Chapter 977
"Master, then, what is that?"

Big Yu Mengdie stared blankly at the ice silk spit out by the fat silkworm, and asked in amazement.

With the strength of the alchemy stage, she naturally saw at a glance that those ice threads were extraordinary, emitting powerful and strange fluctuations all the time.

It's unbelievable.

"That worm is called the Thousand Illusion Ice Silkworm, and it can devour and absorb all icy things in the world.

Thus spit out the Thousand Illusion Ice Silk, which is regarded as a treasure in the entire cultivation world, and it is the best material for refining magic weapons.

The spiritual weapon Thousand Illusion Clothes on this seat is refined from this Thousand Illusion Ice Silk and other materials. "

Wu Youfeng smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Big Yu Mengdie couldn't help being shocked.She could naturally feel that the gorgeous robe on her master was extraordinary.Even in the ancient Hua Xianzong back then, they all belonged to the treasures of the Zhenzong, extremely precious!
And she never thought that those discarded scales of hers could be transformed into such magical treasures, which is really inconceivable.

It can only be said that this miraculous master of his own is really amazing!
And at this moment, the beautiful apprentices behind Wu You couldn't help but brighten their eyes when they saw the ice silk spit out by the fat silkworm.

Especially those big and small beauties who were still wearing ordinary clothes, they were even more excited.

They have long been yearning for the quasi-spiritual weapon made of this Qianhuan ice silk, Qianhuan Yunshang.

It not only has a strong defensive ability, but also slightly improves the user's spiritual consciousness.

And the most important thing is that this precious garment can change shape arbitrarily according to the owner's will.

Evening dresses, professional attire, nurse uniforms, school uniforms, bikinis...

In other words, owning a piece of Qianhuan Yunshang is equivalent to owning all the beautiful clothes in the world.

This is simply the ultimate dream of every woman!
However, because the Thousand Illusory Iceworm often lacks food, it can only produce very little ice silk each time, which is not enough to refine magic weapons, so the girls are also very helpless.

But at this moment, after seeing that Thousand Illusion Iceworms finally spit out a large amount of ice silk, and there are many "food" piled up like a mountain.

All the girls couldn't help being elated and excited.

Now they can finally ask their master to refine a Thousand Illusory Cloud Dress for themselves!

Thinking of this, all the beauties in the field, big and small, looked at Wu You with beautiful eyes, their eyes full of anticipation and admiration.

A moment later, when the Thousand Illusory Iceworm swallowed a huge scale again and vomited out another piece of ice silk, it lay down on the top of the mountain and fell asleep comfortably.

But at this moment, Wu You waved his sleeves, and those Thousand Illusion Ice Silks suddenly flew up, gathering in his hands like smoke and mist.

The next moment, a gray ball of light suddenly enveloped the ice-blue thread, and then burst into a burst of dazzling brilliance.

When the gray ball of light gradually dissipated, a bright blue light shot towards the little blue-haired beauty in the field in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Big Yu Mengdie couldn't help being startled, but he didn't stop him.Because she believed in her master, she would never hurt Xiaoyu.

And at the next moment, when the bright blue light hit the blue-haired little girl in the middle of the field, Xiao Yu felt a layer of warm and smooth things suddenly wrap her delicate body.

When she looked down in amazement, she suddenly found that she was wearing an elegant and gorgeous ancient-style long dress shining with ice blue light.

"Wow, what a beautiful dress, it's as pretty as Sister Yingning's."

Looking at the icy blue long dress shrouded in sunlight, Xiao Yu couldn't help but cheered.

Immediately, he came to Wu You happily, and said with joy and gratitude:
"Thank you Master, this dress is really beautiful."

"Really, as long as you like it, this is some kind of intention of being a teacher."

Wu You smiled lightly, and patted the head of the little beauty in front of her lightly.

Seeing this, Dayu Mengdie couldn't help giving her grateful eyes to her generous master.

And at the next moment, Wu You's body swayed suddenly, almost falling down.

Seeing this, everyone present was shocked.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Ying Ning and Xiao Yu beside him quickly stretched out their jade hands, and tightly held Wu You's arm.


In an instant, Tao Xiaomeng, Han Shuangyue, Duan Jiaqi, Cao Yuxi, Tang Liangying, Li Yinan, Hu Yu, Ye Muxue, Si Jinyan, Si Hongchen, Su Xiaoxi, Su Qiqi, Xu Zitong, Wang Boya, Tian Qiaoling, Gao Lili, Meng Qingru, seventeen people were floating in the air. Ruoxian's beauties, big and small, ran forward with a pale face.

Minamoto Chiyuki, Minamoto Chiha, Kamo Kotone, Yamaguchi Sakurako, Betty Adams, Christina, six foreign beauties also gathered around anxiously.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Dayu Mengdie, Ji Chi, and Zhou Zi also walked forward anxiously.

For a moment, Wu You was surrounded by nearly thirty beauties of all sizes and boundlessly glamorous.

A voice of concern and worry resounded throughout the audience.

Pairs of beautiful eyes with flowing autumn water, all showed a look of extreme tension.

At this moment, Wu You, who was surrounded by thousands of flowers, shook his head and said with a smile:
"You don't need to be so nervous. This seat is just too exhausted for the primordial spirit this time. It will be fine after adjusting the breath for a while. Don't worry."

Hearing the sound, the many beauties around him breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still concern in the eyes of the young man in front of him.

At this time, Big Yu Mengdie felt even more guilty in his heart. If it wasn't for saving himself, the master wouldn't be so weak...

"Okay, I'll take a break for now, I'll talk about anything later."

Immediately, Wu You sat cross-legged surrounded by all the girls, slowly closed his eyes, and began to adjust his breath, which was almost exhausted.

Seeing this, nearly [-] beauties with different characteristics and glamorous beauties around them immediately closed their lips tightly, not daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Wu You.

In this way, about a whole night passed.

When Wu You regained some of his primordial spirit and opened his eyes again, he found that the girls were still waiting by his side every step of the way.

Seeing this, Wu You smiled lightly and stood up slowly.

"Master, how are you doing?"

Tao Xiaomeng immediately asked nervously.

Many beauties, big and small, also showed great concern.

"Don't worry, I won't die yet."

Wu You smiled slightly, and then said calmly to everyone in the field:
"Since there is nothing else going on here now, let's go back first."

After all, under the incomparably respectful eyes of everyone in the audience, Wu You suddenly disappeared in place, leaving this vast and boundless chaotic space.

(End of this chapter)

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