Chapter 976
Hearing this, both Ying Ning and Xiao Yu couldn't help being surprised.

They never thought that the iceberg under their feet not only did not harm their relatives, but had been guarding and maintaining their lives.

This is really unexpected.

But at this moment, the one who was more shocked and inexplicable than them was the big fish dream butterfly who was the person involved.

It was only at this moment that she finally realized why Guhua Xianzong had trapped herself in this forbidden black ice when she left the earth, and she would never be free.

It turned out that this restriction was actually the only guarantee that allowed him to live until now.

It seems that I have misunderstood them for tens of thousands of years...

Thinking of this, Dayu Mengdie couldn't help but feel ashamed, and the resentment towards Gu Hua Xianzong was completely relieved at this moment.

At this time, Wu You stepped on the ice field under his feet, then smiled and said:
"Because of this, if you break this iceberg now, in this Dharma-ending era where spiritual energy is scarce, your every move will consume an unimaginably huge amount of spiritual energy.

Even the aura in this chaotic space is not enough to maintain your daily needs.

Before long, you will fall into an eternal sleep again, until the aura in your body is exhausted and you die.

So for the sake of your own life, it is better not to remove this forbidden black ice. "

"Yes, Master."

Big Yu Mengdie bowed respectfully.

Although I still have some regrets in my heart, compared to death, freedom should be put aside first...

At this moment, Ying Ning and Xiao Yu also felt a little bit disappointed, with helpless expressions on their faces.

And at this moment, Wu Youfeng smiled lightly and said:
"You don't need to be so depressed, after another year, the spiritual energy in the world will recover, ushering in the golden age of practice again.

And at that time, the restriction Xuanbing can be lifted. "

As soon as this remark came out, Dayu Mengdie immediately lifted his spirits, although he didn't understand how Wu You knew that the world would recover in a year.

But an inexplicable intuition told her that her master definitely didn't just talk about it.

If that day really comes, I will be able to gain real freedom!
And now I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years, a year is simply not worth mentioning...

"So big fish, you will stay in this chaotic space from now on. Although the aura here is not enough for you to improve your strength, it is enough for your daily needs, and you don't need to rely on deep sleep to maintain your life.

Moreover, the power of chaos in this chaotic space has the effect of improving the cultivation qualifications of creatures, which can be said to be of great benefit to you.

And here to practice the return to the source method taught by this seat to you, it will get twice the result with half the effort.After the prosperous age of practice comes, your strength will increase dramatically. "

Wu You smiled lightly.

Hearing these words, Dayu Mengdie could no longer restrain the excitement in her heart, and immediately bent her soft waist deeply, thanking her endlessly:

"Thank you for your kindness, Master, Big Fish will definitely repay your kindness with his whole life."

At this time, the two girls, Ying Ning and Xiao Yu, also showed joy in their eyes.

Xiaoyu, in particular, was overjoyed when he learned that his mother finally no longer fell into a deep sleep.

She had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and today she finally fulfilled her wish for tens of thousands of years and was able to truly reunite with her mother.

And just when the mother and daughter were overjoyed.

Wu You suddenly looked at the blue-haired beautiful woman with a strange face, and asked with a half-smile:
"Big fish, after tens of thousands of years, do you still have extra scales?"

Suddenly hearing this, Dayu Mengdie couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment, and when he realized it, he replied respectfully without hesitation:

"Master, there are many such things."

As soon as he finished speaking, without any hesitation, he stretched out his snow-white catkin and pointed to the ice field under his feet.


There was a muffled sound inside the iceberg.

In an instant, a vast white light shone on the ice surface.

And when the light gradually dissipated, under the shocked eyes of everyone in the audience.

A small mountain made up of countless giant scales shining with a faint blue light and overflowing with cold air is impressively displayed in front of the world!
"Master, these scales are what I shed in the past 1000 years, and any earlier ones have turned into dust.

But on these scales, there is no spiritual power now.If the master needs this kind of thing, he can get it directly from me. "

Big Yu Mengdie bowed his head sincerely and said.

Facing her master's grace of regeneration, she was wondering how to repay it.

If the scales on her body were really useful to her master, she would not mind pulling out some and offering them to her master.

"No need, these molted Beiming cold scales are enough."

Wu You smiled slightly, looked at the huge pile of scales in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

The Northern Dark Frost Scale is a very precious ice-cold treasure. In the low-level practice world, it belongs to the top-grade treasure of heaven and earth.

Although the Northern Darkness Frost Scales in front of me had already shed from their bodies for a long time, the spiritual power contained in them was almost exhausted, and they were no longer suitable for making magic weapons or refining elixirs.

But Wu You's purpose is not here.

The next moment, Wu You stretched out a jade-like palm.

An icy blue silkworm baby was lazily lying in its hands.

Seeing this scene, Big Yu Mengdie couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling puzzled.

I really don't understand, what does my master want to do with a worm out of nowhere?
And in the next moment.

The sleepy silkworm baby in Wu You's hand seemed to feel something, and his spirit suddenly lifted, and he immediately raised his small head to look around.

And when it saw the hill made of northern dark scales, it immediately showed unprecedented greed.

Immediately, it turned into a blue glow, flying away recklessly!

Immediately, under everyone's amazed eyes, the baby silkworm actually lay down on the mountain of scales and began to gnaw greedily!

As it devoured wildly, a huge scale on the top of the mountain became smaller and smaller like a slowly melting ice cube.

But the originally small silkworm baby grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming more and more bloated...

I don't know how long after that, under the rapt attention of everyone.

The huge scale with a diameter of more than one meter was completely eaten away!

And the baby silkworm that was proudly lying on the top of the mountain turned into a giant silkworm as thick as an arm and with a chubby body!
Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked and inexplicable.

It turned out that Wu You wanted those Kun scales to feed that bug.

And in the next moment.

The bloated ice-blue giant silkworm suddenly took a deep breath, and then spit out a flash of blue ice silk like smoke and waterfall!
(End of this chapter)

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