I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 986 The girl in purple

Chapter 986 The girl in purple
Hearing this, the purple-clothed girl who was closing her eyes and adjusting her breath suddenly opened her eyes, and a cold light shot out from them.

In an instant, he directed at the lingering strange young man beside him, and asked in a deep voice:

"Who the hell are you? Did the people from the Holy Martial Hall send you here?"

"Who am I? Well...my name is Li Goudan. This time I'm just going to the capital for some errands, but I don't know what the Holy Martial Palace is."

Wu You shook his head calmly.

"Li Goudan?"

Hearing this, the beautiful girl in purple was taken aback, only feeling that the person in front of her didn't seem to be lying.

Moreover, she could also sense that the young man sitting next to her at this moment was indeed just an ordinary person, and did not pose any threat to her.

Is this really just a coincidence?
"Shut up, sit down obediently, and don't disturb my rest."

The girl in purple glared coldly at the unremarkable boy, then slowly closed her beautiful eyes, and began to adjust her breath to heal her wounds again.

Seeing this, Wu You smiled indifferently, and then closed his eyes to recharge his batteries.

The next moment, the long-distance bus, which was already full of passengers, slowly left the station and headed towards Huaxia Capital...

Speechless all the way.

Until near noon, the bus, which had been driving steadily for more than an hour, suddenly slammed on the brakes and stopped on a remote road.

The drowsy passengers in the car were instantly awakened by the strong inertia, and they all looked out the window in horror.

Then it was discovered that five or six black Hummers stopped the bus.

And at the next moment, the doors of those Humvees opened all at once, and one by one, warriors dressed in strong clothes and with extraordinary momentum got out of the car with fierce expressions on their faces.

Seeing these more than 20 vicious people walking towards the bus where they were, all the passengers could not help but turn pale with shock.

Could it be, did they encounter robbers?
But is it really necessary for robbers who can drive Hummers to rob those who ride in buses?
But at this time, the purple-clothed girl in the car had already opened her eyes, and when she saw the many warriors walking straight outside the car, she immediately showed unprecedented nervousness.

And just when she wanted to break through the window and escape.

But found that those warriors moved suddenly, with an afterimage, and instantly surrounded the entire bus!
These more than 20 warriors are surprisingly strong in Huajin!
At the next moment, an old man with a long beard wearing a white robe and a childlike face suddenly appeared out of the crowd and stood proudly in front of the bus.

And seeing this majestic long-bearded old man, the beautiful girl in purple immediately turned pale, and her eyes showed despair.

This person is indeed the master of the Holy Martial Palace, the powerful Gang Jin Grandmaster, Di Hongliang!
"Xun'er, when you see the lord of this palace, hurry up and pay your respects."

The old man with long beard proudly shouted in a low voice.

Hearing the words that sounded like a bell, the girl in purple couldn't help trembling all over.

However, at this moment, she was seriously injured, and there was no way to escape from a strong master.

Helpless, the beautiful girl in purple could only grit her teeth and stand up from her seat.

Immediately, he turned to the young man blocking the way, and said indifferently with a blank face:
"Step aside."

Hearing this, Wu You slowly opened his eyes, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:

"Can you help me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of the way, or everyone in this car will die."

The purple-clothed girl scolded coldly.

"Then it's up to you."

Wu You smiled lightly, stood up and stood aside indifferently.

The beautiful girl in purple immediately left her seat and got off the bus with a cold expression.

When she came to the front of the car, she stared at the long-bearded old man with cold eyes, and said sternly:
"Zhai Hongliang, what do you want to do?!"

"Xun'er, the master of this hall kindly took you homeless, and spared no effort to provide you with cultivation resources, allowing you to break through the dark energy in such a short period of time, and directly reached the middle stage of energy transformation at a young age.

However, you are ungrateful and leave as soon as you say it, which really makes this old man very sad. "

Di Hongliang, the master of the Holy Martial Palace, shook his head and sighed.

"Hmph, Zhai Hongliang, don't put on a show here.

At the beginning, my family was in trouble, so I went to you, but who would have thought that you would have no good intentions.

Everything I did before was just to obtain the ancient martial arts I practiced.

But I told you a long time ago that this exercise I cultivated cannot be taught to others at all, but you just don't believe it.

Seeing that your goal has not been achieved, you intensified your threats and threatened me.

Even when they learned that I wanted to go to Kyoto, they even sent someone to put me under house arrest.

If I stay in your Holy Martial Hall any longer, I'm afraid that sooner or later I will lose my life, so if I don't leave now, let alone when! "

The girl in purple stared at Di Hongliang, and said coldly.

Hearing this, Di Hongliang's eyes flashed brightly, and he immediately shouted coldly from embarrassment:
"Hmph, you little girl is already tearing your face apart, so the Palace Master won't waste any time.

Now quickly follow me back to the Holy Martial Hall, and write down the ancient martial art you practiced in detail for me, otherwise the master of this hall will make your life worse than death! "

After saying that, the energy in Zhai Hongliang's whole body suddenly surged, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

For a while, under the majestic power of this powerful master.

The beautiful girl in purple shivered involuntarily, with a look of despair on her face.

It seems that I am doomed today...

But at this moment, a playful voice suddenly came from behind him.

"It seems that you are in trouble, can I help you?"

Hearing this, the purple-clothed girl immediately frowned and looked back.

It turned out that the person who spoke was that arrogant young man who seemed to have a problem with his brain.

Immediately scolded in a cold voice:
"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk here, if you don't want to die, go back to the car!"

"Okay, it's up to you."

Wu You smiled lightly and wanted to step into the car.

But at this moment, seeing that the purple-clothed girl seemed to be very concerned about that humble boy, Di Hongliang's eyes lit up.

Immediately, he shouted proudly and coldly at the brat who appeared out of nowhere:
"Little devil, you stop for the master of the palace!"

Hearing the sound, Wu You, who was about to get into the car, couldn't help but stop, turned around and looked at the long-bearded old man in the field, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:
"You old thing, are you calling me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe their ears.

God, is that boy crazy?How dare you humiliate Taishan Beidou, the master of the Holy Martial Palace, and a generation of master Zhai Hongliang in the warrior world of Beihe Province!

This, this is simply asking for death!

(End of this chapter)

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