I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 938 Global Focus

Chapter 938 Global Focus
In the evening, the hatch opened, and a gray-haired old man with extraordinary temperament stepped off the helicopter.

Seeing this, everyone who had been waiting on the deck for a long time immediately went up to meet him.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and go in quickly."

The gray-haired old man frowned tightly.


Everyone didn't dare to delay, Dang even led the gray-haired old man into the cabin.

Afterwards, after everyone was seated, the leader, a middle-aged man, began to truthfully report the current situation to the gray-haired old man.

After listening, the gray-haired old man's expression became more dignified.

Afterwards, in a heavy atmosphere, everyone present began to discuss countermeasures with the gray-haired old man.

And it wasn't until the midday of the moon that this temporary meeting came to an end.

Accompanied by the middle-aged man, the gray-haired old man came to the bow with a heavy expression, stood on the deck and looked at the black and majestic sea, silent.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man on the side couldn't help but secretly sighed, and then persuaded:

"Mr. Chu, you don't have to be so anxious."


The gray-haired old man nodded solemnly, but still did not speak.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man sighed secretly again, and then in order to relieve the depressing atmosphere, he changed the topic and said:
"Old Chu, I heard that you came here from Liuzhou this time, but I don't know why?"

Hearing this, Chu Yuntian withdrew his gaze, and said in a deep voice:

"I came here this time to wait for someone."

"Wait someone?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help being shocked, who could actually let Elder Chu come here to wait in person?

This is simply too unbelievable!
"Old Chu, who is that person you are waiting for?"

The middle-aged man couldn't help asking.

"That person is my mentor, and he will have the potential to completely change our future!"

Chu Yuntian looked up at the starry sky and said in awe.

And upon hearing this, the middle-aged man was even more stunned, beyond shock.

God, who has such a great ability?To be able to become Elder Chu's benefactor.

This, this is really incredible!
At this time, Chu Yuntian said to himself:
"My master is following the businessman on business this time, so he should come here.

And in order to prevent it from being harassed, I came here specially to escort and provide support.

But now it seems that I'm afraid it's too late. "

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was even more puzzled, and just when he was about to ask, who is that mentor of Elder Chu, he ran over anxiously.

Hearing this urgent report, the middle-aged man was startled for a moment, then showed an unprecedented look of anger, gritted his teeth and said:
"What the hell do those nasty guys want to do?!"

At this time, Chu Yuntian couldn't help but frown, acting very incomprehensibly.

But an intuition told him that things might not be as simple as he imagined.

For a moment, Chu Yuntian fell into deep thought...

The next day, a helicopter hoisted a huge puck back to the ship, reflecting sunlight.

After a long time, everyone couldn't help but be amazed when they saw the huge five-meter-diameter hockey puck on the deck exuding bursts of cold air.

They really don't understand why Austin brought an ice lump on board, which is really incredible.

And at the next moment, an unbelievable exclamation resounded through the audience.

"My God, look, there's a man in that ice cube!"

(End of this chapter)

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