Chapter 929

"Now I only give you one chance, get out of here immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!"

Ying Ning said proudly.

Hearing this, all Citigroup garrisons couldn't help being shocked, and couldn't believe their ears.

Is this woman crazy?It's hard to protect myself, but I dare to threaten them, I really don't know what to say.

"Hmph, brazen fellow, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you know some evil martial arts.

Remember that this is the age of science and technology, no matter how strong a person's own strength is, he can never be an opponent of hot weapons!

Believe it or not, as long as I give an order now, you will be beaten into a sieve! "

The middle-aged white man snapped.

"If you don't believe me, give it a try!"

Ying Ning sneered.

"Okay, okay, I will fulfill you now!"

The middle-aged white man who became angry from embarrassment suddenly shouted coldly:

"All preparations!"

And at the next moment, a small blue figure suddenly appeared out of the crowd, and stood in front of Ying Ning with his arms outstretched.

"You, you bad guys, don't hurt Sister Yingning, otherwise, or I will be rude."

Xiao Yu forced his courage, his face flushed red.

She could feel that the things in the hands of those bad guys were very dangerous, and Sister Yingning might be injured because of it.

That's why she stood up without hesitation in order to protect the kind and kind sister Yingning.

But at this time, Ying Ning and the others couldn't help being taken aback when they saw this.They really didn't expect that this extremely shy and weak little girl could actually muster up the courage to stand up at this moment, which is really surprising.

Immediately, Ying Ning looked at the innocent little girl who wanted to protect herself, was deeply moved, and smiled gratifiedly:
"Little fish, you don't have to worry, those bad guys can't hurt my sister.

After I get rid of these people, my sister will take you to eat..."

But she hadn't finished speaking yet.


A gunshot suddenly resounded through the audience.

The middle-aged white man finally pulled the trigger!

In an instant, all the Citigroup garrisons around responded with hideous faces.

"Da da da……"

"Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, bullets from all directions poured into the field like a rain curtain!

They are about to beat those murderers who killed their companions to a pulp!
"Little fish are dangerous!"

Ying Ning said anxiously.

Although the four of them were not afraid of the threat of those guns, Xiaoyu was just an ordinary human being, if they were hit by stray bullets, it would be a disaster!
But just when Ying Ning desperately wanted to step forward to protect the little fish, she was astonished to feel that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped!

The next moment, under the incredulous eyes of Ying Ning and others.

The blue-haired little girl in front of her eyes began to emit bursts of blue light all over her body!

A gust of icy cold air spread out!
In an instant, when the bullets were about to strike.


A group of extremely dazzling blue light suddenly exploded from Xiaoyu's body!
In an instant, a huge transparent and thick ice cap suddenly enveloped Ying Ning and the others!
Immediately, bullets like a rain curtain were shot at the ice cap that suddenly appeared.

However, in the face of such fierce firepower, the ice cap remained unmoved.Until the surrounding Citigroup soldiers fired all the bullets in their guns, they did not destroy the ice cap.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, all Citigroup garrisons were dumbfounded and shocked inexplicably.

They never expected that an ice shield would suddenly appear in the arena.

Could it be, is that little blue-haired girl a magician?

But at this time, it was Ying Ning and others inside the ice cap who were even more shocked than those Citigroup soldiers.

"Little fish, did you make this?"

Ying Ning stared blankly at the huge and thick transparent ice cover that exuded bursts of cold air around her, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"This, how can this be possible? Isn't this little girl just an ordinary person? How can she use spells?"

Preserved eggs are unbelievable.

Immediately, all four people looked at the blue-haired little girl in amazement, but they saw that she was hiding behind a piece of snow-white ice and refused to show her face.

Seeing this, Ying Ning and the others were even more surprised.

"What's the matter with you, little fish?"

Ying Ning asked with concern, and then wanted to step forward.

And at the next moment, an anxious cry came.

"Sister Yingning, don't come here. My current appearance will definitely scare you. I don't want Sister Yingning to hate me."

Hearing the sound, Ying Ning was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head without thinking and said:

"No, no matter what Xiaoyu becomes, my sister will not hate it.

Come out, little fish. "

Hearing this, the little girl behind the ice cube seemed to be in a tangle. After hesitating for a long time, she said helplessly:

"Okay, Sister Yingning, but you have to be mentally prepared, don't be scared by me."

As soon as the words were finished, under the eyes of Ying Ning and the others, a small blue figure slowly came out from behind the ice.

Sea-like blue hair, pure blue eyes, delicate fair face...

Looking at the normal little girl in front of them, Ying Ning and the others were suddenly confused.

This hasn't changed much, why don't you want people to see it?
And when the four of them saw the blue-haired little girl's legs, they were shocked and their eyes widened.

I saw that the lower body of this little girl was not a leg at all, but a fish tail!
In an instant, looking at the exquisite fish tail covered with fine scales and exuding bursts of blue light, Ying Ning and the others couldn't help being dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Sister Yingning, I still scare you like this."

Xiaoyu apologized in a flustered face, and then wanted to hide behind the ice again.

"Wait, Xiaoyu, sister is not afraid."

Ying Ning hurried forward, bent down, gently stroked the two catkins on Xiaoyu's shoulders, and said with a smile:

"I really didn't expect you, Xiaoyu, to be a mermaid. You are so beautiful."

"Beautiful, beautiful? Aren't you afraid, sister?"

Xiaoyu asked blankly.

"Why would I be afraid, your fish tail is really beautiful."

Ying Ning nodded seriously.

Hearing this, Xiaoyu's flustered heart was suddenly filled with warmth.

Then he lowered his head and apologized with a small face:
"I'm sorry, Sister Yingning. I didn't want you to know that I'm not human. I was afraid that my sister would hate me, so I didn't tell the truth."

"It's okay, Xiaoyu, you don't need to apologize. My sister didn't tell you the truth because she was afraid of scaring you.

You see, my sister actually has a tail too. "

Ying Ning smiled, and then ten gorgeous and holy white fox tails suddenly protruded from under her dress, swaying and dancing in the void.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Xiao Yu was stunned.

It turns out that Sister Yingning is not human either...

(End of this chapter)

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