I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 941 Longtan Tiger Den

Chapter 941 Longtan Tiger Den
At this time, Chu Yuntian opened his eyes wide, looking at the civilian cruise ship in the distance in shock and inexplicably, and exclaimed involuntarily:
"Oh my god, how is this possible? It's really him!"

Hearing this, the vice admiral was even more astonished, and then blurted out:
"General Chu, do you know that cruise ship?"

"Then, the person on that boat is the master I'm waiting for, Mr. Wu!"

Chu Yuntian trembled uncontrollably.

Hearing this, the Vice Admiral was stunned for a moment, and then showed an unprecedented look of shock.

No matter what, he never thought that the mentor that General Chu had been waiting for would be on that cruise ship at this moment. This is simply unbelievable!
Who is General Chu's mentor?How could you be so daring?How dare they trespass on the extremely powerful United Fleet.

This is tantamount to going deep into the dragon's lake and tiger's lair, and there is no chance of survival!

"Immediately send an order that all fleets prepare for first-level combat and go to support my master at any time."

Chu Yuntian ordered suddenly.

Hearing this, the vice admiral couldn't help being taken aback, but seeing Chu Yuntian's unquestionable expression, he immediately stopped hesitating and saluted and said:

"Yes, General Chu."

At the same time, the entire Citigroup Pacific Fleet and everyone in the Eastern Maritime Self-Defense Force fell into an uncontrollable shock.

No one could have imagined that in the face of the attack and interception of their joint fleet, that humble civilian cruise ship came to them unscathed. This is really unbelievable.

At this moment, on the deck of the Nimitz aircraft carrier, the ice ball that was continuously burning with blue flames has melted from the original five meters in diameter to only one meter thick.

Although the little beauty inside the ice cube was about to be obtained, Austin, who was standing aside, turned his attention to the cruise ship in the distance.

Naturally, he also saw that unimaginable scene just now, and he was extremely surprised, but he also realized something.

"Hehe, it seems that guy is finally here."

Austin sneered playfully.

Hearing this, the young adjutant at the side was startled, then suddenly thought of something, and blurted out:
"General, you mean the person on the cruise ship, that Huaxia Mr. Wu?!"

"Who else could it be but that guy?"

Austin snorted coldly, then looked at the civilian cruise ship approaching in the distance, narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"Unexpectedly, this guy is really brave, and he dared to trespass on my entire Pacific Fleet alone.

I really don't know whether to call him brave or stupid! "

Then Austin withdrew his gaze, looked at the rapidly melting ice ball in front of him again, and said with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth:
"Now that we have this mermaid, that Mr. Wu has no value.

Pass on the order, and the whole army will spare no effort to concentrate their firepower to blow that wrecked ship to powder! "

"Yes, General."

The young adjutant immediately took the order to retreat.

Suddenly, Austin glanced at the cruise ship again, sneered and said:
"Hehe, you self-righteous and ridiculous guy, this time the president will let you come and go!"

In an instant, on the vast expanse of sea, the numerous weapon systems of numerous frigates, destroyers, and cruisers all locked on the rapidly approaching civilian cruise ship.

At the same time, many nuclear-powered submarines lurking underwater also opened their torpedo tubes and aimed at the cruise ship that came to die.




On top of the six nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, advanced fighter jets loaded with ammunition took off one after another.

In an instant, the trinity of air, sea, and underwater targets were all locked on the civilian cruise ship!
The next moment, under the shocking eyes of countless people around the world.

The entire Pacific Fleet fired at once!
Countless cruise missiles, anti-ship torpedoes, large-caliber naval guns, automatic guns, and other powerful weapons shot at the civilian cruise ship from the sky, sea, and underwater simultaneously!

Seeing this unprecedented shocking scene, countless people around the world who watched the live broadcast couldn't help being dumbfounded and shocked beyond measure.

No one thought that a civilian cruise ship could cause the entire Pacific Fleet to attack it with such a large force.

This is incredible!
Sure enough, Citigroup's Pacific Fleet is not easy to mess with. This dense and powerful firepower is enough to raze an island to the ground!
Now that cruise ship is completely finished!
At this time, the people in the East who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help cheering up. Their four sacrificial frigates were finally able to avenge their shame!

All villains who dare to insult their country, die!

And at this moment, on the command ship of the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet, many officers and crew members looked at the overwhelming, sea-air-submarine trinity concentrated fire attack, all showing an unprecedented look of shock.

"It's over, it's over..."

The vice admiral looked at the cruise ship that was about to be hit by countless firepower, completely sluggish on the spot, his face pale.

He never expected that Citigroup's Pacific Fleet would launch a general attack without any warning, which made it too late for them to stop it.

Now General Chu's mentor is doomed...

At this time, Chu Yuntian was equally horrified.Although he had inexplicable confidence in his master, he couldn't help being extremely worried when he saw the terrifying firepower.

Can my mentor really escape this catastrophe?

For a moment, countless people watched the cruise ship that was about to be covered by artillery fire with bated breath, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

However, just when everyone thought that the civilian cruise ship was about to be bombed to the brim.

The cruise ship, which was driving at full speed on the sea, disappeared without a trace in an instant!
God, how is this possible?

Although the cruise ship is not a military ship, it is also a large ship of nearly [-] tons.

How could it just disappear out of thin air so suddenly?




At the next moment, when the overwhelming countless missiles, torpedoes, and naval guns all bombarded the empty sea, blowing up waves of spray and huge waves in vain.

Only then did everyone realize that everything they saw was true, and that the cruise ship had really disappeared!
Seeing this unimaginable scene, whether it was the fleet at sea or the global audience watching the live broadcast, they couldn't help but stare blankly, showing an unprecedented look of shock.

God, is that cruise ship really a ghost ship?
And in the next moment.


A shocking sword cry, like an ancient dragon, suddenly resounded through the sky!

In an instant, under the incredible eyes of everyone.

In the water mist that was bombarded by the fierce artillery fire, a supreme sword shadow shining with deep purple light, like a dragon coming from the east with purple energy, soared into the sky with majestic and mighty power!

(End of this chapter)

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