I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 987 Revenge

Chapter 987 Revenge
At this moment, the girl in purple was stunned on the spot when she heard the young man's indecent words.

She never thought that that brainless kid would dare to be so disrespectful to Zhai Hongliang.

This is really a newborn calf not afraid of death!
You know, although Zhai Hongliang has the status of a master, he is notoriously small-bellied, and he must take revenge.

Being so humiliated today, I'm afraid I will never let it go!

Now that stupid kid who doesn't know what to do and talks nonsense is completely over...

"Old, old thing?"

Sure enough, Di Hongliang flew into a rage when he heard the boy address him!
He is a respected and respected leader of the martial artist world, when did he suffer such humiliation, it is simply unreasonable!
Immediately staring at the unremarkable boy with resentment, he gritted his teeth and said:
"Damn little bastard, you dare to act presumptuously in front of the master of this palace, I'm really tired of working!"

In an instant, under the shocking eyes of everyone.

Di Hongliang suddenly turned into a white phantom, and charged towards the youth in the arena majesticly, intending to tear him into pieces!
But at this critical juncture, the arrogant young man who uttered wild words stood quietly where he was, without any reaction.

Hmph, it really is a naive brat who can only play tricks, but he was frightened stupid at this moment.But if you offend the master of the palace, you have to pay the price!
With a ferocious smile, Di Hongliang struck at the young man like a bamboo shoot!

Seeing this scene, although the girl in purple couldn't bear it, she was powerless to stop it.I could only turn my head away, unable to bear to watch the tragedy that followed.

And in the next moment.



With a muffled sound, a vague figure howled miserably, drew an arc in the void, and fell in front of the surrounding disciples of the Holy Martial Palace.

Seeing this, many disciples of the Holy Martial Hall immediately surrounded them with ferocious faces, wanting to make amends to the people on the ground.

And just when they stretched out their feet, ready to kick this ignorant brat to death.But at the next moment, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and he was completely stunned on the spot.

I saw that the person on the ground was none other than Zhai Hongliang!

This, how is this possible?

How could it be possible for the majestic master of the Holy Martial Hall, a generation of grandmasters, to be beaten away just like that?
In an instant, looking at the tragic appearance of the long-bearded old man on the ground with a bruised nose, blood and tears streaming down his face, everyone present seemed to be petrified, all dumbfounded, and their minds went blank...

In any case, they never thought that Zhai Hongliang, a master who had been immersed in martial arts for decades, would be defeated so easily by a little boy.

This, this is simply incredible!
But at this time, when the beautiful girl in purple turned around and found that the defeated person was actually Zhai Hongliang, she immediately showed unprecedented shock, and couldn't believe her eyes.

She knew very well about this leading figure in the martial artist world of Beihe Province, that he was a genuine Gang Jin Grandmaster with incomparably powerful strength.

However, at this moment, he was kicked away like a dead dog, which is really unbelievable!
For a moment, everyone in the audience looked at the ordinary young man in ordinary casual clothes in amazement, and the shock in their hearts couldn't be overstated.

How could a seemingly young boy have such appalling combat prowess?
"He, who is he? How can he be so strong?"

The beautiful girl in purple stared blankly at the field, and the ordinary boy who had easily defeated Zhai Hongliang with one move suddenly set off a storm in his heart.

It wasn't until this moment that she finally realized why this seemingly ordinary boy kept asking herself if she needed help, and even made insulting remarks to a Gang Jin master.

It turned out that they didn't speak brazenly at all, but really possessed such a strength that outshone all other heroes!
But I always thought that this young man was just a weak chicken, which is really ridiculous when I think about it now.

The purple-clothed girl smiled wryly and shook her head, with mixed emotions in her heart, extremely embarrassed...

And just when everyone in the audience was shocked and inexplicable.

As the "victim", Zhai Hongliang sat up unsteadily, and then blood flowed from his eyes, nose and mouth, dyeing his pure white robe red...

At this moment, the heart of this generation of grandmasters has already set off unprecedented stormy waves.He really didn't expect that ordinary young man to be a martial artist.

And his strength is still far above his own, and he has reached the peak of strength!

That's only half a step away, a powerful existence that will set foot on the ancient martial arts road!

And at such a young age, someone who can become a master of strength is impossible for ordinary warriors.

It is rumored that in the entire Huaxia martial arts world, only the direct disciples of the ancient martial arts sect, or the elite children of the five great families, who have received the nourishment of panacea since childhood and practiced high-level ancient martial arts, can have such strength at a young age.

Could it be that this ordinary-looking young man in front of him is actually a child of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, or even the five great aristocratic families? !
Thinking of this, Zhai Hongliang gasped suddenly, his whole body shivering like falling into an ice cave.

The Ancient Martial Dao Sect, that is the oldest mysterious sect in China, is the birthplace of modern martial arts, and has a pivotal position in the entire China.

His disciples are all over the north and south of the river, and their strengths are at their peak.Most of them are big figures with hands and eyes all over the world, and they are in charge of one side.

It can be said that it almost controls the entire Chinese warrior world!

And the five great families that control the ancient martial arts sect behind them are the most powerful families in China.

It is the topmost existence in the entire ancient martial arts world, and its strength and prestige are completely unimaginable!
And regardless of whether the vigorous young man is from the ancient martial arts sect or from the five great families, he is far from being something that his little master of the Holy Martial Palace can provoke...

And just when Zhai Hongliang was frightened.

I saw that unfathomable young man suddenly pointed at the beautiful girl in purple clothes in the field, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"She's the woman I've been fancying for a long time. You guys better stop thinking about her, or you will bear the consequences."

Hearing this, Di Hongliang suddenly reacted, and then his mind was shocked.

It turned out that this mysterious and energetic young man was interested in that "ungrateful" little girl, and now his plan was completely in vain.

Facing a big man whose own strength is extremely powerful, and the forces behind him may be even more terrifying, he has no room to resist at all.Otherwise, not only would it be difficult for him to protect himself, but the entire Holy Martial Palace might be destroyed...

Immediately without any hesitation, Zhai Hongliang endured the pain all over his body, and immediately leaned over to the vigorous young man and begged:

"My lord, I'm sorry, this time it's all because of the villain's lack of eyesight, and he overpowered you, I'm really sorry.

Don't worry, my lord. From now on, I, Shengwudian, will never pester your woman again. I beg you to forgive us this time. "

(End of this chapter)

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