on her delicate little face.

And this was the first time she felt so warm and happy after coming to this strange land.

Although these people took away their spiritual materials, they are really good people.

If I told Sister Yingning the truth, they should return my spiritual materials.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyu suddenly became excited, but just when she wanted to speak, she hesitated.

If Sister Yingning knows that she is not a human being, it is very likely that she will not like herself, and even be afraid of herself...

And thinking of sister Yingning's frightened appearance, Xiaoyu couldn't bear it for no reason.

Forget it, let's wait until everyone is asleep at night, and then secretly take away the spiritual materials.

It's just that in the future, I'm afraid I will never meet such a warm young lady again, so I should be very sad...

And just when Xiaoyu was thinking wildly.

Ying Ning looked up at the clock on the wall, then stood up from the tatami, smiled at Xiaoyu and said:
"Okay, it's getting late, let's go eat first.

Xiaoyu, after dinner, my sister will take you home. "

Hearing the sound, Xiaoyu suddenly came back to his senses, then nodded a little cutely and said:

"Okay, okay."

Immediately, the group got up and walked out the door.It's just that the little fish walking at the end looked back at the huge shell in the corner of the house...

After a while, the group walked out of the small hotel.

And when they were walking on a quiet street, they were about to choose a restaurant for dinner.But I was surprised to find that although the street was brightly lit, there was no one in every shop, not even the shop owner and clerk.

At this moment, it seemed that the entire small town had turned into a dead city, and only a few of them were left...

"Hehe, it looks like we're being targeted."

Zhouzi sneered.

"Hmph, it's really annoying to not let people stop after eating."

Preserved egg said in a deep voice.

And at the next moment, violent commotions suddenly sounded from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, three cold-looking black armored vehicles loaded with heavy machine guns drove up from both ends of the street.

Beside the six armored vehicles, there were many heavily armed white soldiers holding assault rifles.

Looking at the signs on their bodies, these people are all Citigroup garrisons!
At the next moment, six armored vehicles driving side by side from both ends of the street completely blocked the entire street.

Immediately, many Citigroup soldiers with live ammunition and nuclear weapons raised their assault rifles and approached the five people on the street in a mighty manner.

After a while, they surrounded it.The cold muzzle was aimed at the arena, and the group of people who had nowhere to escape.If there is any abnormality in it, the trigger will be pulled at any time.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes in a neat military uniform stepped out, staring at the five men and women in the arena with a sullen expression.

Immediately, he asked sternly:

"Among the men who killed Corporal Tom and maimed you?"

At the next moment, a wheelchair was suddenly pushed up from the crowd behind him.

On it was a white youth who was bandaged and lost his arms.

As soon as this white-faced white young man came to the venue, he saw the beautiful girl in a gorgeous long dress at a glance, and then shouted desperately:
"Major Lane, the woman in the blue dress, viciously killed our captain and brutally cut off our arms.

If we hadn't escaped so fast, I'm afraid we would have gone to see God now..."

Hearing the sound, all the Citigroup garrisons present couldn't help being shocked.

They never thought that the murderer who blatantly killed the soldiers of Citigroup would be a delicate little beauty.

It's unbelievable.

At this time, the middle-aged white man stared coldly at the girl in the long skirt, and asked sharply:
"It's true that you killed my subordinate?"

Immediately, countless eyes around him also focused on the girl.

"That's right, I killed it, that disgusting scum deserves to die!"

Ying Ning spoke loudly without fear.

Then he stared at the white young man in the wheelchair, and said with great resentment:
"Before, I really shouldn't be merciful and keep alive. If I knew this, I should have killed all those guys. Now you don't have to delay our meal.

As soon as these words came out, all Citigroup garrisons couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then flew into a rage.

It's come to this point now, the murderer is still so arrogant and domineering, it's really abhorrent!
And the leading middle-aged white man was even more furious, gnashing his teeth and saying:

"I don't care who you are, since you killed my subordinates, you must be prepared to pay for your life!"

As he spoke, he pulled out a pistol with a cold light from his waist, and immediately pointed it at the girl in the field.

The reason why he led the team here today was because he didn't want Dongyang to get involved.Otherwise, the murderer who killed his subordinates and mutilated his compatriots would most likely not die in the end.

Therefore, this time he organized the operation secretly to drive out that villain and to relieve the hatred in his heart!

At the next moment, the muzzles of all Citigroup soldiers in the audience were aimed at the beautiful girl.

As long as his chief gives an order, that woman with a heart like a snake will disappear!

"Hmph, just relying on you mob, you still want to seek revenge from me, you are simply seeking your own death!"

Ying Ning said coldly without fear.

(End of this chapter)

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