I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 937 Set sail

Chapter 937 Set sail
"Yeah, that's interesting."

Wu You smiled lightly, then narrowed the corners of his eyes slightly, revealing a strange brilliance.

After a long time, the convoy passed through the noisy city center and accelerated towards the port again.

Speechless all the way.

At noon, the convoy finally arrived at the port of Kyoto Bay.

Immediately, under the leadership of Daisy and Betty, the group boarded a luxury cruise ship that had been prepared for a long time.

Without a moment's delay, as soon as everyone boarded the ship, the luxury cruise ship, which was secretly equipped with various advanced detection instruments and carried many professionals, slowly sailed out of the port and headed for the vast and boundless Pacific Ocean.

Daisy and the others breathed a long sigh of relief until the cruise ship completely moved away from the East Coast.

After all, this is a special period, and Toyo has stricter regulations on various ships and routes than before.

If they find out the true purpose of these people, they will definitely be banned from going to sea...

After lunch, on the uppermost deck of the luxury cruise ship, Wu You, who was sitting on a deck chair by the swimming pool and enjoying dessert after dinner, watched the "view" in the swimming pool comfortably.

In order to let the group of people relax and relax their tense spirits, under Wu You's "suggestion", Ying Ning, Yuan Qianxue, Yuan Qianyu, Kamo Qinyin, Betty, Christina, Yamaguchi Sakurako, Ji Chi, Zhouzi, etc. All the beauties, big and small, put on all kinds of bikinis and played in the swimming pool.

Looking at the sexy and graceful, holy and innocent, shy and lovely, etc., Wu You couldn't help but feel beautiful, and a "gratified" smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, after so many days of recuperating and recuperating, the primordial spirit that was consumed before has not only fully recovered, but even improved.

It can be said that he is in the best condition now.

After a long time, beautiful women of all sizes surrounded Wu You gracefully and gracefully, and the voices of Yingying and Yanyan could be heard endlessly.

But their eyes were always on Wu You, and their beautiful eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

At this moment, Mrs. Daisy took a nautical chart, stepped to Wu You's side, and asked respectfully:

"Mr. Wu, now that we have sailed into the southern waters of the Eastern Ocean, where are we going next?"

Seeing this, all the beauties, big and small, wearing various bikinis and exposing their snowy bodies, immediately became quiet, waiting for Wu You's instructions.

At this time, Wu You casually took the nautical chart, then tapped on it lightly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"Just go here."

Seeing the place Wu You pointed at, Madam Daisy opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief:
“Mr. Wu, are you really sure we are going there?”

At this time, the women in the audience were also shocked to find that the place Wu You pointed to on the nautical chart was the Diaoyu Island!
God, Diaoyu. Island can be said to be the most sensitive and dangerous place in the whole world right now.

The huge military ships of Citi, Dongyang, and Huaxia are all assembled there to confront each other at this moment. The situation is extremely tense, and the war is about to break out!
And if they really went there, it would be tantamount to seeking their own death.I'm afraid that if you don't get close, you will be regarded as an enemy spy and you will suffer an unwarranted disaster!
"Yes, let's go fishing. Island."

Wu You nodded and smiled without doubt.

Seeing this, the women in the audience were even more shocked.

"Master, aren't we going to find Xiaoyu? Why are we going there?"

Ying Ning was surprised and puzzled.

"This seat has already sensed it from the bead. That little guy is now on his way to Diaoyu Island."

Wu You chuckled, then said with a meaningful smile:
"Besides, this seat promised that president of the Freemasons Association that he would settle accounts with him in person, and now I just have an appointment."

Hearing these words, all the women present couldn't help being shocked, and their faces were shocked.

They really didn't expect that the little mermaid would go to Diaoyu Island, let alone that Wu You would go to find trouble with the Kiwanis.

My God, I heard that the president of the Kiwanis is on the Nimitz, Wu You is going to openly confront the entire aircraft carrier battle group!
For a moment, everyone present was stunned, and the shock in their hearts could not be added.

Seeing that Wu You had made up her mind to go, Mrs. Daisy, who was equally terrified, pondered for a moment, then gritted her teeth, nodded resolutely and said:

"Okay, Mr. Wu, let's go fishing. Island!"


At the same time, in the vast Pacific Ocean, the huge combined fleets of Citigroup and Dongyang are entrenched in the eastern waters of the Diaoyu Islands.

And located at the core of the entire fleet, on top of the Nimitz nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, a gentle middle-aged white man, holding a crystal goblet, sat in the retro cabin, enjoying the wine comfortably.

This person is the president of the Citigroup Kiwi Association and also holds the rank of Citigroup Major General Austin Schild.

And at the next moment, a young adjutant stepped into the cabin with an excited face, walked quickly to Austin, and said excitedly:
"Report to the general, we have captured the mermaid in the East Ocean, and now it is being secretly transported here by the submarine, and it is expected to arrive tomorrow."

Hearing this, Austin smiled and said:

"Very well, you are doing well."

Hearing the praise, the young adjutant couldn't help but be overjoyed, then thought of something, and asked respectfully:

"General, after the mermaid arrives, shall we continue to stay here?"

"No need, our real mission is to find that ancient giant beast, not to waste time here with those Chinese people.

After getting the exact location of the giant beast from the mouth of the mermaid, the Nimitz can start the search and capture operation according to the plan. "

Austin smiled slightly, then looked at the distant island through the porthole, and said indifferently:

"But to prevent those Huaxia people from perceiving our real purpose and interfering with our actions.

Not only can there be no slack here, but more pressure must be put on those guys so that they have no time to care about others. "

Then he asked the young adjutant:

"When will the rest of our fleet arrive?"

"Reporting to the general, the six aircraft carrier battle groups are moving at full speed and are expected to arrive tomorrow morning."

The young adjutant replied solemnly.

"Ah, very good."

Austin nodded in relief, then picked up the goblet again, took a sip of the fine wine in his hand, and then said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth:
"When those Chinese people suddenly see our entire Pacific Fleet tomorrow morning, they will probably pee their pants in fright.

Hehe, even if you give them 1 courage, they will not dare to disturb our actions. "

(End of this chapter)

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