I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 940 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 940 The Uninvited Guest

At the same time, what was even more astonishing and inexplicable in my heart was the Pacific Fleet firing missiles.

It never occurred to them that their missiles would suddenly fail. The chances of this were extremely small.

What a lucky ship!

However, after seeing him escape, he continued to drive towards them without repentance, and there was still no sign of slowing down.

This scene couldn't help but make the Citigroup military indignant, and the damn cruise ship didn't take them seriously.

Immediately without any hesitation, the two frigates launched four anti-ship missiles again, and all shot towards the desperate cruise ship!

For a moment, all the people on the joint fleet of Citigroup and Eastern Ocean showed cold and contemptuous expressions.

Facing the attack of four missiles this time, there is no way that the cruise ship will survive!

At this time, on the Huaxia command ship, the Vice Admiral looked at the scene on the radar and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing:

Chu Yuntian also nodded, and didn't say anything, but there was some unbearable brows.

And just when everyone thought that the civilian cruise ship was about to be destroyed.

Suddenly, the four anti-ship missiles on the radar disappeared again!

Seeing this scene, everyone in front of the screen couldn't help being dumbfounded, beyond shock.

God, what, what's going on here?

Were the four missiles also all duds?Are the weapons and equipment of the Pacific Fleet so cowardly?Not even a civilian cruise ship can handle it...

And at the next moment, it seemed to be stimulated.

More than a dozen anti-ship missiles fired in salvo, frantically bombarding the cruise ship, threatening to destroy it in one fell swoop!
However, an unbelievable scene appeared again. Those missiles that were about to hit the target disappeared from the radar strangely...

This can't help but make all the fleets around the Diaoyu Island waters fall into a sluggish state, and they can't believe their eyes.

At this time, they naturally don't think that those anti-ship missiles are all duds.

But why can't it hit the civilian cruise ship?

Could it be that the cruise ship is a ghost ship?
And just when countless people were astonished and puzzled.

The cruise ship coming at full speed suddenly appeared in the sight of all the fleets!

For a moment, looking at the ordinary civilian cruise ship without any weapons and equipment on the vast sea.Whether it is the Citigroup Pacific Fleet, the Oriental Maritime Self-Defense Force, or even the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet, they can't help being shocked and inexplicable.

No one expected that a civilian cruise ship actually broke through layers of defenses and reached the core area where the three navies faced each other.

This is simply incredible!
And at this moment, the cruise ship approaching at full speed was about to approach the combined fleet of the country.

The four Dongyang frigates immediately intercepted them desperately.

At the same time, all the weapon systems on the ship also fired at the civilian cruise ship!
However, at the next moment, when the countless naval guns and missiles were about to hit the target, a dazzling holy white light burst out from above the cruise ship!

In an instant, all the missile naval guns that hit were strangely still in the void at this moment, unable to advance an inch!

"Puff! Puff! Puff..."

Immediately, under the inconceivable eyes of all the fleets, those fierce artillery fires all fell into the sea!
And in the next moment.




Seven earth-shattering dragon chant and sword cries suddenly resounded through the world!

Immediately, seven majestic cyan rainbows soared into the sky from the civilian cruise ship!

In the blink of an eye, they shot towards the four Oriental frigates that intercepted them!




Following the four earth-shattering roars, the four Oriental frigates that had no time to react were all chopped into pieces by the seven blue rainbows that descended from the sky, like cutting tofu, and suddenly exploded on the sea, turning into balls of fire!

And seeing this shocking and inexplicable scene, all the fleets in the entire sea area couldn't help being completely sluggish on the spot, and couldn't believe their eyes.

In any case, they never thought that the unarmed civilian cruise ship would display such incredible mysterious power.

Not only did the missile naval guns have no effect on it, but they even easily solved the four Toyo frigates, which is simply unbelievable!
For a moment, looking at the wreckage of the four frigates that were gradually sinking on the sea, everyone showed unprecedented horror.

Oh my god, that scene just now was simply a supernatural force.

Could it be that the civilian cruise ship is really a ghost ship?

It's so scary!

At this time, the drone that was broadcasting live to the world above the sky happened to capture the shocking scene just now.

Immediately, countless people around the world who watched the live broadcast were shocked beyond measure.

This, is this the latest black technology developed by which country?Or an alien civilization?
At this time, the people in the East in front of the screen felt heartbroken when they saw the four frigates of their own country being completely destroyed and sunk.

The cruise ship that suddenly appeared, shouldn't it be a secret weapon developed by Huaxia secretly?Otherwise, how could they come to oppose their combined fleet of Dongyang Citi at this moment.

Thinking of this, all the Dongyang people can't help but feel full of anger.

Those greedy and despicable Chinese people not only want to invade their own country's territory, but now they openly provoked a war.

This is simply asking for death!
But at this time, the Chinese people who watched the live broadcast couldn't help but feel inexplicably excited.

In any case, they did not expect that the United Fleet, which was showing off its might and power, would be put into such a mess by a civilian ship at this moment.

This is so exciting!
For a moment, countless people around the world who were waiting in front of the TV all focused their eyes on the cruise ship, with mixed feelings and mixed feelings in their hearts...

And at this moment, the Huaxia East Sea Fleet, which was in the waters west of the Diaoyu Islands, was also extremely shocked at this moment.

On the command ship in the center of the fleet, the vice admiral stood at the bow of the ship, holding binoculars, looking at the civilian cruise ship that was rapidly heading towards the enemy, and exclaimed uncontrollably:
"Who is that cruise ship? It's unbelievable that it dared to openly confront the combined fleet of Citigroup and Dongyang!"

But at this time, Chu Yuntian, who was standing aside, saw the seven cyan rainbows bursting from the cruise ship.Suddenly it seemed to be petrified, and he was completely stunned on the spot.

The next moment, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

Seeing this, the vice admiral suddenly turned pale and said:

"General Chu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

(End of this chapter)

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